Brigitte's shieldhealth should be lowered. It is what makes her dominate everyone 1v1

I actually see the hate for Tracers,and where it’s coming from.But in lover ranks where most people are she wasn’t an issue.I watched a video on a GM playing her(the 1%),and he just melted every support,his aim is almost all headshot and pinpoint accuracy.So I guess the more skill you got the more dangerous she is.
They should’ve done some number tweeks b4 opting to release Brigitte.Like reducing pulse bomb first.And reducing fire damage slightly to avoid oneclipping squishies.
But then if she would’ve still been a problem and they released Brigitte to counter her.Tracer would be even less capable to compete with her.So Idk.

I think the problem is her melee not her shield

No. I’m a Gold Brigitte main that understands what you’re suggesting is crazy.

Don’t insult me by suggesting I’m not able to see past my own interests. Especially when you spent most of your post going over how insulted you feel. You’re really the last person that should be making accusations of personal bias.

EDIT: Oh I should probably mention that I have more hours on Genji than any character except two including 3/4ths as many hours as I currently have on Brigitte, along with a relatively respectable 54% winrate.

No other hero can overextend beyond a shield? LMAO. You are absolutely reaching now.

Yes, since your entire laughable argument was describe as “Brigitte can’t be punished”. When I, a Brigitte main that apparently out-Brigittes the other Brigitte mains, got punished.

No. That is arrogant, and selfish. You are only concerned with your own position.

Whatever, Tracer main. At least you’re showing your true colors now. No more fake civility, huh?

Ah yes, I’m totally benefiting from a character that I’ve flat out said I’ll swap from if I have to and only one-tricked as an experiment.

Yes, clearly you’ve figured out my nefarious agenda.

Which is irrelevant to the fact that other people play even worse than I do.

Last season, someone told me it was literally impossible for Roadhog to win against a team using Brigitte. I asked if he was being hyperbolic and didn’t literally mean it was “impossible” and he told me "No, using Hog against her is a ‘must swap situation’. So I specifically ended the season using nothing but Hog to see if it was true. I went 15-0 against Brigittes. Yes, that’s only 15 games, but I remind you that this person told me it was a “MUST-SWAP” impossible situation after I asked him to clarify multiple times.

So yeah, doesn’t matter how bad I play Brigitte. The people you’re defending are even worse.

The really sad thing is that you don’t even reallize how hypocritical you’re being.

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Her meele is like Symm’s beam.But instead of following you everywhere,it just swings everywhere.

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Im not going to get into this conversation but erm. Theres so many contradictory things here.

  1. The unnesessary ad hominem; you insult succubs for being gold Brigitte main yet you play Tracer who by design is weak against Brigitte
  2. Says their poison, yet wants to basically delete the hero from the game
  3. “Reasonable solutions”. Like your suggestions are any far less reasonable to begin with.

Just something I like to point out. You can say Succubus is bias or whatever, doesnt mean you arent yourself and is actually being unreasonable and toxic.

If you want a reasonable discussion, you shouldnt be the one to be throwing off poison in the first place. Just something in mind if you want to actually have a discussion instead of being a 10 year old


That is such an extreme situation, underscored by a HORRIBLE level of game sense and positioning, that any other hero would never be able to even get in such a situation. That is a problem.

This is arrogant af. Who are you, Brigitte main, to tell me to improve in game sense and positioning to accommodate your hero choice, when you just described to me a situation you seem to often get yourself in that is almost void of game sense and positioning? And you think you can actually describe that situation to me as saying “see look! She can get punished!”?

No. That is arrogant, and selfish. You are only concerned with your own position with this hero, and your own experience with it. For you, having a 66% winrate on this character is “oh well these people say she’s balanced so that means it’s fine and just EVERYONE ELSE IN MY TIER needs to get better at dealing with me. LUL learn a different hero, learn to swap, LUL, adapt, LUL, just break my shield, LUL.”

I hope you can understand why I have a problem with the position you’re arguing me from.

I legitimately said that. And then you just go off dismissing, why? Because you are benefiting, because as you said you almost exclusively play Brigitte. I’d play Brigitte all the time too, especially when drunk, but unfortunately I’ve never had the selfishness to one trick so I end up flexing into Reinhardt and Mercy, two other heroes people don’t like to play. And if there’s a Brigitte on the other team, and I ask someone on mine to swap out to help me as I Reinhardt with this stunlock stuff, guess what? A lot of the time, no one wants to play her.

Ofc you don’t. Because you’re the one benefitting from them. I can’t believe you actually think you’re arguing from an objective and reasoned POV that is concerned with the health of this game. You are clearly just very selfish and biased. To an unreal degree tbh.

Yeah, and you just told me about how badly you play her. Imagine my disappointment. I’m also disappointed in those that can’t play around here, but I can’t blame them either. We’re all bad. Just because in OWL where they ARE STILL RUNNING SO MUCH DIVE, she is balanced, doesn’t mean that’s cool for the rest of us. We aren’t running dive, are we? We’re running Rein/Zarya/Mercy/Zen most of the time, with some map specific adjustments.

Your bias is incredible, yet you don’t even realize it. Then patronize me for putting significance in objective statistical data that shows her overperforming to an unprecedented and unreal degree?





Reduce her shield.

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Your suggestions imply that you want her to remain as she is, which is broken and skill less. So I’ll say it again.

No, stop, you are a gold Brig main who wants her to be overpowered. Don’t feed your poison into the sandbox. Let’s come to reasonable solutions.

Go play her while you can. The age of old is upon us.

You’re a Plat Tracer main whose mad they have a counter.

You have literally zero room to argue that people are putting their poison into the sandbox, or that they aren’t being reasonable when you yourself are insulting people for who they play, and suggesting ideas that are inherently unreasonable.

Plus, Brig isn’t even good in the current meta. She’s just a scrubstomper who is virtually useless as soon as Snipers get busted out.

You are comparing heroes that take skill to ones that take none and shut down those that do. If you are for OP heroes, go make a Brig is not OP thread.

Nah nah nah. Look Brigitte is OP.

Look shes so OP in plat that Ana, Genji and Mccree overtakes her pick, in diamond, overtaken by them again as well as Moira. And pfft look at GM, I cant believe shes so broken that even Tracer, Winston and even has overtaken her spot.

Like look ya’ll Brigitte mains just want her to be so OP and broken, like for realz. Shes so OP that she lets other people over take her spot. Now THATS broken.

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Your bias is obvious, Sushi. Temper and calm yourself tbh. The frustration is understandable, but you’re just going to get written off calling for things like 200 hp shield. Tbh everyone is bias. I’m trying to stay as objective as possible on this.

Please tell me you didn’t just read everything I said and then decide to make a post about “but look at her pickrate!” …

I actually prefer to look at all the stats,win rate and time of being on fire. Brigitte’s time of being on fire throughout the ranks is consistently around 16-17% From bronze to GM.While Tracer’s time of being on fire ranges from 8.78% in bronze,to 12.08% in GM.

Fun fact: Hanzo’s time of being on fire in GM is 20%,and the lowest in bronze is 12.47%, which is Tracer’s highest in GM

I mean, I actually agreed that Brig’s shield should be nerfed with a buff to her Inspire duration to counterbalance it.

Make her less dependent on Triple Support comps with better Inspire Uptime, and less punishing in duels.

However, I’m not the one arguing we should make a hero worse than post-weapon rework Roadhog though. I’m not the one salty that Brigitte made me bleed my own blood. If you don’t want people to disagree with you and call you dumb, stop suggesting dumb things.

I don’t think she needs it. Her inspire is 2x the radius of Lucios heal at the same HPS, and instead of amp she has a single target 150 burst heal. That can be a 75 armor overheal.

Just the shield nerf, no compensation.

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You forgot something:
Reinhardt is slow while his shield is up while Brigitte has her basic movement speed.

Nah Brigitte has a 30% movement reduction. She goes from 5.5m/s to like 3.8m/s or something.

Shaving 200 off her shield is a fairly solid nerf, and Brigitte isn’t exactly Mercy tier right now.

Brigitte has a pretty horrendous “feast or famine” aspect when it comes to teamfights, and alleviating would be more than a fair compromise for a significant survivability nerf.

Awesome! Hopefully that happens. You already know my stance on the Brig main though.

I’ve flat out made suggestions for better nerfs for her. Such as, for instance, making her Bash cooldown double if she uses it twice within 10 seconds…allowing her to use it against a flanker, but not able to cancel out an entire team’s ults during Overtime.

I’ve also suggested that they reduce the damage of her Bash and her Whip Shot while letting her Inspire heal 20 HP instead of 15 and reducing the charge time of her Rally so that she literally doesn’t have it every team fight.

But please, do go on about how much you know about my intentions.

And I’ll say it again:

Your nerfs are ridiculous.

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