Blizz, just say yes or no

Nope, you’re just grasping for straws and holding on to false hope. If anyone needs to do research, it’s you. Jeff has said very clearly MANY times they have no intentions of ever reverting her. No one has “misinterpreted” it, Jeff even said it AGAIN to be EXTRA clear. They. won’t. Revert. her.

The two you’ve stated are from the same post from Jeff XD and I’ve already explained why it doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t get a revert.

Most of the community don’t even agree with this and even though this was said, she still got nerfed afterwards. The nerfs legit contradict what they said about Valkyrie and Resurrect on e.

”And you refuse to listen to reason”

Stolen from Zenyatta

That contradicts itself greatly.

No, it does mean we aren’t getting a revert. Your delusion is sad, please stop.

Saying “But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.” = No Revert.

It doesn’t matter how you read it, he put it very clearly into words so that people like you would hopefully understand. But I guess it didn’t work.

As a mercy main myself, I’m tired of this minority of people who spam for a Mercy revert on the forums. The rest of the mercy community is contributing helpful ideas/rework suggestions, whereas you’re just denying what the Devs have said.


We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

And I could be mistaken about this, but I belive they mentioned in a streams as well.

At some point do we just have to accept the fact that Mercy will never be reverted. It’s not gonna happen.


They’ve said no.

Even if they flat-out say, “No, we are NEVER reverting her” - people will still be equally, if not more, dissatisfied.


This was in Februrary

The most recent one - “We don’t feel like Mercy needs changes right now.” was in May.

They’ve said “No”. Repeatedly.

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They still changed her, they nerfed her.

_emphasized text_1. ”We don’t feel like Mercy needs changes rights now”
Continues to get nerfed

  1. ”We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable”
    Gets her heals reverted from 60 HP per second to 50 HP per second

  2. ”But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest”
    Didn’t exactly say that Mercy will not be reverted. Also, the response is pretty old and an bunch of balance changes have happened since then so who knows, They might change their minds after 3 mega threads.

Doesn’t mean mass rez should exist

Blizzard said long ago that they have no plans to revert. People need to move on already


You could kill the Mercy while she was rezzing.

So, what would you do if they flat-out told you, “No, we’re never reverting her”?

Cause all of this seems like reaching. Prior to every response, people kept reaching for a revert. And it never comes. It’s been met with, “No we’re not changing her” multiple times.

Change =/= “balance change” because in the context that they answer it, people are asking for reverts.

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Facepalm. Ok, I give up. There’s no reasoning with you.

Stretch before you reach that hard or you might pull a muscle.


That is not counterplay to resurrect. You could kill ANY hero before they ulted. That is not counterplay to the ult being used.

People suggested a cast time on resurrect but holy lawd did people get mad for that suggestion LOL.

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This is what happens when u feed the troll

As long as they haven’t exactly said that they won’t revert Mercy, I’ll cling onto that hope :P. Also, I’m expecting you to not respond to any of my future responses on this thread as you’ve said

Nice knowing ya.

Maybe reading comprehension is not your strength?

I said you could kill mercy while she was Ulting.

It is counter play to kill a hero during their Ult.

It is also counter play to kill a hero before they Ult.

It is counterplay if you conserve your ults and wait for the res to come in.

If is counter play to not kamikaze trying to kill the enemy team with res.

it is counter play to adopt superior positioning to the enemy team with res.

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You’re one to talk🙄