Blizzard not listening to Community feedback

you do not get to decide what they think and do with the game.
Either you accept that or you will hate this game forever.

I don’t, but I do get to give them my opinion, which they invite by hosting these forums.

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Angel hop was a bug and should have never been a thing. I’ll take more impact on the outcome of the game over a gimmicky extra two meters of guardian angel flight any day of the week.

They have read your opinion, and have read the opinion of the mercy crowd, And found it a disgrace to their ears and Dismissed it countless times, no need to repeat it.

She’s a throw pick because Ana is really overtuned and needs a reduction in power.

SOOOOO… You think that current Mercy is OP? Or previous Mercy with 60 hps on BOTH regular play and Ult?

Hummm… I see the problem here. The ONLY time Mercy was OP was right after the Rework till Nerf 7, about two Nerfs after TimTheTatMan said “Ha ha ha. She is so useless, they Nerfed her to the ground.” We are on Nerf #15 now. Mercy till this last Nerf, even with the supposed “Buff” to Valkyrie (60 hps, down to 50 hps, then back up to 60 hps with some tweaks to ult charge time is more of a REVERT than a buff), was what she always was a CONSISTENT Single Target Healer.

  1. Ana couldn’t keep up due to the BIG Nerf back before the the Tank Meta, which ALSO didn’t help Ana. She ONLY became viable after the last Buff.
  2. Moria was a bit under powered compared to Mercy’s consistency. The last Buff helped with that.
  3. Lucio is under powered on healing, but makes up for it with speed boost, Booping people off the map, AND Has an Ult that counters 1 Ult.
  4. Zenyatta, under powered on Healing but makes up for it with Discord Orb AND an Ult that can cancel out multiple Ults being used against a team.
  5. Brigitte ONLY heals when she is using her flail, but she makes up for it by throwing out Armor/Healing to her teammates AND using her healing/armor Ult.
  6. Mercy’s Healing has been reverted back to 1.0, but she no longer has a Game Changing Ult that can bring back 1-5 other teammates. Her Rez slows her down AND she basically CC’s herself for 1.75 seconds of cast time where she cannot move too far or Rez fails AND she has to wait 30 seconds before she can attempt again, heal anyone, damage boost anyone, cancel the animation, nor defend herself. She can FLY, at 12.5% of her original flight speed (-75% = 25%, then -50% = 12.5%) making her an easy flying target.
  7. Power Creep for Healers is BAD, yet all the Power Creep for DPS is GOOD? Shields melt almost instantly with all the POWER that DPS can throw out not, there is a LOT of CC in the game now, but yeah it’s for DPS so it is alright…

Ya see the Double Standard yet?


I don’t bother to read this.
Too long, No paragraphs, and it’s a topic i have allready read everything about.
You waste your time writing big things since blizzard allready made up their mind and have said a definitive ‘‘NO!’’
tl:dr pls

Before the 50HPS nerf.

Blizzard said “no” to several things which became “yes” overtime and vice versa sooo,yea.

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It’s been more then a year of mercy whining and they feel she is OK and after the nerfs Soooo
Stop trying to make the exception feel like the rule.
They aren’t going to change it, Move on.

Please don’t feed the Troll. I already made that mistake when I tried to explain things and he replied:

EDIT: I may get banned for this, but his actions sure are Trollish.

They felt okay on Mercy like 4 or 5 nerfs ago and they kept continue nerfing her. So if they say “no,revert is out of the question” its still no guarantee that they wont do it 2 days later.

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I don’t flag people unless they actually do something bad, and BTW, disagreeing with you isn’t trollish, i express my opinion and i won’t be ashamed of it.

They were proven wrong by stats.
The OWL players disagreed, The Streamers and GMS disagreed, The meta was still revolved around her.
It’s been 1.5 years of community outcry and they have made their words clear, they WON’T revert her, they literally said it a week ago, You are choosing to ignore their words.

Fact: You can read these forums without being logged into an account. Thus effecting your “read count”.

Another fact: One can have more then one forum account. For all we know some of our regulars are undercover dev’s.

but isn’t that person playing just one hero’s issue? playing one hero and then saying it’s boring, and the game is bad because ur bored of the one hero you play 8 hours a day a week… That’s literally their own issue for not wanting to learn other heroes… Where is the logic in what you’re trying to say? I’m failing to understand. If someone thinks a hero is boring and uninteresting to play… Don’t play it? For me that’s Reinheardt, Lucio, Genji, Brigitte and Pharah… And guess what… i don’t play them. And I used to play a lot of pharah


This couldn’t be more true

Over the past year, with maybe 500 hours logged in the year, I’ve only run into 2 people who use the forums.
1 of them I haven’t seen on the forums
And the other doesn’t even post he just reads and he recognized me as a forum ‘Junkrat Advocate’

Well you didn’t disagree with it you just blatantly ignored it.

BTW Ana needs to be toned down to Mercy’s “balanced” state since 75% of the forums think Mercy is balanced and Ana is currently dominating the ranks gold and above they should have no problem agreeing that Ana needs to be toned down a lot to make sure she is on the level of Moira/Mercy.

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I read the same thing in a billion diffrent forms, i am getting tiered of reading a giant wall of text of the same thing every day, read it a billion times, Heard every arguement, but the jsut of it is: ‘‘IT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN, AND YOU SHOULD STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN’’ The Triangle block won’t fit into the circle hole no matter how many times you try to put it there.

Maybe a slight tone down to ana and buffs to other supports, Pretty much the same thing they did with The 50Hps nerf, Maybe something to bionade and making sleepdart effect Dive tanks and tanks in general less then Tiny Dps and support squishies.
I do think ana needs something to tone her down but… I can live with it.

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The only logical tone-down Ana needs is to have the insta-heal reduced on Nanoboost by like 100hp or 150hp. It’s the only thing that recently changed on her that shot her pickrate up, that and the healing revert on Mercy (which we’re essentially getting back on her Ultimate only here soon).

I feel like they’ll look at Ana after Mercy changes go live for two months. And again, they’ll probably just tweak the insta-heal on Nanoboost before touching anything else. The rest of her kit has not changed any in ages, so if it was what was making her so OP or overtuned, she would have been picked much more previously, which was definitely not the case.


Pretty much any small tweak you can think of would be fine.
So yea i agree with you.

Source please, I must have missed that one.