Blizzard not listening to Community feedback

Not person you are replying to, but as far as Mass Rez. I mostly used mine for Tempo Rezes, 1-3 key players who died at bad times. What most that want revert want is to help their team, with current Rez, much less the Healing Nerf, we just can’t do it. Rez was a last resort, in case we were late or they were picked from a Widowmaker or Hanzo. That way we could keep the momentum going. Now… We cannot save 1 person from Winston’s M1, an it is suicide to even try to Rez, which leaves the team down a Healer. An if we are solo healing, there goes the team just because I tried to Rez 1 person.


They do lmao.

<How do you do this thing?>

“we read feedbacks” mentions things people never said :thinking:

I’m not so surprised about the Diablo infos coming out after Blizzcon tbh, in fact I’d say they purposely had Diablo infos showing up hoping it’d calm people.


I’m sorry but you heal for 50 hps. Winston does 60 dps. If the hero you’re pocketing can’t kill a Winston in 20s that’s the real issue here. Not the Mercy healing.

Which is fair, but even this proves that Jeff hasn’t been paying attention: Different ways to rework Mercy without her being the best or the worst. There are plenty of stupid ideas for Mercy, but there plenty of good ones. It goes beyond the two groups the devs have put the fanbase into.

In my opinion, it was the build up and the pressure and ultimately the impact it had. With Mass Rez, you were expected to have it every fight. You had to dart in and out of enemy fire to keep your whole team up, which took skill. YOu had to decide whether rezing those two people to keep the fight going was worth it, or whether they were going to go ham with ults and save it. Mass Rez could decidedly turn the tide of a fight if the enemy was unprepared, or could secure your advantage. Having Rez every fight was a sign of a good Mercy.

Valkyrie has none of these things. There is no benefit to having Valk up every fight, and if you’re already darting from ally to ally to keep them all up Valk is redundant. It doesn’t have the power any other ultimate brings to the table, it doesn’t have nearly the same impact on the game. Even Pulse bomb can kill two people, even Infra-Sight can lead to a string of kills by your team. Valk doesn’t allow any of that; anything that happens with Valk active was likely to happen anyway, as Mercy’s low but consistent healing isn’t enough under focus fire, and damage boost doesn’t compare with Discord. When people call Valk a spectator mode, they do really mean it. Valkyrie doesn’t have nearly the same impact on the game that Mass Rez did, and that impact was never replaced by anything they gave Mercy.

Overall, the fun part about Mercy and Mass Rez wasn’t Mass Rez itself, it was the impact it had on the game. And that’s really the root problem of the rework; Mercy simply isn’t as impactful as she used to be; her ultimate was her chance to shine, and it was replaced with a glorified aimbot.

Edit: This example isn’t making my point well. Let me rephrase it.

The reason Soldier’s ultimate isn’t hated by the soldier players is because it actually has an impact on the game. Soldier is going to kill people with his ultimate, he is going to change the outcome of the fight and the match, it’s why his ultimate works. Mercy does not have that in Valk.


Tbqh if they think Mercy is so good I’d love to see them stream themselves playing her and actually pretending to be excited and enjoying their time on her. Face cam’s on so we can see the looks of despair and misery of having to play her as they come to the realization Mercy is not fun to play.

Because they seem to be some of the few people that apparently enjoy it. I would love to see them play her for 8 hours a day for even a week.

I guarantee you come the 3rd day they would have no expression. It’d be so clearly painful for them.

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No spaces

thx man


ALso, I’m able to see what you’ve written. Just so you know :slight_smile:

Wait how

To be fair, he said “many”, not “all”. I think that’s a fair statement. Mercy is a hot topic (at least here on the forums), and as a result there has been an increasingly polarized response to her.

As for your section about what made Mercy fun, I dig that. I totally see where you’re coming from and I think you did a great job of explaining it. I also think you highlighted why I don’t have as much of an issue with new Mercy.

I love Mercy for her mobility, so Valkyrie plays right into that. I also hated the pressure of mass rez, and found that it resulted in an insane amount of hate being flung around. I was happy to see it go.

I understand the argument about her lacking impact, but I still get enjoyment from zipping around from teammate to teammate, saving them from the brink before zipping off again. I know there are still at least some people out there who like the current playstyle, but it’s clearly not everyone.

Edit: It’s 2am and I gotta be alive to vote tomorrow, so I’m signing off. All hail King Jeff.

::SIGH:: an how many times have I seen THIS reply thrown up into a Mercy players face…

  1. Winston isn’t just gonna M1 anyone, he is first gonna dive in doing damage then M1, possibly doing a Punch right before hitting M1. An as a Mercy healer, I may not be pocketing that person at right that second, so no I cannot save them 9 chances out of 10 with an attack like that.
  2. An that is ONLY with Winston attacking by himself, mostly the rest of his team is also doing damage, so no again I cannot save that Hero.

I was using Winston as an example, an as you can see there are arguments of why 20 seconds IF I am pocketing that hero isn’t gonna work, much less if I am NOT pocketing that Hero. A squishy is dead from a Winston in only a few seconds, so yeah if I am not right there (because I am healing another teammate) by the time I do get to them I cannot counter Winston and the teammate is dead, possibly both teammates if I don’t top off the first one.


Part of that polarization is the Dev’s double standard when it comes to Mercy. She was reworked because of her fun, despite being balanced and viable. She is no longer fun, even when being balanced and viable. Her fun factor was enough to change her, but it’s not enough to change her again.

Which is fair. However, the mobility given by Valkyrie is kind of redundant. Zipping around with Mercy is fun, but with Valk I can float in the skybox and heal everyone at once without needing to. Sure I could dart from one player to the next, or I can just move the cursour a little bit and heal them safely. The new mobility on Mercy is fun, but it’s not good for her playstyle when there’s no benefit to being mobile and juicing everyone for ult charge, and it just puts her in more risk.


you’re not allowed to use teamwork as an excuse. Is their a zarya bubble to help you out. Or maybe an Ana nade to increase your healing. Maybe zen contributed with an orb. See how easy it is to bring up teamwork. Maybe your dps is an reaper and instead you damage boost him for a kill rather than heal.

“Mercy’s ult is lackluster and she doesn’t do much healing” - Every Mercy complaint

puts more healing on ult, making it a more impactful ult and doing more healing

“you don’t listen to us”


You need to understand that you didn’t make this game. Neither did Mercy mains. All because they don’t do what you say, does not mean they aren’t listening. They can take the game in whatever direction they want, and it’s not your choice. If they don’t think it’s a good idea, they wont add it. Jeff has said he’s happy where Mercy is and they’re just making minor tweaks to her. That’s your answer.

I enjoy playing Mercy.

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The majority of the revert crowd sticks to mass rez because that state reminds them to a point where Mercy was actually enjoyable, (basicly mourning it) and they genuinely think that state should be the starting point to any kind of balance change, if its needed at all. Because The “hide n rez” was not that of a big deal as people make it out to be, it only rised like 1 or 2 months before the rework. Nobody had any problems with that until then, excluding a few DPS mains maybe.
In fact she was F tier for a long time before the SR abuse.

It dosnt mean they are not open to other ideas or compromises but it must NOT made from this iteration of Mercy. Why?
Because lets face it, only a handful of people actually like the current iteration of Mercy lets say 10% , another 10% dosnt care at all.
40% of the remaining players have PTSD from the Mercy rework and dosnt want to see her again being viable, so any kind of buff causes them to act like the apocalypse is coming.
And another 40% hate it because its not fun, in this case whether you buff or nerf her, they wont be happy and continue the revolt.

All in all its a lost cause building from this iteration. No matter what you do, you wont make people happy with it. Its hopeless. A complete rework (WITHOUT CHANGING THE PRIMARY HEAL TO A ZARYA BEAM) is the one and only chance to make the majority happy, and to once and for all end the Mercy mess.
Until then everything else is just delaying the inevitable.


She is boring and Valkyrie makes her easier to play than her base kit.
I’ll stop complaining when I don’t have chain beams, free flight, stupidly extend range and infinite pistol ammo.

I am a support, not an assassin.
I want to play my hero, not ult to have it do the things I am already doing in the base kit that are already easy enough mechanically, but at least provide challenges in their own way.

I don’t want Rez on E because it takes critical thought out of using Rez and if that means I can’t have Rez anywhere, so be it.


Apparently you didn’t listen either.

People called her ult lackluster back when it was exactly like it is on the PTR right now. I know history is not for everyone, but Mercy had 60 hps during Valkyrie for about 10 months.