Battle Pass SCAM (yes, yellow coins != credits)


I’m very disapointed with this kinda of Scam coming from Blizzard.

Yesterday, like other players, I was checking the BP rewards to see if I should buy or not.

Then I see we were getting a lot of “GOLD COINS” and well, it was easy to see it was a MUST BUY Battle Pass, so I could buy next one :slight_smile:

I bought it (like lot of other players) just to realize it was not the YELLOW/GOLDEN COINS I was thinking it was.

I don’t think Blizzard needed this kinda of Scam. Painting these coins YELLOW on Battle Pass screen was not professional. I don’t believe it was a mistake.

Hope I don’t get banned for posting this. Hope a Blizzard support could give us a real answer about this. It was a really bad move and i’m sad, as big fan of Blizzard, i didn’t expect it from them (yes, blame on me).



At this point idk if it is just incompetence or they made them look similar on purpose. In any normal game, the paid currency is always made completely distinctive so it can never get mixed up with the free one.


They made this clear that this are CREDITS and not premium currency. People just need to learn how to read…


Even the names of the currency is similar - coins and credits
most people probably don’t know which one is which

Completely amateurish job.


Hi. It has a very large FREE icon above the coins.

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Regardless, the coloration is confusing, since the credit usually display in whilte, while coins are yellow/golden. Some consistency in appearance would be appreciated to avoid confusion.


Yeah, the icon choice was not great, buit then again: there are “legacy” credits. I am sure they will come up with another icon in the future.

While the symbol is almost the same:

  • premium: yellow, edged
  • credits: white, round

I think this is also displayed in the BP and also in the hero gallery.

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this is the kinda of dumb answer (show something, write other: it’s fake propaganda)

if you go in a physical store and they sell closed box with the gold coind printed in the label, and you buy, open it and discover it’s actually white, you have a CRIME HERE
in my country, they would give money back and fix the wrong printed labels asap to not get taxed

but it’s internet :X i just didn’t expected this FROM BLIZZARD

and man, i checked/rechecked the colors in SHOP a lot of times to make sure it was the right one. Even i read credits/coins, it was clearly the YELLOW/GOLD COINS


Aren’t those literally an indication of which items are on the Free track of the BP?
Honestly the UI is kind of confusing, they should separate the free track from the premium track.


I didn’t even receive the free coins…great job blizzard.

No, its wording. There are (OW1) credits and the OW2 premium currency. Two different things.

How about you read the fine print that states (there are white coins in it)?

You are new here? Blizz get bashing since the blizzcon 2019 lol

Let’s start a massive petition for our £8.20 back march on down to OW HQ… And shove it up your butt!

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I think its very easy to tell which are free and which arent.

i think you didn’t read the title of this post: SCAM
it is what scam is: show something, write other thing, make ppl think it’s a good deal, discover you were fooled

i know ppl hates blizzard since diablo immoral and stuff, but it was a TRUE SCAM in its natural form

u keep saying: it was write: WHITE COINS, but u still didn’t get what a scam is! The fact is: it SHOULD BE WHITE COINS and write WHITE COINS

what if it was the opposite? WHITE COINS PRINTED but then wrote ‘gold coins’ in small letters? Blizzard could choose which one she was going to give us? It is an error! But an intentional or a mistake? That’s the discussion here and how they’ll fix it


And I think you dont understand that your lack of reading comprehension does not make it one xD

Just btw: the coins are free rewards also, so you did not even needed to buy the pass to get them.


Your literally the only person who was fooled.

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Except in the case of the battle pass, it’s:

Credits: yellow, round.

Hence the confusion and points about deceptive marketing. It’s quite possible someone read it would only be credits and planned to forgo the battle pass. Then they look at it and see the yellow markers, immediately associate them with premium coins, and buy the battle pass on that assumption.


No he was not. There are multiple people who cant read…

They are free rewards, so buying the BP does not make sense for just the coins.

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because you just read here, i came from OW2 reddit
and answer me: if it was WHITE COINS PRINTED with the label “gold coins”? Which one we should get?

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Always read what is in the box (in your analogy, on the back of the box) and therefore: white coins.

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