Blizzard has been pushing the game towards double shield for a long time

  • Constant nerfs to heroes who can break barriers/no buffs to those characters (Sombra, Symmetra,)
  • Nerfs to heroes that are strong against grouped team comps (Junkrat, Mei)
  • Lack of supports that incentivize split team comps (seriously, no support actually works better with split teams compared to grouped ones)
  • Removal of abilities that can pierce barriers (sym orbs)
  • No Character with barrier piercing ability has an ultimate that can affect enemies behind barriers (Edit: moira ult)

yes, but EMP duration was lowered from 6 to 5 seconds, meaning that she is worse at disabling barriers.

His last balance change was in april of 2019. Nearly 2 years ago… And right now he’s bad, he’s only really “good” in silver and below and even then his pickrate is only around 3%

that was changed to be lowered to 120
I just went into practice range and on a test dummy it left them with just more then 3 bars of health (each health bar is 25)

I play symmetra CONSTANTLY

honestly while that buff did help her overall, it really hasn’t made her much better.
In my experience it didn’t make her much better since 25 health only really saves you like 1/10 times. and most of the time when sym dies her whole team dies with her since she’s more of a teamfighter than anything else.

You’re crazy.

Junkrat is only good in a 1v1 if someone walks into a trap, or if he gets lucky enough to land a bomb. Either way its luck reliant.
Mei literally has an ultimate and primary fire that is MADE to work well against grouped teams, along with wall literally existing to counter teams that only work when grouped.

I mean that there are no supports that actually work better with a team that is split up.

Every support prefers a team that plays grouped over a team that is split up

Actually you are right… and I feel kinda dumb for not remembering her ultimate

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Kind of feel bad that your post got zero attention…
Hope you get lucky Next time.

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I could be wrong but hasn’t junkrat been buffed way more than nerfed recently?

And back when Mei was good she was used in DB, rather than a counter comp

his last balance change was nearly 2 years ago

april of 2019

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The buffs for Junk(Last I played) really barley if any countered all the needs he received

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Junkrat had 7 buffs this year within two patches


Frag Launcher

  • Projectiles maintains slightly more velocity on ricochet

Concussion Mine

  • Projectile speed increased from 20 to 25
  • Ricochet distance off of enemy players greatly reduced

Total Mayhem

  • Bomb detonation time reduced from 1 sec to 0.7
  • Bombs spread increased 50%


Concussion Mine

  • Trigger delay reduced from 0.156 to 0.1 seconds


  • Time to take control of Junkrat post detonation has been reduced from 1.5 to 0.9 seconds

Those were from 2019

h ttps://

It was May 12 of 2020, then later June

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Hm, I guess the wiki is wrong, I’ll update my post then

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There’s another thing. Every AoE Primary fire… almost isn’t. Junkrat and Pharah only have a few meters of splash to work with and it isn’t enough to allow them to noticably strike multiple opponents with one explosive.

Mei didn’t dissuade double shield, lol. This is silly. Mei was actually one of the strongest enablers of double shield rush/brawl comps, specifically the Wall, becuase no tanks but Orisa could even exist in the lobby when Mei was at her peak strength. Mei was nerfed and nerfed hard and thank goodness, if only the nerfs had happened before OWL Mei would now be not crap, as I warned many times it would happen.

Sombra? Forking CC mate, abundant, nerf it all to heck.

Piercing abilities do nothing for double shield. Anything that pierces double shield also pierces one shield, does it not? So why would you run tanks like Winston and Rein instead of tanks with Fortify and Grasp, abilities that cannot be pierced, therefore, double shield? Single shield cannot protect itself against piercing stuff, double shield can, so piercing does nothing at best.

Junkrat… Yeah Junk is just poor rat boyo. Not much to be said there. Considerable amount of CC as well I’m afraid.

yes, but teams with one shield often have ways around abilities that pierce, EX: Mobility, DM, sigma DM

And Orisa/Sig have Fortify and Grasp, atop of a stun and Halt and a 200 DPS of nigh constant combined damage.

The issue is not shields, paradoxically as that may seem. Could buff the holistically living light out of Suym to counter it and all she would do is counter Rein while in DS comp.

And the thing that reinforces that is the sheer amount of hitscan in this “double shield” meta.