Brigitte Gameplay Q&A with Geoff Goodman

It’s not just the dive meta anymore though, that’s what people have been trying to say for some time now yet somehow the message still doesn’t get through! The increase of shields is also harming Ana a lot. With how much up-time Orisa’s barrier has when there isn’t a Junkrat and Roadhog spamming it down hurts Ana so much. There are numerous times when you have to just throw yourself in past the barrier so you can heal your team and end up dying because it’s a horrible position for a hero intended to provide long distance healing.

It is not just the dive meta where Ana isn’t working, please acknowledge this because it is so frustrating to see people push this point across for months and still be misunderstood.

i really hope so, roadhog really does lag behind majorly

I mean that is the role of a tank, to create space and take a lot of the damage. I mean it’s exactly why their health pools are larger, to facilitate said role.

I keep thinking of some kind of defense hero that can stick to walls and blend into them like a chameleon. Sets up explosive tags or tripwires.

Ironically, this character would also have some asian inspire throwing knives as primary weapon and attack.

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It could be interpreted like that as well. Although if the meta doesn’t end up shifting towards a tank meta then it sounds like those three will be getting buffed

Her basic melee damage tuning comes from a place where she just can’t be everything. Being a healer/tank hybrid that doesn’t leave a whole lot of room to dish out a ton of damage. That said, she can still occasionally deal some nice burst damage with her shield bash and whip combo.

On the topic of her passive healing, it is a difficult thing to tune. The original mechanic for her passive was that it would fire off every third melee hit, and had no cooldown (but didn’t stack still). This meant if you were smacking a ton of enemies all at once it would be firing off like crazy.

The issue we ran into with that (and the stacking heal), is that it made you feel like you always needed to be meleeing an enemy to be at your full potential, which left very little room for protecting allies or peeling enemies from your back line etc. As it is now, as long as you’re getting a melee hit in here and there, and landing your whip shots, you are healing as much as you can. We can always increase the passive healing amount if it ends up feeling too weak.


End of the stagnation? Let’s hope

Awesome, i cannot wait to try the new things on PTR.
Are cryofreeze, blizzard and frost effect going to be touched? Will the wall aura be visible to all teammates?

I think the better question is… where isn’t jetpack cat. He’s the one with the jetpack.


With Brigitte being able to create armor, this creates an overlap with Torbjorn. Is this so that they synergise well, or are you planning to completely change Torb’s kit?

Have you guys thought about adding a built-in LFG system into the game, or a competitive practice mode? Or any other things to improve competitive, other than tweaking match-making?

Currently competitive has been really frustrating to play. Often times it’s difficult to play the hero or role you want to play. Others have suggested a role queue, but that would likely remove some of the comp creativity, or invite people to abuse the system by not picking what they queued for.

I bring this up because I really want to play Brigitte in competitive because she fits my play-style very well. But when new heroes like this are popular, it’s often hard to gain experience on a hero like this in a competitive setting.

when brigittle release into comp, are you afraid of the pirate ship bastion even stronger now with Brigitte on attacking team? Orisa and rehin now Brigitte, Don’t we need a strong counter to it because Junkertown going to attacker favors with the pirate ship.

Is there any chance that you will change your mind and make Brigitte playable in comp early? Like 2 Weeks after release?
It will feel like an eternity otherwise… :frowning:


Stop teasing us Geoff

Ok ill ask about Mercy then. Hey Geoff what are the chances of making Mercy fun again? I was hoping you would try and test resurrect as an earned ability much like torbs armor or a mini ult I guess. Valk stays the same, just removing slow and cast time from res and making it earned would make her far better in my opinion and more balanced as well since res isnt really that well balanced on a cooldown.

We’re constantly thinking about both as we’re designing new heroes. That said, we generally start with ‘fun to play’ and work backwards to make sure a hero is fun to play against as well. A lot of the ‘fun to play against’ stuff comes from just making sure that a hero has reasonable counterplay. In Brigitte’s case, she can be frustrating to play against if she is constantly shield bashing you, but she has very limited range and can get shut down pretty hard by heroes like Pharah.


Will any characters die in the present timeline?

Why are you afraid to buff Ana when, assuming the meta would be a tank meta, she would’t even be strong in it compared to Lucio and Moira?
Why do you think Brigitte will cause a tank meta anyways? If Moira didn’t shift the meta, how would Brigitte?

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Is there anything long term already in the pipeline, or are you focusing on balancing Brigitte and the other characters slated for buffs first?

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Sombra buffs and then Mei buffs, it’s almost like you want people to hate themselves while playing the game. Hopefully with the buffs you’ll find a way to make her tolerable to play against.


How do you feel about Moira Geoff? is she going to be getting some changes in the near future?