Blizzard not listening to Community feedback

Because that is insane powercreep, when one hero is op, you shouldn’t make the others op too, You should tone that one down. If we did what you are saying the entire support category would be OP.

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Can you not please?
Can you not use every single thing that happens or it is said around Blizzard or any other game to blame Overwatch devs?

Really? Now Overwatch devs are guilty for the “bad joke” that was the Diablo franchise news?

Really?. No, for real … are you serious? Cmon … now people complain about them not responding in the forums. Dear god all mighty, why would them with comments like this one.

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She had already been nerfed 12 times!
The other supports were all under powered and E Rez as it’s own thing is over powered and Valkyrie turns her EZ mode and is also simultaneously underwhelming.

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I don’t care if she was nerfed 83 times, If she was still OP, she should have gotten nerfs.

The reason other supports were underpowered because mercy outshined them, thus they weren’t getting picked, when she got nerfed to 50hps they all bursted out into being viable.

She was nerfed until the point she felt like garbage to play.
Then they had her in a spot where she did not nearly hold any sort of crazy power and she still outshined other supports. Perhaps giving her 12 nerfs and still not seeing any change means that other aspects were not in balance either.

Subjective, all your opinions, Stop putting them up as facts, Soooo many people enjoy playing new mercy.

She still did have crazy power, She had a 100% pickrate.
When she DID get nerfed we saw a giant rise in lucio ana and moira, we finally got diversity of supports, Not just

I’d wait for the rest of the support changes to take place before nerfing her. See if they balanced out the roster and then nerf it if she still stays dominant.
But that would mean more than one change a month and thats a big no no for Blizzard.

The other supports were also buffed in ways they hadn’t been in a long time, as if maybe the other supports perhaps needed buffs in the first place and that maybe would have meant they would have been viable much sooner.

Zen has been Meta more times and longer lengths than Mercy has, but we aren’t screaming to nerf Zen, because he is balanced.


Pathetic small little miniscule buffs that in the grand scheme of things did nothing.

Zen never had a meta, he’s just a fun pick that people like playing and get’s played a lot because he’s the most viable off support, He doesn’t have the impact mercy had is what i am trying to say, He has a big weakess and is really easy to counter.

I feel bad for mercy main, though I have most play time on mercy at quick play though. XD
She is completely unplayable now, not even close to niche. And I’m lucky cuz I like Ana more. But seeing mecy main treated like this makes me feel bad for them. They never asked for the rework though. Even though mass rez is annoying heroes like sombra can completely counter her right now (infinite stealth baby).

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If they believe she’s fine, it’ll stay like that for a while until they got the results of Mercys Stats and might think about it if it isn’t what Blizz wanted

Mercy had 14 nerfs. The one that was icing on the cake was the healing nerf that has made her feel like garbage as a main healer and many claim she is a off-support now. 50hps didn’t work on Mercy in the past, but we seem to be going backwards because we pretty much have a near Alpha State of the Game Mercy.

All the other supports were buffed during her healing nerfs and suddenly they are fine.
Maybe if these buffs were given to them sooner, in the grand scheme of Mercy’s nerfs, balance would have started to be achieved sooner.

Zen and Lucio were the go to supports in high rank before Ana came in and turned into into a tank party.
Zen and Lucio were the start of Dive Meta.
Zen and Lucio remained the core of Dive. After Lucio’s range nerf, Mercy stepped in instead because she could make up for the range loss and keep up with dive.
The OP rework caused this to remain the case, but the other supports were in a trash state, so of course Mercy appeared that much greater than them.

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No LUCIO, Lucio wasn’t picked in dive.
Where did you get that from.
Mercy was in Dive meta, She was the only one who could Dive, No duh, And of course And zen put the discord on the enemy being dived.

Wait what are you talking about?
The Dive meta didn’t exist when Lucio had 30m.
That’s ludicrous, Dive was 1 year long, Not 3

No they were not, Mercy just outshined them.
The second she wasn’t OP anymore they started being great again.
And no, Lucio getting 2 M wouldn’t do anyhting.
Ana getting 300hp on nano didn’t do much.
And Moira getting that pointless buff to her passive regen did NOTHING, They are the most miniscule tweaks in numbers.

Blizzard giving a buff to Mercy
Mercy mains: “Blizzard doesn’t listen”

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I mean, sure why not leave Mercy as she was, and give every OTHER healer an extra 10 HPS, and every DPS an extra 10 DPS. All for the sake of not nerfing mercy.

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The point is that as reference it is no where near the amount of posts posted daily. The count would be significantly if they truly were attentive.

And no they don’t things get asked for a while. They are a multibillion dollar that releases one heroe or map in the span of 3-5 months as a company they have the manpower to release content quicker they chose not to meanwhile significantly smaller game companies like digital extremes have been pumping out significantly more content within that same period.

If they truly had the community’s best interest they would not twiddle their thumbs on as many issues as they do there was even a post by Jeff Kaplan which read “Doomfist has bugs?” With how numerous they were and how long have been around when that doomfist bug list post was made on the old forums they are not paying attention to the quality and are purposefully drip feeding content.

They either for a significantly long time to address to make it seem like its new or for an unpopular idea being tossedaround to get old to make it seem like they came up with it and take credit for it while purposefully ignoring the majority feedback that the forums are in agreement urely for the sake of pride.

If a suggestion becomes popular they actively ignore it or go out of their to do the opposite of what is suggested because they are more concerned about their image than the quality of content.


Imagine this, Just like there is the “forum Brigitte” who jeff explains as a completely different version of what we have in game that can 1v6 easily, there is a “forum mercy” who is a completely different version of what we have in game that legitimately CANNOT do anything.


Or take the Blizzard route, by buffing all the other supports and nerfing Mercy at the same time! Why just power creep, when you can power creep and trash a hero simultaneously?


They were SMALL TINY lovetaps.
They did technically nothing.