Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

Your post is useless eGirl, go be constructive.

Stop complaining about people trying to offer suggestions to fix her and contribute to the discussions so a reasonable compromise will be more likely to happen.



Symmetra, just one season ago.

Because the forums is a place to be constructive. This thread is hardly any different to the shmuck we get on a daily basis.

the game is played very similar to the owl in high ranks ,
forcing people to play “the meta” cant work.

But she had the worst pickrates, and was only picked in a niech, you are grasping for straws here.

Her pickrate overall was 1/6th that of Brigittes. And Brigitte competed with her for win rate. There was a reason Sym was reworked even though she had that high win rate.

Learn statistical analysis plz.


Exactly. Go on now, help out!

If they want the game to be truly competitive, then of course it can work. Maybe one-tricks wouldn’t get banned for playing a hero.

You asked for winrates. I’m just offering some tea that your point is wrong.

Help? It’s clearly a narrow-minded discussion being made by people who have no idea how to play against her. It’s pretty common, believe it or not.

You forgot to add Bastion to the list.

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I didn’t say “yo list me off some win rates I already know while being willfully ignorant to every factor that contributes to that win rate.”


Everything you have said in this thread is so basic that I just wrote it off as bait, and right now, I feel like I’m just being baited.


This is what we call cherry picking.

Also ,I find it ironic that you say ‘‘brigitte is there to punish bad players’’ while she is the go to hero for bad players ,considering how low effort high reward she is.


You have the right to feel that way, but I think you’re having some difficulty accepting an opinion that’s so far off from your own. Brigitte is fine, and counterable. Easily.

Oh, I haven’t heard that one before on the forums. Because every Support should be just like Ana, right? High skill, low reward.

Great, she finally will have a reasonable skill vs reward ratio!


You know how a change can be positive?Like Symm.Before she was literall low skill garbage tier .And now after the rework people actually play the hero,respect her,and she’s more fun and interessting to play than ever.

(Emmideiatly starts stating something about her opinion like fact)

one tricks can get banned for all that i care.
if you arent willing to help your team then you are being an as*hole
even some retired blizzard employee a while ago said it.

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F-tier Baguette? Sounds like playable Overwatch. When?


Because I’m supposed to listen to a retired Blizzard employee. Please.

And you’re clearly a narrow-minded person. Here you go, for when you decide to stop being narrow minded.

I feel she should have been a defence hero but they then realized that supports would say she makes them a “free kill” or the can’t “defend themselves” so they made her a support when she did not need it ditch her healing and move her to damage or tank as an off tank

No, that isn’t what I said or implied at all , supports shouldn’t be nearly this low skill high reward ,you should have to put some effort in to get high reward

Not every support should be like zenyatta ,but no support at all should be like brigitte ,not even Mercy is this bad.