Blizzard needs to stop using private discord servers to discuss balance

Nothing good comes ever out of it. People usually just abuse the opportunity to hate on some heroes and get them nerfed even if they are doing fine balance wise.


looks at the GM/Streamer community discord, and how a bunch of recent balance changes relate back to it, IE the mass stun nerfs we’ve been asking for for ages

God, they’re so bad, ya know.


Well Mei got dumpstered as a result without compensation buffs. But collateral dmg is fine i guess?


They should. People who know and can abuse every aspect of the game should be used as a group to balance around.


Mei got those changes due to 222 RQ now being a permanent way to play the game. Ontop of Double Shield being meta.
I wish they would just be more upfront with what they’re doing. Jeff said that his main job right now is figuring out what to do with Shields and Tanks. And now it just came out that he’s talking about changing Armor.
I know they probably dont talk about it openly to avoid constant mass exodus from the dooms-day community, but it would be nice just to know.


mei is still a really good pick and is nowhere near dumpstered


I dont think you can “police” Blizzard’s methods of keeping in touch with players, streamers and pros regarding the state of the game. Mostly because I am 100% sure its not their only source so no need to try to “cancel” that method.

No reason at all to stop doing that.

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Yeah people like Chipsa can totally reasonably balance the game without personal bias involved. :+1:


Chips no one should lissen too. And doubt they do and i will watch his stream with a passion once they bug fix doofmist.

In fairness, he’s fairly on point with some heroes. Namely Widowmaker and Hanzo being two of the most unhealthy heroes in the game. ESports experience isn’t easy to get.

God I love watching him pop off on doofmist and geijn…

Plus a LOT of people complain about Mei/Sombra in these servers, hence why nobody plays them. They’re nearly impossible to balance without full reworks.

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OWL player be like.

‘’ I hate support even thought we need support for win but whatever just NERF THEM ‘’
this why balance team should stop listening to the pros


You’d rather they listen to the plats? Good god, that’s like… wishing literal hell upon the playerbase!
To be blunt, the devs listen to those players with the most experience in the game, IE GM/t500 streamers, and Esports players. They know the game, they know how it functions, and generally think to balance in THEIR league.

If the plats had power over balance changes, junkrat, Bastion, Moira and Reinhardt would be nerfed to the FLOOR.


Lmao they are nerfing Moira because of the streamers.


They’re nerfing Moira to make other healers viable. But yes, the streamers definitely had some say in it. But ever played in plat? Her playtime is like… Brig during GOATS sorta bad.

She had a vice grip (alongside Ana STILL) over the support meta for a good amount of time. It’s nice to finally be able to play the likes of Lucio and Zen without having some braindead point and left click hero up my rear.

I’m literally playing in plat and don’t have issues with her.


This obviously not my main. My main account is top 500 and let the hate come a Hanzo widow main. Think even on this account you will find the stats be top 1% not sure.

Fun part is i agree they should be deleted but so should shields and most deployables.

This game will go no where if the community always goes like. BUT THIS GUY AND THIS CHAR.

No, idc if Blizzard would change or delete every char i play if it is for the overal good of the game and i know most pro’s also feel this way. Some people care for the overal game but most just only care about their fav heroes and Jeff just need to start accepting that he cant please everyone.

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Mei is still broken and needs nerfed what are you nuts to think she deserves compensation

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That is exactly what happens. Every single time.

And yet they won’t learn.


If you dont see a problem with a support consistently getting silver+ elims, dmg, healing, objtime, and obj kills then you need to stop discussing balance moira is again beyond busted

If you think medals matter in this game, I don’t know what to tell you.