Battle Pass SCAM (yes, yellow coins != credits)

I don’t think there’s going to be compromise like that happening anytime soon. especially with increase shop prices which indicate a doubling down on a center focus for the shop.

I’m giving premium skins a year before expecting any sort of cosmetic recycles.

Not to mention the premium coins had the exact same icon as the legacy credits before OW2 was released which probably also confused a lot of people.

You would think they will have learned by now.

Another thing that pisses me of is that the prices aren’t even consistent. OW1 stuff cost less than the new heroes but there is nothing that indicates which items are old and which aren’t

Yeah this was it for me, last time im buying the battle pass :face_exhaling: so dishonest :-1:

Yeah except they made out that the coins in the BP was what people were asking for, but then its just the f2p currency anyway. People are going to assume its a currency you can buy the next BP with, just like every other game. Don’t act like blizzard don’t know this lol. There’s no reason for the icon to be the same colour.

They aren’t stupid. It’s intentional.


/overwatch2 or /overwatch?
/overwatch is the more active one, and there was a discussion on the fact that its not premium currency the minute they announced it in the blog.

Honestly we can almost build a case for false advertisement with this…


Oh yes, this was intentional. You can see it in the wording of the pass for this season “now including credits!” but not disclaiming what that means.

Yes, they told us what it means, but the majority of players do not check forums, news posts, social media, or anything to get this information, it is not the consumer’s fault. Blizzard intentionally is misleading.

Also, let’s never forget how they have the audacity to raise the prices of nearly everything.

I truly hope this game gets shut down by 2025 at this point, there is just no way they’re getting away with actual thievery right?!


They look too similar. The one with corners is the premium one, that’s the most obvious difference

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Oh yes and I should be looking for poison warnings on my box of chees-its.

The fact that their is any confusion at all is a major issue, as most people don’t read the fine print and take stuff at face value. Making them gold like the premium currency, and roughly the same shape makes it very easy to mix the two up.

Imagine if all real life coins were the same size and color. And you had to read the fine print to know what you were just handed.


Its not incompetence, all of these tricks are on purpouse to trick the players into something that its not true, thats why both are the same icon, both have similar color and both start as “overwatch c… oins or redits” believe me, they spend tons of money to bring psychologists to make all of these tricks work and its a huge succes for them


A better example would be:
There’s a Legendary Genji skin and a Mythic Genji skin.
On the banner there is a version of the Legendary Genji skin with a little color change, but you buy it with the intend of getting the completely unrelated Mythic skin and get disappointed you didn’t get that one.

It’s said that it’s Credits and the shape also backs it up.

Coins and Credits doesn’t look or sound similar whatsoever…

That does sound pretty dumb.

Then again, you didn’t word it very charitably. Let’s mix things up a little bit and…

“College professor let go by university for refusing to teach students at the level they are expected to be at.”

“College professor criticized for being out-of-touch with students and overestimating their ability, fired after proving to be completely inflexible.”

“University fires professor whose classes have abysmal pass rates across the board.”

Wow, that professor sounds like a jerk. Maybe even incompetent.

Their entire monetization is built upon scam. That’s how F2P games have to work to gain profit.

Where have you been? They have less integrity than scam mobile games and that has been the case for quite some time. They even released their own, actually. I am impressed with how much some good faith from a decade ago seems to be overwriting the past half decade of red flags.

Obviously he did not hear anything about Diablo Immoral. Then he would have known already.

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Well, I mean if you have been teaching at an Ivy League University for 40+ years and you literally wrote the book of the subject you teach, you are bound to pick up at least SOME snobery.

It means that it is in the free battlepass, not necessarily that it is free currency.

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Omg I didn’t realize this wow I’ve been scammed, I thought the premium credits were bugged since my money went from 1500 to -500 after buying the battlepass

The icons on the Battle Pass should absolutely be white and not gold, but this part of your post makes no sense. The Battle Pass only gives you 500 credits - that wouldn’t be enough for another Battle Pass even if they were coins.