Both see use in OWL, and while I can tolerate some balance for higher levels leaving out DPS heroes on ladder, I still don’t think it’s cool. And it’s a lot less acceptable in the smaller Support and Tank hero pools.
The irony here is that Moira is at her worse already at GM and in OWL, and that’s still not bad enough.
Thing is, I think the Moira change isn’t based on the GM level at all. I’m out of the loop, but when I last saw Moira get nerfed, it was alongside the Reaper lifesteal change. Both of which came from the lower/mid rank community.
However, these two hero pools have the most impact on the game, hence why they’re balanced more. It’s why a single bad tank/support can ruin the game for your team, yet a bad DPS can be worked around.
Why dya think pretty much EVERY major balance change had one tank/support changed in each one?
Again what im saying is that it takes no time to be doign better on moira than ana, that should make moira a worse pick. If you believe differently theres no point in responding any further because I dont think youre dumb I think you fully understand just dont wanna be open to the fact that moria is op because she takes no time to learn and if you want near the same level of use as someone like ana that ana has to spend hours perfecting nade use, sleep dart, and aiming while having a ball or friggin monkey in your face. Good day sir
There is nothing wrong with heroes having different skill floors and skill ceilings. Moira would be a problem if she was better than Ana even if you already mastered her, but that’s not the case. Quite the contrary Ana does not only give more value, she straight up counter Moira with anti nade.
We don’t count master players, however. I’ve been there, and a LOT of them are solo one tricks who throw at the first sign of disruption/loss. They’re vastly different to the more dedicated t500 community.
True, but it’s easier to win a 5v6 if the missing player is DPS. Yes it’s a bit tricky, but it’s much more doable than losing a tank. ESPECIALLY a main tank.
why are you reading this thread?
do you like hurting yourself?
you knew there wasnt going to be any worthy discussion here.
yet you still clicked.
are you ok?
Would you believe that I actually have a ton of Mei hours, and the goal was to nudge Mei out of GM/Pro tier, without falling below midtier.
And that I no longer believe that’s possible, so I’d prefer she become an offtank instead.
Thats how they communicate since OWL started. They discuss balance changes and upcoming content there with the coaches players and content creators. And honestly that was the first when everyone started to jump on the “Blizzard doesnt care about anyone but pros” bandwagon. Which was half true by that time.
I like the intention
If you’re going to ask someone about balance, who better than the top 1% of players that know the game better than they know themselves?
What I don’t like is the methodology
There’s no need to be so secretive about it
Even if they won’t take much notice of the answer of a diamond console player like myself, I’d still like to know the question and how others have answered it