Battle Pass SCAM (yes, yellow coins != credits)

I know how to read. It was called Legacy Tokens. :slight_smile: They just change the names 3-4 times.

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how about not having it in fine print?

have you considered not licking blizzard’s boot for one effin second? not everyone keeps up to date with every single news, most log in and see coins in the bp. Many havent even played ow1.

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Maybe OP had 1500 coins and didn’t want to buy the Premium BP this season (because there’s no new hero this season) and thought to themself “Well, this season there are coins to get so I could buy two Premium Battle Passes in a row” and wanted to take the opportunity, not knowing those extra coins would ever come back again in a future season (not realizing they were Legacy credits or whatever they’re now called)…

This part of OP’s post made completely sense to me. We have no idea how many credits they have left in their account :man_shrugging:

Thank your for reminding me why I put you on my ignore list in the first place.

This conversation was about his analogy. In the BP there is the text that says that its credits and not premium currency.

My god, the amount of people in here defending Blizzard is astounding.

Don’t you know that Blizzard being misleading but “TECHNICALLY CORRECT” is the entire point of the scam? That it’s the entire point of many scams?


Seriously. I’m always amazed by this. I mean, I get that their customer base is mostly children and stupid people, but come on. lol.

It’s like someone ordering a pepperoni pizza, and then complaining that they didn’t get a ham pizza, because pepperoni kind of looks like ham.

It’s more like the “banzai-slide-n-splash-whale-pool-box-vs-reality” problem. The image is meant to be misleading, but the fine print on the box has the “correct” values and thus makes it perfectly legal.

Taking advantage of “similar but legally distinct” scenarios like this is how many scams and misleading tactics work. Like when products get new packaging that’s taller, but thinner, reducing the amount in the bottle but making it look bigger while keeping the price the same, or using packaging that’s partially hollow.

Heck, with your pizza analogy, look up misleading-packaging-designs. There’s literally a frozen pizza where the package has a half-circle window showing you the pepperoni pizza. When you take it out of the box, the other half that was not shown doesn’t have any pepperoni on it. It’s still a pepperoni pizza. All the values on the packaging are perfectly legal with how much pepperoni you’re getting. You can “read carefully” all you want and claim how “dumb” people are for thinking differently, but that doesn’t change that it’s done on purpose to mislead.


how does that change the intentional misleading?

it doesnt.

they should made it even more clear by making credits inside BP having white color instead using Coins yellow color


While them making them yellow indeed was misleading and hopefully changes, they don’t have the same name or icon. Not only that, the majority of the credits are on the free BP.

Initially thought that they’d only be usable with OW1 cosmetics, but seems like anything available through the hero gallery (as opposed to the store) works.

still confusing TBH i think they better go off creating entire new logo instead making it close as similiar to coins logo


It definitely feels like they did it hoping people would confuse them for the valuable coins.

My biggest concern is the fact that rhey give us so many Legacy Coins. That makes me suspect they’re gonna be for something completely useless.

Except in this case it was an image saying A and a text saying A. Credits are round. Coins are sharp edged. The ones in the BP are round, therefore they’re credits. It also says that they’re credits on the rewards page and when you click on them. It’s on you for not spending a total of 3 minutes checking before you bought it.

My God that is just pathetic.

Idk why the playerbase puts up with this, they obviously don’t care about anything but your wallet. When your devs are actively scamming you for money, it’s time to move on to a new game.


This feels like an insult to all the folk that stuck with this game through those 2 years of ZERO content…

Unless they intend on making Shop OW2 skins eventually available via legacy credits, this is a joke. Those that stuck around already have pretty much all OW1 skins… guess we get what… free credits for new OW2 character voicelines? Splendid.

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now you…have a slight case here, but i think its still relatively weak

may I have suggestion?

Old news, this isn’t some new revelation.

They were quite clear in the wording choice.

Why defend Blizzard? They’re offering you a product in exchange for your time and money. They work for you, you pay them. You are the boss.

Are they doing a good job by purposely making WHITE overwatch legacy credits GOLD in the BP?

I’m blown away by how unprofessional and malicious Blizzard is, and people lap it up and ask for more.

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Explain how they made it clear.