Bronze to GM(Educational)

I will be making a bronze to grand master series. I have a friend in bronze who always complains about Smurfs being in bronze. I suspect this is true however I do think it isn’t as frequent as he mentions it to be. so anyways I will be starting from the bottom and making my way back to GM. i will be using any hero except support. obviously this videos nature will be educational as low elo players can learn from what I do in the match and evolve.
Part 1 here below
I will do the video in parts because it will be a long process.

EDIT: 23/11/18 Part 2 is up below

EDIT: 28/11/18 Part 3 is up below

Ok here i play only mercy the whole game :slight_smile:


Be prepared for hate. Which heroes will you be using? Why no support?

I don’t mind using supports but what i had initially decided was to use dps and only tank being zarya this is because it will make it more easier for me to climb back up. But since you asked what support would you like me to play I don’t mind. the whole purpose of this video is to help the community out. I guess I could play zen XD. OH yeah as much as I would like to one trick a hero to GM It won’t work because of counters so yh.

Come on, if you are already gm with dps show some Challenge, for example pick hero best for comp to fill 2 2 2, picking as last. :slight_smile:


Whats the point to play as a “GM - i assume?” Dps player with already decent aim on bronze ? 90% of the time you wont even be able to need to do ANYTHING tactical because aim should do it.


Ok you guys pick heroes you want me to play and I’ll play then all if that’s what you want. I don’t usually play support but I defiantly think I am capable of doing so. So list all the heroes you want me to play and I will do it on part 2. put the heroes in the comment section and I’ll play them no problem. :slight_smile:

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It would be interesting to watch support play if you dont play support in your elo. Pick any support hero in games you want :slight_smile: but wait for others to pick first, if anyone else will pick 2 support you are free to play anything you want. What do you think? It should be fun and challenging.

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While i probably wont watch it unless its Dia / master + i’d like to watch some Maintank PoV :slight_smile:

I might check it out in later parts, good luck ^^

Hmm so essentially you want me to fill rather then insta-lock dps interesting. But no worries. I can do that

If you instalock dps, your main role in GM this will be short aducational project because you will climb super fast. But its fine do what you think will be best for you. I will definitely watch it.

I’m curious how many times your teammates recognize you are a GM smurf carrying them.


Let me prove him wrong by smurfing in bronze. Slow clap.

There are far better ways of being “educational” than stomping through low SR matches to get where you belong. If you started in diamond or master, maybe. But what is the actual point of starting in the lowest possible bracket?

“look guys, if you had my mechanics, awareness and understanding, this would be a breeze for you too”


I was expecting this kind of response. There are people who are legitimately stuck in bronze and silver. Am doing this series for every possible rank. why start at diamond and miss out 4 ranks that’s not fair on people who are stuck there. Also you don’t even need to be mechanically good to get to gm. BTW GUYS on the vid at 55:53 is why i don’t use tracer :frowning:


New account to GM is allowed and is popular for pro players.

Bronze to GM is bannable. It’s been done. Everyone knows a GM can get out of bronze no problem, and does nothing but cyber bully on the way.

Why is it bannble? Because there are only two ways for a GM player to be in bronze, account sharing or throwing. Both of these, on their own, are bannable.

Edit: I watched a bit of it. In case we had any real doubt about your intentions, you’re being toxic:

at 36:03:

hanzomain: wee need 2 heals
sully: ?
hanzomain: rly
hanzomain: my kill
sully: can u guys get back on payload so it move faster stop being stupid
hanzomain: no
sully: no wonder ur bronze

P.S. I came from bronze, and your kind make bronze super unpleasant.


I admit i was slightly toxic in the video but my intention still remains it is educational. Otherwise why would i be making a video XD. But also on that note “no wonder your bronze” that was also a tip for that daddy doom he was off payload “EDUCATIONAL BRO” he prob didnt even know the payload moved faster relax man. Were all overwatch players and want the same thing :slight_smile: And you asked listen i didn’t throw any games to get to bronze i bought a new account and ended up in bronze looool.

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This isn’t a debate. This is a notification. Consider yourself educated.


I don’t feel like i learnt something if your actually crying because i said that then i don’t know what to say guess you are sensitive. But i meant well either way ill try not to repeat what i did. And for the record just because someone is GM doesn’t mean they will win every single game from the bottom to the top until he reaches his rank. Remember this is a team based game. If you are one GM smurf vs 6 plats and 5 of your team mates are doing nothing its going to be extremely hard to win the game if not impossible. But am sure eventually you would somewhat reach your rank.

Widow only. Im pretty sure you would not hit gm as widow.

unless your kephrii lmao but then again he duo. 0.0

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Title is misleading. This isn’t educational at all, just you silently beating up on players who are obviously less skilled than you. You don’t give any tips or advice, you don’t explain your hero selection, nor your thought process while playing.