Blizz, just say yes or no

And again, Ana was just better at the time because she was OP. If they reverted Mercy now, Mercy would still be one of the top picks, and the best main healer by far.

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Her Ult isn’t a problem. It’s Rez. If rez was only available to valk mercy she’d be fine. The ability to make every team fight a 7 v 6 is too strong.

Lol no… Clearly you haven’t played pre-rework Mercy.

Firstly, rez being exclusive to Valk will contradict one of the reasons why she was reworked; she needed an e ability. Secondly, there is no such thing as a 7 v 6.

To put it into perspective:

  • Team start a team fight with the whole of the enemy team.

  • Team kills 2 but all die except Mercy.

  • Mercy resurrects her whole team.

They have answered this question multiple times already.

If you did a little research then you would have know that the answer is no.

I’m sorry, but I’m not going to look up and post their replies here. You can easily find it if you search for it.

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Actually people misinterpreted it. They said they don’t plan to change Mercy as they think the rework was successful. Though this was the case, she got 10 consecutive nerfs. Because of this, you can’t scrap the possibility of a revert just yet. Clearly you need to do a little research yourself.

Everyone says 7 v 6 cause you have to kill them twice. It’s not that deep.

It actually is because it’s not a 7v6… Its a 6v6

They have clearly stated that Mercy will NOT get a revert. Multiple times.

It doesn’t matter if she has gotten a lot of nerfs. No means no.

Hanzo has gotten a few nerfs after his rework. Will he get a revert as well? What about Roadhog and Dva?

Was the rework a succes. No!
Mercy was ridiculously OP causing other healers useless. Nerfs were required.
Did they fix the problem with each nerf? No!
Otherwise she didn’t needed 10 nerfs. None of those nerfs toned her down to the level of other healers. Why? Because rez is simply too strong as an ability.

I too would like to see her reverted at this point, but the developers have already clearly stated (multiple) times that Mercy will not get a revert.

Mercy is a mess.

Unless you’re talking about a different Blizzard response, They DID NOT say that Mercy will not get a revert. If you are in fact talking about a different response you’re going to have to link it because most people who say that Mercy will not be getting reverted use the thread I directly quoted as evidence.

My God some people just can’t let go.

Mass rez was moved away from for multiple reasons. There was the post from Kaplan where he even said he wanted to “put to rest” or something to that effect the whole reversion thing.

They have continued to adjust Mercy, and stated NUMEROUS TIMES through the rework process their desire to not have Rez some hugely impactful swing mechanic.

It’s been how many months now? Those who scream revert every chance they get won’t stop. That’s fine. But acting like there hasn’t been a clear and stated desire from the devs and the community to move away from mass rez, and high impact rez, is just willful ignorance at this point.

Quick google search brought me this:

"But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW."

I cbf to dig up the exact post link etc. Do it yourself.


Why am I getting the feeling that you’re indirecting to me?:thinking:

Also how exactly is Mercy reverted to rest when she has had 10 consecutive nerfs since her rework and is still overpowered and broken.

I’m not, I’m sorry. I was saying in general. I started reading posts after posting that and felt you might feel that way. My bad. I was actually just about to edit my post again because of that lol.

I’m on mobile rn otherwise I would search up the exact posts. My apologies.

Why did you even make this post? Jeff has said they wont revert her several times, both on the forums and in a Dev update.

LOL yes they did, at least 3 different times. Jeff said it once on the old forums, and then again when he said “I’d like to put the notion that Mercy will be reverted to rest”, and then once again in a Dev update said they want to keep Rez on E and believe Valkyrie is the right direction for her.

Putting your fingers in your ears and refusing to hear something you don’t like doesn’t make it go away.

Nope, you’re just grasping for straws and holding on to false hope. If anyone needs to do research, it’s you. Jeff has said very clearly MANY times they have no intentions of ever reverting her. No one has “misinterpreted” it, Jeff even said it AGAIN to be EXTRA clear. They. won’t. Revert. her.

The two you’ve stated are from the same post from Jeff XD and I’ve already explained why it doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t get a revert.

Most of the community don’t even agree with this and even though this was said, she still got nerfed afterwards. The nerfs legit contradict what they said about Valkyrie and Resurrect on e.

”And you refuse to listen to reason”

Stolen from Zenyatta

That contradicts itself greatly.