Brigitte's buff are actually really good!

Are you sure about it?

No one can be
 It’s just hard to imagine that they didn’t do this to Brig on purpose, I can’t see how blind they’d have to be to do what they just did. Maybe they just want to wait it out, wait until toxic players calm down, and then make her viable again?

Not 100% sure, mainly because 222 will need a lot of changws, not onñy in brig.

But i like to bet this now

We have not so much healers and Devs do not let throw any of them away to lowest pick in Overwatch history.

Well they are doing it now with brig.

im just going to sum up the brig nerfs and “buffs” best i can here. brig’s overall healing has been nerfed into the ground. sure she has 60 healing per second for 8 seconds total but thats on a single target. When zen and mercy can dish out 50 hps 24/7. Also the only reason it was good to begin with was it had 150 burst heal and that 75 max armor overheal. Her inspire has been you could say deleted. she is a brawl hero built for brawl comps like doom rein zarya mercy. Because her healing is entirely designed about being in the thick of the fight hitting people to keep that inspire healing up.
but if the healer themself has no surviabillity they cant heal like they are supposed to. Lucio is just a better pick now. constant healing, mobility and peel like boop not to mention being able to speed allies around.
brig also has ult about as often as zarya now. and for its power it is extremely weak, only 100 temporary armor, sure shes hard to kill but i dont see anyone else complaining zen is indestructible or lucio just wont die when they ult cause of the 800 hp shield. and i know sombody is going to tell me “you forgot she can use everything during it” well lucio can as well, the buff to whip shot is insane though it almost feels like hitscan to me but typically in forced 222 people will be behind a shield
 most of the time. and that shield? its like a 5 year old took an old amazon cardboard box and flattened it, its pathetic. 200 hp isnt enough for its size or her mobility. Not to mention the fact that she will be focused down due to her low mobility and low self healing. Personally, i think the shield should be bumped up to 400. and the bash returned to its .9 second stun. mcree’s flash was shorter then that but atleast he could get a decent follow-up. but the biggest reason i see for why she sucks now is because her skill ceiling is really low like bastion. not much room for new strategies with her. ok ik this is stupidly long but if your here you must have read it.

This is only a start of big changes. They will watch feedback and stat. They ALWAYS do.

Problem is getting the Inspire to go without getting murdered. Shield goes down really quickly and anyone with range will kill her easily.

Her survivability got a huge nerf and considering she’s melee close-range support who’s abilites require you to participate in fight in said melee range

I’m not sure if she’d be able to survive this long to use her abilites consistently. So her current playstyle might end up dead.

Maybe staying behind, throwing repair packs and peeling for 2nd healer will be her go to :slight_smile:

But If i were to judge those PTR changes they sound too weak on paper. It looks like she could use some Rally nerfs reverted and another way to procc inspire.

The problem is she is so squishy now that you cant even trigger inspire without dying half the time

Yeah most people forget its Reinhardt and winston that makes Brig squishy. She now requires you to run Reinhardt for her to really get in and do work (everyone else requires brig to now place herself out of position ie without a frontline tank or not use half her kit.) I wish her sheild bash had a run mechanic like Reinhardt Charge. It could ad some depth to the character. Sheild holdings characters need a way to get in and out or have more than enough shield to tank it