If Mercy isn't good, then why do you still play her?

Yeah I know Mercy has been toned down maybe a bit too much, and I have been meaning to stop playing her, I even tried another supports.

But I quess I am too addicted playing Mercy

I remember hearing that she was the most played healer in the Beta. I highly doubt she was ever a trollpick tbh


Personally I play her because to me she’s far and wide the most fun hero. I don’t care so much about her power as long as she remains fun. Since the rework she has only become more fun, being op was fun for a bit but got old. She’s should be just about perfect after the ptr goes live.

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I always find it funny how people say she’s boring, but she has literally been the same since launch even after her rework since the only thing that really changed was ultimate. Everything else has been improved with more GA mechanics to improve her movement.


Are you forgetting that Mercy got a shield when casting rez ?
and they took it away

also her baseheal is lower than in beta

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And there’s a good reason for that. While Mercy’s base kit has remained essentially the same, Mass Rez was fun and impactful and Valk simply isn’t.

Here: I don’t want to re type everything, but I was asked what made mercy fun

Mass Rez allowed Mercy to change the tide of a match or secure a victory, like every other ultimate. That is fun.

Valkyrie allwos Mercy to watch her team change the tide of a match or secure victory, like a spectator. That is not fun.


But isn’t the biggest complaint that she isn’t fun? I know that doesn’t go for everyone, so maybe it isn’t for you but lots of people use this complaint yet still play her.

I hear a lot of people say Mercy is boring or she is extremely fun. You can’t judge others fun because fun is subjective, but we can all agree her kit is a little bit to simply and needs to be more complex.

How was pressing Q and having instant value more fun than Valk,which makes Mercy much more interactive??

People often complain Symmetra is weak (Not saying I agree).

Some people play heroes with abilities or play styles that they enjoy, Not simply because they are OP.
If people only played Meta heroes it would be as boring as the OWL and the game might as well be dead.
The whole appeal (at least for me) is to see diverse hero combinations so every hero has a different skillset which makes for an interesting game.

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She was the most played hero all time but was considered a troll pick for 1 or 2 seasons starting from season 2. You could not pull a mass rez without killing yourself.

She was still popular though which is what the Mercy mains are usually trying to say: “We don’t care if she is horrible in the game, we just want her to be fun”

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People like her character enough to continue playing.

As interactive as an aimbot.

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Her Valkryie isn’t fun, the rest of her kit is still great.


and you are saying this with a Soldier icon ? :rofl:

Let’s see, zen was a trollpick which left Mercy and Lucio.

She’s weaker than before but definitely still fun. I’ll keep playing her if I think she’s fun :slight_smile:

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In Valk,you can:

  • chain heal
  • chain damage boost
  • have better mobility due to free flight
  • use your pistol and go after enemy Widows or Pharahs who keep annoying your team

I’d hardly call that “interactive as an aimbot”

Yep, only Soldier does that

Chain heal and Chain damage boost literally takes out the target priority of Mercy. The better mobility is redundant for the same reason; the chains are 30 meters long; you don’t need more mobility, you just need to shift your crosshairs up by 10 degrees. Mercy has a lock-on heal that still requires target priority and to be relatively close and target priority. Valkyrie takes away both of those drawbacks. It is quite literally an aimbot

And frankly, if you’re using Valkyrie to fight Widow and Pharah because your team isn’t, you may as well swap to Sombra

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