Took advantage of the $15 dollar sale

Agreed I can carry in gold can’t carry in plat.

Initial placements are usually pretty inaccurate and place you closer to the average (about 2350) than your actual sr. It’s why my accounts frequently place around 3k instead of master. Play 50 games on the account and see where you end up. My bet is silver this season, and after one or two more seasons you’ll be within 300 of your main.


Even if a top 500 started in bronze in soloQ will take more than 1 year playing everyday to back at his rank.

yeah simple. you need to play more games, you can only drop that much from the initial ~2500 the system assumes you are when entering your first placement game

and if you get lucky and win a few without you doing much you literally can’t drop out of gold. it’s mathematically impossible

play 50 more games and see if you’re still gold then

He will very slowly derank as the system wants.

Top 500 gets to gold in a few hours. You can check this thread, which has video proof (GM player):

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You’re wasting your breath, people are here to complain and won’t listen to the advice of anyone masters+ because, you know, it’s all luck. And if you tell them you have multiple accounts at the same level, you’re just “SR bashing”. Complete denial, just let them be bronze.


He didnt start with less than 500 sr.
Plus he has a fresh account.

i went from 600 rank to gold 2 seasons ago playing support. I had been in bronze around 1k since season 5. What you think you know is wrong!

OP i used to have the exact same opinion as you. I used to think support got less sr. That buying a new account would give you a reset that would stick (this account was the first alt i bought to prove sr was wrong within 2 seasons my sr on main and alt matched). All of that is incorrect.


Gold is not top 500.
You just got carried.

Everyone gets placed in gold now.

It’s how the ranked has worked since season 3-4.



So I’m pretty sure that guy’s a troll, but here’s more evidence of how quickly a t500 can escape the low ranks.

867 - 2540 SR in 5 hr 40 mins

2532 - 3958 SR in 21 hr 50 mins

3934 - 4200 in 9 hr 50 mins

So his total time for bronze to t500 was like 37.5 hours, and he did it over a period of three days. If I remember correctly, he also didn’t lose a game until mid diamond.


You probably got carried to get in your rank also.

With a fresh account only picking DPS and having a very good aim of course.
Saw same thing with soon.

Personally, I believe I belong in Plat. That’s where I’m at right now. But last season, I had this horrible time where I basically could not get any good teammates, and kept losing, and fell down into gold. I’m back into plat this season where I belong and am getting some actual wins and losses, but straight losses to fall down into gold like last season.
What I did want to say, and why I’m posting, is that gold is a far cry from silver. If you belonged in gold, you could carry a bronze match easy. I was on vacation, and playing on my cousin’s PS4. He wanted some pointers and to show him how to do some stuff, so I did his placements for him. He is a high bronze, low silver player. I was able to carry the entire team on my shoulders, and single handedly win almost every fight by playing as Zen or Rein.

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What rubbish lmao. It took me only a few days to get from <500SR to plat with 2-3 hours of gameplay each day.

A GM would easily get out of there within the first 6-7 hours and climb back up to GM within a week. At most, he will be stuck in masters.

I’ve done exactly this about a year ago.

Bought the game at launch, placed gold and stayed there for seasons 1-3 ~400 hours. even dropped to silver a few times

Took season 4 and 5 off

Came back to the same account, out of practice mind you, for season 6 after months of not playing. Placed high plat, climbed to diamond a week after. I’ve been there on that same account for a year ~500 hours

Season 7 is when I wanted to see if it was a fluke or if the system just sucks. Bought my first alt account. Did the placements and got high plat, climbed to diamond, just like my first account. This alt account has recently become my main with 1000 or so hours, never dropped below 2900

I did this one more time recently, placed mid plat, climbed to diamond and stayed as of now for about 50 hours

I’m pretty convinced that the system takes into account everything you have done, every little stat from the beginning of the account. I genuinely believe that if you get a clean slate and aren’t carrying the burden of you past games then you will reach your true rank. Back in season 2 when I was hovering between silver and gold I really felt like I belonged in plat. Now I’m consistently in low diamond I feel like I am where I belong

Whether its elo hell or bad luck or a faulty ranking system it doesn’t hurt to at least try

I am playing a team game for the team. With that being said I main support, mostly Ana unless forced to switch due to Winston, Genji, Brig ruining my day, other than that Ana. Yes Ana has the ability to carry at crazy skill levels, which I never stated I have, none the less I do play her well, I have been complimented by groups that understand the game. When you get groups that have no idea how to properly flank, not over extend, and play line of sight for me to heal.

When I first bought the game I placed Silver so your statement is invalid. Many others have placed outside of Gold as well, Gold is simply where the majority fall.

report back after 50 games and let us know where you are.

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Not quite at the 50 game mark and I did fall a bit, just under 200 points but staying consistent lately between 1800-1900 so nothing outside the ordinary swing.