Bronze 5 Placement, bug? - Unable to climb

Dude, I feel you! last night I won A total of 20 games. Got told I had a tank update to be stuck on Bronze 5. Most of the damage, I’m doing! now that we can how players are individually scoring I’m top tier with some of the other strong players in my group. So it really doesn’t make sense why I’d be sequestered to bronze.

Same for me. I’m stuck in bronze 5. Last 7 was all (easy) wins, still bronze 5. The matchmaking is terrible at the moment. Nothing about the issue from Blizzard. Is this game going to die faster than OW1?

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Same here, can’t rank up. Like the game but if these problems keep happening i’m quitting for sure. The game is so unhealthy…

I am having EXACTLY the same issue, ever since game release I have been grinding non stop and I am still bronze 5,I probably ranked 10 times by now.

Yeah, just got ranked up from bronze 5 to bronze 5. Well gj blizzard. Waiting for fix, no point in playing ranked

bonsoir, j’ai le même problème, avez vous jumelez vos comptes? c’est frustrant mais c’est comme sa les gars. il y as rien as faire mis as part attendre la correction.

heros should not be part of battlepass. only skins should. its an esport. its literally supposed to be a fair competitive game.
everyone should always have access to all the same characters

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I had the same issue. I just moved up bronze 3 finally. I got my wins with several tanks this time rather then main one. Idk if it takes into count that or not. Try switching up hero’s if you haven’t already and win with several.

I’m like 21 - 6 now total with tank

I’m having the same issue as well. I’ve won 24 of 45 games and at each 7 win milestone it keeps me at B5

Has blizzard even acknowledged this issue yet? I haven’t seen anything from them. I won my first 7 comp games to be placed into bronze 5 and unable to rank up. Makes me not even want to play ranked if I can’t even rank up

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I just finish my tank placement and im still stuck bronze 5. But I saw something funny. It say i’ve played 6 game, won 5 and lost 2, this doesn’t make sense at all. I’ve played my placement with my bud who lost 9 game in a row before I join him, he got silver 4. I just wan the rank that I deserve, not a bug bronze V this doesn’t make sens and they are radio silence on this. Now all my roles are stuck bronze V and my buds keep ranking up while I rank up bronze V to bronze V.

The thing that really gets me mad is if you are playing tank or dps you wait in queue for 5 min or so and win 7 games then nothing happens all that time wasted for nothing you might as well just play quick play till this is fixed.

I am experiencing an issue with placements as well. I was bronze 4 and one 8 games in a row and was placed back at bronze 1???

same things happening to me.

Same issue here! Really demotivating.

That means you went up 3 divisions, goes from 5-1 not 1-5 :+1:


I’ve been playing overwatch for about 6 years now. I was Grandmaster in Overwatch 1 and now im hard stuck in bronze5. Thank you game!


We (S1, G3, P1; so around 2200sr/G3 for team average I think?) played with S1, G3 and P1 yesterday and got 2 former T500 as enemies on pharmercy. Was really hard to play against but we managed to win, lol. The mercy was bad tho.

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