Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

it is overpowered.
look at her pickrate, go and watch any gm match

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Or they could nerf Hanzo, the actual problem at hand here. Nerfing Hanzo, or just flat out reworking his ultimate would fix the game, and make Dive a good tactic.

And then Brig becomes the new Mercy. I can imagine all the people spam the forums for Brig reworks or buffs. And thats because you all cant counter a hero.

To counter Brigitte you can pick: Pharah, Hanzo, Widow, Doomfist, McCree, Symmetra, Moira, Orisa, Zenyatta, Ana, Junkrat

Obviously the forumers are not using this characters.

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Yawn. Pickrates don’t determine who is underpowered or not. Mei is more than okay, but she’s one of the lowest picked heroes. Why? Preference, not the state of the hero.


Yo. You are talking about the only hero to have a positive winrate in bronze that doesn’t have a turret in their kit.

Yeah. Low effort high reward totally applies with Brigitte. You’re ignorant if you think otherwise.


Because low effort high reward is a bad thing? This game is casual, after all.

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I think the game Is far from well balanced so I’m hoping In about a years time it will be different. Dive is possible if you try to isolate healers against rein Zarya

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To this degree, yes. Because this is on a level never seen before.

Same argument can be made for Moira. Never saw anything close to these winrates. Same with Junkrat. He was recentrly nerfed due to frustration playing against.

You have no leg to stand on.


No, it’s not.

But when you can get THAT much value out of a low skill high reward hero, yes. Yes it is.

And it’s ironic that you said the game is casual, while the OWL exists.

Kind of funny how Blizzard is trying to push this game into eSports, yet adds Brigitte.


this game isnt a casual game.
a casual player would want to stop playing immediately

Just wait for Hammond. It’ll be great.

Reinhardt? They play almost exactly the same, but no one deems him as low skill, high reward.

If this game was Competitive, it would internally force you to play a meta. But it doesn’t. People are still free to play Torb on KOTH.

I could adapt from crash bandicoot to sonic 06, but i am not gonna.
This is terrible it’s just saying ‘‘ah whatever, it’s awfull i will still play it’’ In the form of an argument,

Promise? God I hope so.


go play reinhardt and do the things brigitte do.

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Reinhardt doesn’t have any crutches. Mess up with him and you’re done for.

Brigitte has self healing, short CDs, and an OHKO.


High skill, High Reward? Hey guys lets create a toon with 1 shot capability on anything that is in close range (including any counter he might have), then we will give him the ability to pull anyone in the game from 60 YARDS away to 1 shot kill range, THEN we will give him a self heal for 1/2 his health every few seconds. So what you have is a High Health, High DPS, 1 shot killing machine that doesn’t need a healer (Self heals) with basically unlimited range (effectivly unlimited with the range of his chain)…sounds like high skill, i mean once you have masters chainpull and then the shot timing of the pull, then he is such a tough character to play.


They don’t come more faceroll easy than Road, he singlehandedly is played as a DPS toon and NOT A TANK because of these very issues.


Let’s not forget the quality feeding you will be doing to the enemy team, and also how much you screw over your own team.

do you honestly think a game only can be competitive if it forces you to play heroes ?

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Have you ever played against a Hog?I start jumping from happines every time I see one,cause I think “FREE ULT CHAAARGE<3”

Wait are you bringing facts to an opinion fight?!