Brigitte's buff are actually really good!

let’s not be too hasteful here, we don’t know everything yet, we can only tell that it feels very unusual and very bad right now, but we haven’t been actually thinking about the numbers and the possibilities too hard yet, brig on live can currently put out about the same number of healing roughly, but this is under a strange circumstance we are not used to which can give false numbers, meaning in an optimal or viable situation she could possibly be really good and not have lost that much.
because let’s think about it, we are all complaining about the shield and how little health that thing has, but she doesn’t use a shield when she’s swinging for the fences and the few occasions she should be using a shield is now when she has a quicker whipshot that isn’t as punishable.

and have anyone figured out how fast that shield regenerates when broken?

it’s gonna take some time, but we are gonna figure this out.

I will repeat myself.

Brigitte will receive a shield buff in the next 2 weeks from now.

but her self healing is now literally the same amount as a payload and her shield is 60% worse so she will heal a bit more, but she’ll be dead a lot more so

wtf have you been smoking?
I want some lol.

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Bingo. She’s not saving anyone from being dove upon anymore, in which case why don’t I just play Moira for mass healing or Baptiste for the occasional save from high burst/ults.

They’ve even shortened the stun direction on shield bash if memory serves me well. Are you able to do the full combo before they get away (it doesn’t kill from full of course anymore)?

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the major flaw of your view is thinking she shouldn’t need the support of another healer. They’re forcing a 2-2-2 meta so that 2 of each “class” is strong and works off the other/team comp. imagine if all healers or tanks were “main” in a locked role que. that would mean fighting two healers at once would feel overwhelming.
Brig shouldn’t be able to solo heal her 5 other team mates; why have a second locked in healer if that was the case?

This will allow future balancing for more of the roster around team fighting and locked que

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I think with this changes the devs want her to become more of a main healer-esque rather than a 1vs 1 flanker killing tank.

What I mean, is that, right now she isn’t able to completely fulfill her role of healer and because of her survivability, she needs to be healed way more often than other healers (to my experience), which for me, as the other healer, is way too much and I can’t keep up healing everyone including her.

Nope. You can get in the bash and a melee now or the bash and a whipshot. You can no longer both melee and whipshot before the stun wears off. Meaning Brig can no longer has any sort of tools to threaten out a hero who jumps on the backline. She can stun them, give them a little tickle, and then get one clipped(including her barrier).

I agree she’s not perfect but again hesitate to make every character a main or perfect on their own.
That Brig needs to be conscious of the team comp; ex: if there is a Zaria she can push more aggressively or if there isn’t another healer/off tank that compliments her she may need to not just rush in every time or even switch to a different healer that meshes.
I’m not saying she’s perfect how she is now but see the value in weaknesses/strengths at certain times rather than 100% of the time.

Did her shield health really need to be nerfed to 1/3 of Brig 1.0 though?
600 to 500 and now 200. She’ll be lucky if she can keep that shield up long enough to bash anyone.

That’s the issue though. She is viable only in few specific situations, with good team cooperation. Even then, you could use a different healer and get more out of them, rather than using Brigitte. Yes, she’s usable, but so little that most of the time she’s more of a throw pick.

The game was originally designed around picks and counter picking for situations though.

Unless blizzard decides to change that through 2-2-2 I don’t think they have ever wanted you to choose one character and never swap again during that match.

And 6 seconds of nothing maybe? 8 sec 60 isnt bad. But that doesnt tell everything

I have never said that… I’m saying that, compared to other heroes, she is the least viable, only in very few situations, and in non-cooperative QP almost unusable, compared to most heroes.
Never have I said that I don’t want to switch to other heroes or not cooperate with my team…

You didn’t say it but your implying it by saying she’s not as viable all the time as other picks. You’re inherently less likely to swap off a character you’re getting value with in that match. Nobody swaps when things are working for them.
Yeah she might not as viable as Ana but you may prefer her play style, character or looks more than Ana; not everyone chooses the most optimal character every match because that’s boring; people want to play what resonates with them most of the time

Your point now is that people rather play what’s fun, even when only in few situations. And I mean, yes, but in high rank competitive play you are more likely to see what’s more beneficial to the team than what’s fun.
Still, Brig is my favorite character and I’ll play her when possible, but it irritates me how much I’ll play her. I doubt I’ll have even a quarter of hours on her now than Baptiste, for example.

This is where I vehemently disagree. The only support I can see her having more survivability is Zenyatta and that’s only because of how he only has aim to save himself from attacks. Ana has Bio-Nade and Sleep Dart to save herself, Mercy has Top 2 best mobility for Supports, Lucio has a better self-heal, peel, and mobility on his side, and don’t get me started on the new dumb hero that is the new Moira.


Absolutely. I stay away from comp because I don’t care about golden items and it’s boring to play against orisa, hog, widow, hanzo, etc. Every match. And yeah if I wanted to main Brig in 3000+ I could see how that would be infuriating.

But It’s literally impossible to make every character competitive at the same time in a season. There will always be those that are meta and those that are not.

Best of luck swinging that mace

She doesn’t have to be meta. All we need is for her to be viable, as she was before.