Bronze 5 Placement, bug? - Unable to climb

its not busted. If you solo queue bronze is where blizzard thinks you belong.

Definitely bugged, should be fixed by new patch: Overwatch 2 - Patch Notes


As said above a patch is coming out and should address this craziness. GL all! glad it got noticed and they looked into it. :ok_hand:

I have the same problem, i have won 46 games for 31 lose and i cant move of Bronze 5, it’s frustrating and demotivating to keep playing


give it a bit and it should improve if your rank still does not after the patch was launched then from what they said it is a improvement/skill issue. (this isn’t coming from me so don’t come at me please).

It was finally addressed!


  • Many players were ranked too low during the first week of Overwatch 2, so we are implementing a boost as players continue to play games for those affected by this issue.
  • Players who were ranked too low could have the feeling of being stuck in this rank. Moving forward, players should be able to climb the ranks in their first rank update assuming they’re supposed to be higher based on their performance.
  • Players who haven’t ranked will not experience this issue after this patch.

P.S.- Screw all the people who said it was a skill issue and not a bug.

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Still sad that they didnt mentioned anything before.

Although I don’t know the placement system in its entirety doesn’t it also rely on stats and performance during the match(which may cause a difference between you and your friend)? Although I do agree that it seems very suspicious that people are unable to rank up at all.

Guys this is 
 what is this
 i win 28 game i was the best dmg, and kill, got play of the game etc
 and still in bronze 5 why
 ??? The last update isn’t fix this please do someting
 reset the ranked or i don’t know
 but this is NOT GOOD
 And even i can’t climbe
 And i think its not enough
 “we fix it you can climb” because i don’t wana climb i wana the right ranked
 and not bronze 5
 Thx all

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So tell me when do you wana fix it

Still broken for me. I cant seem to go up at all dispite people in my own squad going up whole ranks while I outpreform everyone in the lobby on healer but I am still being robbed of my elo. They didn’t fix anything


For me it is still broken.
I came to the game for competitive and now im just disappointed :frowning:

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As of October 14th, I have won seven games (and only lost a few) as support after getting wrongly placed in Bronze 5 and I didn’t rank up. I’m still in bronze 5 despite winning seven games. So, I’m pretty sure that it’s still broken - doesn’t seemed fixed (at least on my end).

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So they dont admit if they are aware of it now or not. Like the last time.
I dont know if we can get another fix soon or, as it is solved for so much players now, it didnt have any priority.

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Same thing, I won so many good games, but in the end i get B5


Yall didnt fix the bug at all. Still getting ranked Bronze 5 and my stats and gameplay is not even close to bronze 5. just did another 7 wins with 5 loses still bronze 5. my top dps elims everything.


still broken for me as well -.-


Yup, it’s a bug for multiple ranks I believe. As I’m silver 5 for 35 wins now with very minimal losses.

Around 2 per 7 win rating and after 5 sessions I saw this and honestly everyone of my friends telling me to just give up for now as we all play together and I have higher stats among them as well yet they all move up and are not platinum 4 or higher and I can no longer play with them

yup just went 6-0 lost two in a row. so went 7-2 and still bronze 5. all of the 7 wins we rolled them so bad. even had a game last 3:28 and i didn’t died that game. the one lost we had someone leave. i dont get it at this point.

The wins/losses are just when it recalculates. They may also be part of the equation, but it takes your actual performance into account too. It should be possible to lose 20 and rank up or win 7 and rank down depending on your performance in your games.