💙 Bastion mains, it's time to hear your voice once more

Every character seems to have that one troll that hates them. D.Va has Rocko, Mercy has megadodo, and Bastion has drunknerd.


Bastion has a lot more than that… i can guarantee you that.

Every hundred or so posts in the main threads, someone would come in and start a flame war.

Also i wanna summon the main Bastion’s here but i’m a stupid AI ;-;

They all have more haters, but they all have one that is pretty unique in their dedication to said hate. They are like all the other trolls rolled into one.

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Honestly bastion is in a much better place right now I feel after 2/2/2 than before

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Yea… even so, it may be a better place, but from living in the deep south i know that 90 degrees F may feel better than 100 F, but it’s still painful.

Also i appreciate your feedback. ^,^

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I’m just going to drop this here as an example of how bad Bastion is at any decent range, tested on training bots standing in an open field.

It’s not good.
And these are best case scenario situations.

You post so much here, and keep posting this kind of stuff… I really don’t understand.

While he DOES require people to play with him, he’s actually a pretty popular strategy even at the GM level streams I watch.

Not really sure what you want from this hero, dude.

The Brotherhood Of Bastion

Join our voices into the greater good!

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Not a dude.

Even when supported fully by pro players he lasts maybe one single life.

He’s unbalanced.

I seek balance.

Bastion need the heal trick again.


You mean the properly functioning ultimate?

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I really like the idea of a more durable Bastion that reloads more, great idea.

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It’d be balanced all around!
For everyone involved.


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Bastion is doing a lot better than many of the DPS roster.

Meant the dude in a generic sense, plenty of women in my life say “dude” all the time to each other!


Show me any hero who is less capable than Bastion right now, in the DPS category.


that is all.

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I would also be okay with this, if he was given the Mercy treatment.

And if the rest of the suggestions i gave in the OP were also used…

Bastion is actually midtier in GM right now (according to Overbuff).

According to my own experience, i’d say he’s still made of wet cardboard.
Even GM players know that, it’s just sometimes they have to fight other GM players while they kill the Bastion.

I don’t know why you’re speaking for GM players when you aren’t one, but in my experience Bastion comps are actually very good on ladder right now because teams are much less coordinated.