Blizzard needs to stop using private discord servers to discuss balance


Thatā€™s whatā€™s been happening for the lastā€¦ 2 years now. Itā€™s why the fanbase moved to Apex, Paladins and Valorant, amongst other games. Probably Fortnite too.

Funny thing is, I main Doomfist, but Iā€™ve also been on board with nerfing Doomfist since his butchering in December a year and a half ago. Hell I even put out countering Doomfist threads, lol.

Problem is, the gameā€™s full of plat-master one tricks that donā€™t see ANY other hero as viable aside from their own.

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As i like to say they are not playing the game but a character.

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Other healers are plenty viable, the support role is literally the best balanced itā€™s ever been.

But whatever, ā€˜nerf Moira and Brig because theyā€™re balanced and they shouldnā€™t beā€™. Thatā€™s literally what theyā€™re saying.


Eeeh, not entirely. People want these two nerfed cause theyā€™re, pretty skilless. Itā€™s why people like Ana and Zen, and disagree with nerfing them. Theyā€™re harder to play and get about the same value as Moira/Brig.

People want skilless heroes to do LESS. Simple.


I dont have a problem with blizz talking to pros about balance and stuff like weā€™ve seen in the past, i just wish they were more up front with the rest of the playerbase too. Like even if the changes arent currently going live/experimental iā€™d still like an official statement here when theyre saying stuff like ā€œweā€™re thinking of changing Xā€

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Which is exactly what theyā€™re asking, that they shouldnā€™t be balanced. Their problem is that they are.

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I dont believe they matter im just using a medal to show that she is doing all roles jobs at once and doing them well each medal corresponds heavily with a certain role now besides healing do these get thrown up in the air between roles some games but 95% of the time the moira is silkver+ in every medal meaning she is the 2nd highest on her team in these stats that game except healing where she is the greatest and not playing wrong. Ive seen many times when im on tank(I am very bad at tank and been trying to improve lately getting there but not yet) where an ana will say I have gold elims wtf team yet Ihave died many times with the ana right behind me and its not because her healing got out damaged its because she wasnt healing and threw for that reason well moira doesnt get repremanded the same way, because shes op

They probably are NOW in fairness, but then again Iā€™ve largely missed out on a lot of recent balance changes after Echo got released. Yay, educationā€¦

But when I left, the two heroes were giving out AS MUCH value as the likes of Ana and Zen, but for 1/4 of the skill. That is the problem people have with the two.

Same with the likes of Reaper and McCree. Two relatively easy DPS that give out as much value as the likes of Tracer and Genji, if not more.

They are not balanced at all. For example why play ana when Moira does her job but way better and way easier and the funny thing is the same applies to Brig and Lucio except* in maybe 5% of cases where the speed is needed.


Because Ana has more utility is overwhelmingly more useful, which is why sheā€™s played vastly more.


Ana is the best support in the game. WTF are you on about?


I love it when people talk about nerfs and that blizzard never listens to themā€¦ When the forums are flooded with things like,
ā€œThis hero is unfun becauseā€¦ā€
ā€œI hate how every gameā€¦ā€

You can very easily tell listening is a process not a one stop shop. It goes through multiple groups. Notice a lot of buzz from the general audience, notice what influencers are bringing up, analyze the topics from the top 1%; itā€™s a funneling process

Just because they donā€™t make the changes forum posters specifically asked for, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not listening, theyā€™re going a different route.

If devs just took the forums advice, nope. Not going to humor where that would go any further.


This is downright hilarious given that Ana is actually played significantly more than Moira even in Gold.


And this is a thread discussing a conversation last night, where pros/GMs are actively asking for balanced heroes to be nerfed, because they donā€™t agree with them being balanced.

Youre not understanding. Is ana better thats debatable but Imo if the person playing her has MASTERED her yes she is the best support right now. But then anyone can click moira get more value than 95% of the people who will pick ana thats the issue

What we classify as balanced is different though.

Quick question; do you think Mei and Sombra are balanced?

They want certain heroes to be meta and counters to be bad. They arenā€™t aiming for a balanced game.


Look waht I just typed should clear things up

Yea we want the heroes who require literally no skill to not be able to get as much value as the ones that take hours to just play decently, whats what a competitive fps should be trying to achieve yes.


Yes someone who plays a skill based hero without actually having the skill to play that hero, then they will be doing worse than people on easier heroes. Thatā€™s completely normal.