Bronze 5 Placement, bug? - Unable to climb

I’ll try, but if thats the case it is so stupid :skull:

I mean even if its below average, is it bronze 5? I’ve seen videos of what the lowest bronze ranks look like, and its WILD lol. Average is gold, I think bronze 5 still might be a bit harsh? What do you think?

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I think the system is unfair with people who played until the last senson of OW1.

  • I know people who played OW1 but left it month/year ago and they are placed at good rank near to the rank they have when left OW1.
  • New People which never played OW1 but with good skills are placed good like silver or gold.
  • Me and other friends which played until last seson are placed b5

Now i’m playng as b5 but i dont feel teams play like bottom of the rank and some players are overskilled respect to the rest of the teams.

Still no statement to that topic.
PokePoke Blizzard say something PokePoke

My husband is a new player and hit the placements and got out in silver 2.
There while i got ranked new. Like the 5th time.
In bronze 5.

Same not to mention my comp points from the last week have all disappeared

It’s been very frustrating for me as all my roles are placed in bronze 5 , I don’t know if it’s because I did the account merge, but the thing is that my dps skill is very much worse than my tank and support skills which are usually high plat, it turns out I keep winning with tank and support while so much behind on damage when I play dps, then they are all placed in bronze 5 over and over again. Apparently this is so buggy, bronze 5 or whatsoever, my dps role is not same level as others , I can imagine what a mess matchups for every game in bronze 5

I can tell that the matches must be super buggy OR everyone forgot to play suddenly. They are just so over the place and not how Bronze should be playing. A widow getting 5 headshots in a row in Bronze? Either aimbot or Plat player.

I also know I’m not the worst support, but I was surprise to get the lowest rank. If this is Blizz’s idea of “feel good mechanics” to rank up, it doesn’t feel very good.


Just wanted to update here. I couldnt rank up when queing as only support, and since I was bronze 5 I figured f it, I’ll just try out all the roles and q’d for all roles. After 7 wins I went up in rank. Maybe try this if you are stuck like me. Again, I went 14-4 as a support only q and never ranked up. 7-6 as all roles and I ranked up to bronze 3. Doesnt make sense but maybe give it a try.


playing duo with a friend. both of us support and have the same w/l and he has the better stats. He’s stuck b5 after 3, 7 win rank ups. I’m now at B1 after my rank ups. I feel like this is bugged for some and not for others.


Same issue here - cannot rank up and have completed 7 wins in a row, more than 5 times now and I just feel disheartened like I’m wasting my time and now my friends are all outranking me. I hope they can roll back some serious changes to fix this.

what if you ranked below Bronze 5?
it’s really not that easy to get out of this black hole

Assuming all the other players in this lobby were also Bronze 5, and the fact he was the lowest out of all of them, it is safe to say he was significantly below average. Again this is a very low sample size as we do not know the outcomes of his other matches. However 6k per 10 is incredibly low, even for Bronze 5; especially on Ana.

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Already made a post about it, but yeah, same here

Bronze 1 is better than bronze 4 which actually means that you got promoted 3 tiers. Not demoted.

I just finished my support placement games, I made 7 wins in a row and I’m in the “bronze 5” division. Why?
What’s the point of trying to win if there’s no difference between someone who makes 7 wins in a row and someone who plays without a keyboard or mouse, looking out the window?

I was a platinum/diamond player. Did my rankings, won 7 games and got highest damage and damage mitigated by far, placed in Bronze 5. I then shook that slap to the face off, won my next 7 games losing only 2 or three along the way, only to be placed back in Bronze 5 again. I am reading a lot of people are having this bug that means that they cant leave bronze and it is very demotivating, especially to see that Blizzard have yet to acknowledge it anywhere on.

Update: just won another 7 games with 1 loss, instead of ranking up it just kept me at bronze 5 again. It is cruel on these bronze players to keep me here stomping them. It’s also annoying because my friends are ranking up and I am staying the same, despite constantly getting highest DPS and high damage mitigation and barely dying.


We aren’t jumping to conclusions, the bug just doesn’t affect everyone. Some people are able to climb out of Bronze with their 7 wins, some people aren’t regardless of their contribution or win streak. Glad it works for you.


check out this link, claims to know the issue

Infos are interesting.
Anyway if the system works in this way, simply is bad.
In order to don’t get frustrated people need a feedback of their progressions.