Battle Pass SCAM (yes, yellow coins != credits)

Except in this case it was an image saying A and a text saying A. Credits are round. Coins are sharp edged. The ones in the BP are round, therefore they’re credits. It also says that they’re credits on the rewards page and when you click on them. It’s on you for not spending a total of 3 minutes checking before you bought it.

My God that is just pathetic.

Idk why the playerbase puts up with this, they obviously don’t care about anything but your wallet. When your devs are actively scamming you for money, it’s time to move on to a new game.


This feels like an insult to all the folk that stuck with this game through those 2 years of ZERO content…

Unless they intend on making Shop OW2 skins eventually available via legacy credits, this is a joke. Those that stuck around already have pretty much all OW1 skins… guess we get what… free credits for new OW2 character voicelines? Splendid.

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now you…have a slight case here, but i think its still relatively weak

may I have suggestion?

Old news, this isn’t some new revelation.

They were quite clear in the wording choice.

Why defend Blizzard? They’re offering you a product in exchange for your time and money. They work for you, you pay them. You are the boss.

Are they doing a good job by purposely making WHITE overwatch legacy credits GOLD in the BP?

I’m blown away by how unprofessional and malicious Blizzard is, and people lap it up and ask for more.

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Explain how they made it clear.

They actually do look similar. And we were never actually informed that legacy credits were turned into normal credits, so people thought that they were being given overwatch coins

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They’re used to buy specific items in the hero catagory. Which is contradictory to the actual shop

Reading comprehension diff sadly, not scammed in the slightest lol

We were never actually informed of the fact that legacy credits were turned into normal credits, and because we never knew. And because the legacy credits were colored yellow in the pass, people could’ve easy confused them with overwatch coins.

They explained in detail the purpose of the creation of Overwatch credits in the blog post, and they even mentioned people that have a lot of legacy credits will now be able to use them, because they won’t only be unlocking old things but having new things that will be able to be bought with this specific currency in the future, it’s all in the blog

Oh rly? Thanks for siding with deceiving practice.

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Is not deceiving, if it was I would call it out, but having read the blog post it’s just ppl that want to blame their lack of reading comprehension on blizzard

Console does actually claim Coin instead of Credits, no clue if it’s in the BP though, Bug Report section doesn’t make that clear.

Seems like we’ve reached a point where the monkeys can no longer put the cylinder shaped block into the hexagon shaped hole.

Yellow = What I need.
White = What I don’t need.
- Monkey

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No, they actually don’t look similar. Overwatch Coins and Overwatch Credits have completely different icon designs and colors. Coins are Gold, Credits are Silver. Coins have a Hexagon icon, Credits have a Circular icon. If you can’t tell the differnt even at a glance, then you’ve got some extremely poor eyesight issues and might need to go see an Optometrists…

Also: Taken from the Patch notes.

Overwatch Credits are back

  • Overwatch Credits, which were previously labeled “Legacy Credits” and were not earnable in Overwatch 2, can now once again be earned through progressing in the Season 3 Battle Pass

This was also mentioned at least a week before they re-introduced the Overwatch Credits.

I don’t agree with a lot of things Blizzard do these days, but in this case, the fault lies with people who can’t read and never pay any attention to news and updates regarding the game.

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They use the same colour for the Currency art in the BP.

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No, the color is YELLOW and the icon is still the same as Credits aka Circular icon.

I never claimed the Icon to have a different shape; only the Colour, and mb for art I meant the 3D model representing the Currency.
Because that’s “gold” and not silver / yellow.