Why I think Mercy does the most heals

You’re right.

I didn’t mean to come off as a jerk.


To be completely honest, I can get outhealed as Mercy sometimes when I’m with a good support main as the second healer. A Moira main can beat me, and a Lucio that sticks with the group all the time has an easy time beating me.

The only ones healers that struggle to beat Mercy is Ana and Zenyatta. Ana, of course, is just in a bad spot due to her barrier penetration issues seriously gimping her. Zenyatta only gets off a ton of healing if he’s countering Grav Dragonstrike, otherwise his healing is already really low.

I think the real problem is… most supports in those games aren’t actually mains of the hero respectively. A lot of people play support as an off-role, and most people choose to main Mercy due to her capability to solo heal (which applies a lot if your off-healer isn’t fantastic).

It’s so often I see Lucios prioritize boop attempts and wallriding shenaniganz over healing, and Moiras often tend to try and get some damage done. But the thing is, shouldn’t they? If you have a Mercy with you anyway, you may as well utilize some of your kit’s offensive potentials instead of trying to compete with her in healing output. As long as you get the healing done, it doesn’t matter who has the numbers.

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High Utility, High Heals, High Survival

Pick Two

She had all this way before mass ress… Though this was the case, Ana, Lucio and Zen were considered to be better.

Mercy most of time is healing. The damage boost is situational and usually is better heal than shot.

So if she is healing most of the time, of course she will heal more than other healers than are doing damage. That is danm common sense.

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because healing is literally her main ability?

You should take a look at my thread, it’s very relatable to this subject but goes into more detail.


Then her healing should’ve never been changed when it was originally 50HP/S???

Or maybe they changed it because she is a “main healer” that wasn’t able to keep up with damage output and her teammates kept dying infront of her because 50HP/S was never good.

lmao oof i just read the title of the post and my inner neckbeard replied instantly

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Lol I can relate

  • Moira’s healing is tied to a resource meter.
  • Ana has to aim.
  • Zenyatta, Lucio and Brigitte are off healers.

Mercy has auto aim, can heal through barriers and and resource meter.

It’s no surprise to me that Mercy heal the most in the game. Her healing has no drawbacks and is consistent.

Actually, to compensate for her consistent heals she does next to no damage and isn’t even supposed to damage unlike the other supports.

That’s a crapload of utility.

The triangle of support is:

Mercy wins all three. She should not be dominating all three.

She had all this well before her rework yet Ana and Lucio were considered to be better

Ana and Lucio were both nerfed (directly and indirectly) out of existence.

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Everyone says ana and lucio were better before her rework but before her rework they were both much much stronger than they are now.

And to compensate this did they gave her great mobility. So she could escape the battle.

Read what you’ve just wrote XD

As in, ana and lucio have received multiple nerfs since that time period. Lucio had a much larger radius and ana healed much more than she does now. If we revert mercy back to mass rez version she will still be OP even with Los and cast time changes.