Blizzard not listening to Community feedback

It was said in Fran’s stream with the devs, Here is a thread all about this (Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

As if we were asking for a buff even though this buff is essentially what we had on Valkyrie pre-heal nerf and we didn’t like it then either.

I am asking for Valkyrie to be removed so I am allowed to show skill in my base kit instead of having Valk take over.
I am asking that Red be removed from E and if that means gone for good, so be it.

I want the only burst and aoe capability she has to come from her ult because she is single target and consistent and yet still below numbers wise to the rest of her main support position rivals on 60hps.

I want an E that requires an aiming mechanic similar to sleep dart but it isn’t nearly as impactful so that there is a safe way to learn how to aim a sleep dart in a safer environment.

It is hard to learn Ana when her most crucial skill that can save her team and her life is so hard to learn along with everything else you have to learn with her.


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From what I’ve seen, many Mercy mains say they want her to be fun, not balanced, as in make her F tier.

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If you want to play Ana, play Ana.

Even then, an aiming ability literally would not work on console.

I disagree entirely. Mercy and Ana are both in good places right now. They have different places in the game and yes, Ana is meta right now, but that doesn’t mean she’s overtuned. For a long while, she was underpowered because of Mercy and her healing and now they’re on more even ground. And this is coming from someone who plays them both regularly.

Yeah she’s overtuned lol.

4 utilities in an E
3 utilities in an ultimate
Sleep dart CC for 6 seconds
Can damage and heal without switching weapons

I think her burst heal should be removed entirely it wasn’t ever needed to begin with.

It’s not new that they ignore community feedback and contributions, especially when they asked for it back when Starcraft 2 was a thing. The community gave them an extensive rebalance overhaul of the game that was quite good, just as they asked, and Blizzard turned it down. After that, the game declined in relevancy.

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  1. You are playing the wrong character
  2. Her gun requires skill to use
  3. Valk is an escape ability to help you when you get cornered or can’t keep up with healing
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So you want to destroy Ana basically? Lmao.

I think all those utilities and CC are allowable because they’re all skill shots. (Excluding nano, obviously, but that’s an ult, so.) She won’t hit a good nade or a sleep dart every time, but if she can, then it helps change a team fight. And besides that, those utilities on the nade won’t always all activate at once. It’s supremely rare.

And literally every support but Mercy can damage and heal without switching weapons. Don’t get me wrong, I think it was a mistake to pull Mercy’s healing down to 50 hps instead of 60 hps, but that has nothing to do with Ana.

This is literally the reason why they reworked her to begin with.

An extra ability that basically stuns you for 2 seconds where you only finish it if the enemy team lets you, and instead of just hitting Q to save your team you hit Q to sit in the skybox and hold M1 or M2, and your team lives and dies without you.

You see, the only reason people hid, waited for Rez to build, and then waited for a team wipe to use it was because of the SR exploit. Other than that, Mercy only left the team fight when there were ultimates flying around, or do you seriously expect Mercy to heal through a rip-tire?


I dunno about that, old mercy with mass rez felt like it was rewarding bad play, and i feel like a lot of peoples hatred of it was kind of warranted, it is kind of a stupid mechanic to begin with in any competitive game.

Hate to break it to you.

But listening to the community is WHY mercy got changed.

We don’t like Mass Rez, Please fix Blizzard = Mass Rez gone
Mercy way to strong after rework, Please Fix Blizzard = Mercy nerfed
Support Rework went pretty well Blizzard = No Major Changes

LOL actually they do. Literally every change that’s happened to a character has come from people in the forums moaning first, name one change that hasn’t? Also, just because you didn’t get the change YOU wanted, doesn’t mean it wasn’t the change OTHERS wanted or talked about. Mercy mains not getting the changed THEY want doesn’t mean the devs aren’t listening.

Actually there is a perfect way to prove that either he doesn’t read the forums or he is the smarmiest of snake oil salesmen.

Remember in the dev diary right before the Ashe one? He stated that the dev team had been listening to the feedback and was so happy that the Sym rework was perfect and didn’t need any changes. This despite most of the community thinking it failed badly, and even the ones who enjoyed the rework saying it needed some changes particularly to teleport and primary fire. Since Jeff said that we have seen 2 Sym primary gun buffs added months after because “no” it was not perfect. Just like everyone in the forums had been saying.


Funny, most other FPS have some sort of Revive.
But the main thing that Rez did was punish bad plays, for instance throwing 3-6 Ults at the same time to take out an enemy team. Now we have no punishment, so you see people spamming Ults one after another.
An this is better how?


It’s because literally everybody who isn’t a Mercy player knows that she has a place in the game and she’s doing it fine. Jeff has said at Blizzcon, that they don’t want Mercy to be the strongest support. Get used to it she’s staying we’re shes at for a long time.

Last I checked, Lucio and Zenyatta ults are a thing.

Yeah, now lets make her NOT the weakest Hero in the game please.

They listen to community feedback. They just don’t listen to Mercy feedback because they’re done with her.

She’s the easiest to pick up and there’s always gonna be a WEAKEST hero. That doesn’t mean she’s weak or underperforming. She’s been designed to find value in Res and dmg boosting teammates like Mccree, Widow, Pharah and Ashe, not put out sh*t tons of heals. She does it well and Mercy players refuse to learn the new way to play her and get good at it. They want to keep playing her passively just sitting back and healing.