Blizzard not listening to Community feedback

Honestly seeing how the Overwatch team doesn’t listen to feedback when it comes to mercy doesn’t surprise me. What does surprise me is that it leaked on to the Diablo devs. Its soon to spread…


With all the clips I’ve seen of Jeff and Geoff talking to streamers like Emongg and Fran, I think they’ve made it very clear that they do in fact listen to a lot of the community’s feedback.

The point of contention here is that they don’t necessarily act on the community’s feedback, which some might consider unfair, but Overwatch is ultimately their game. They make the final choices, and they decide what path the game will take.

I think Jeff has made it clear that the devs are relatively pleased with Mercy’s current state. Personally, I agree. I think Mercy is just about perfect. She’s not an obnoxious must-pick like she was for months, and contrary to what you hear on the forums, she’s not an F tier throw pick.


I think what a lot of Mercy players fail to realize is that we don’t get to vote or petition what the devs will do.

The only way you can directly influence them is by intriguing them with concepts.

And most these Mercy posts are really repetitive, and usually read like a page out of the dictionary.


Hecc now i feel bad…


im just upset over them taking 60 HP from mercy :frowning:


Well, Mercy probably needed a nerf when she had the 60hps.

What different nerf would you have preferred instead, without taking away any of her current design features. (Mostly just numbers adjustments).

honestly mercy as she was 60 HPs wasnt an issue i just dont understand why they made it 50. They should have left her be and everyone else got a buff


Their posts read count doesnt come antwhere close to the amount of posts that pertain the mercy megathreads despite saying that they would.

It shows their dishonesty.


What posts read count are you referring to?

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He’s referring to Jeff and the other developer “Post Read” count. In 2 Mega-Threads on this forum alone, there are close to 40K comments. The comments read is more in line with a few hundred posts max, not 40,000.

Exactly what I mean.

Where is this count? Do you mean like dev posts vs mercy related posts. Or is their a way to tell how many posts the devs have read? I’m confused.

There is a way to actually view how many posts they have read. I haven’t done it in months, so I would have to look up how to do it again. But you can look it up see that they are not reading nearly as many posts as they would like people to believe.

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I wouldn’t worry. Overwatch listens to a lot of feedback. They listened to me when they soldiers spread, and fixed widdowmakers broken secondary. they also listened to the community when they made a damage role

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I mean. I wouldn’t expect them to read each and every single post made by every single mercy main. That’s way too many posts. Like out of 40,000 I’d be impressed they read even 25%. That’s a lot of posts reading about the exact same thing. If they truly don’t plan on having mas rez returned then they can easily skim over most topics related to that.


Again why didnt they just gave everyone else the buff but mercy leave her at 60 Hps?


That’s assuming the devs read posts with their “admin” accounts, and don’t have someone else on staff combing through the forums.


Yeah, there are a lot of potential factors at play here.

Either way, my opinion is that Jeff and Co. have a pretty solid bead on the community’s thoughts and feelings, based on what I heard when they were on the streams I mentioned. Just because they didn’t give you the one buff you want doesn’t mean they’re not listening. It just means they don’t consider that buff to be appropriate.


Also true, but we have no way to view those because we don’t know who they are. Much less IF those said post readers are reporting to their higher ups accurate information. Doesn’t seem so since Jeff’s interview with the streamer Fran at Blizzcon he stated, and I quote (because I took the time to transcribe part of the interview):

“Jeff-- We are looking for Mercy to be balanced. An a lot of the feedback we get is very emotional in one direction or the other.
Fran-- Yeah.
Jeff-- Where they are not gonna be happy untill she is either the best or the worst hero.
Fran-- Yeah.
Jeff-- Ummm.
Fran-- Ooooh. That’s so true.
Jeff-- Yeah, an so we feel a great responsibility towards every hero in the game umm, an feel a great responsibility towards the game’s balance as a whole.”