I'm done with Brig

The only way I can remove her is to stop playing, she completely ruined my experience. I have tried figuring out how to deal with her on the heroes I like, but nope, the zero skill mace to the face IKEA knight kills me every time. Seriously, the skill requirement is too low for what she does. Her only counters are countered too easily but who know’s, maybe I’ll throw away the months of mechanical practice I have invested to get good at hitscan and cause the resulting wrist damage to be in vain to become a 1 trick Pharah main. Nvm, I’ll be back once she stuns herself whenever she shield bashes. See you on Siege and Fortnite. I like Overwatch too much and if you cant beat them, join them. So I am now a 2 trick Widow/Brigitte.

I just want real solutions for Overwatch, I hate Brig’s kit so much. This issue among others has just caused this game to become zero-dimensional and boring. Filter the salt from the community Blizzard and just use the massive resource of suggestions that they offer to fix the damn game. Thanks.

Other Anti-IKEA knight stuff


But what if Brigitte ate some spaghetti?


Make her eat a lot, if she got fat she couldn’t chase me.

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Shes on a diet so sorry

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Then see you on Fortnite. :wave:

Ew fortnite. Gross dude


Okay okay, what fp shooters do you play that aren’t Overwatch: IKEA edition?

Team fortress 2 by valve


I changed my mind, I’m going to become a 2 trick Widow/Brig.

Oh gee. Have fun sir slash madam


Honestly, Brig’s kit is a little overloaded.


Make her have a spaghetti ability that let’s her heal

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“She gets hard countered”.

Lol what a joke.

You know who gets “hard countered”?


Who counters her?

Practically everyone.

Who has one of the highest pickrates across all tiers?


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That doesn’t count, people cant protect flankers like they can protect Mercy. But I can be a happy little Tracer who is about to kill a Zen but whoosh armor flies by and suddenly he has full health with armor and Brig is slowly approaching with her stupid IKEA shield.

And mercy doesn’t eat spaghetti


Shetorb is at it again.

Would it be a replacement for whip shot? Because she needs to be more supportive anyways.

Itll be like take a breather. It replaces her e ability

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I was about to one-clip a Zen and by the time he got armor thrown on him which disrupted the attempt, he ulted and it made us lose the teamfight.

I was so mad

The main problem is her stupid shield, it needs way less HP (like 200 MAX but ideally 150 MAX) so I can melt it and have a chance at killing her, she should be an anti-flank hero who can assist others (like with the healing armor, that’s less annoying than the shield bash), but she should not be a full on anti-flank hero who shuts down high skill heroes with zero skill of her own. What irks me is that I have invested so much time into Tracer to get good and it took someone with equal skill and coordination to counter my flanks, but suddenly they add Brig and anyone with three fingers and one arm can shut me down. Normal antiflankers (Zen, Reaper, Cree, Doom, and even Soldier) were enough to keep Tracer off the healers with proper coordination. The game is just zero dimensional and boring now. Grav dragons everywhere, shield bashes everywhere, boring zero skill poo is just everywhere now.

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