Join The Brotherhood Of Bastion

The lone wanderers turned into a group.

We are a peaceful group of people who are just trying to wander the world regardless of our past mistakes, to seek internal peace.

Whoever can join this group as long as they promise to leave their hostile mentality, and negativity behind, as we are trying to seek happiness.


I will never be peaceful toward a bastion player


Is it just going to be a weekly thing now? Someoneā€™s gonna start a new [insert Overwatch character here] cult fanclub?
inb4 the winky face council shows up


Winky Face :wink:


That is an acceptable response, we have left our aggressive and hateful past behind, but we still remember everything we hath done.

As long as people are ready to join in for our, and their causes, im fairly certain there will be a lot of ā€œcultsā€ in the future

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Can I join even if I have killed many Bastions in the past?

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We leave our past behind here in the brotherhood, are past sins are forgiven as you take the step to become one with the brotherhood

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Hello ? Is this the FBI ? I would like to report an emergency.

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As a pacifist who has slight ptsd and loves birbs, iā€™d like to think iā€™m one of you.

Also due to my past hereā€¦

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You are welcome brother, we shall help ease your burdens on our way to to enlightenment

You are confusing overwatch with assassins creed

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Thank you!
Iā€™m glad that iā€™m still somewhat welcomed here.

Itā€™s sister btwā€¦

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If you were a kitten cat I would had invited you to my sisters meow group .


I may not be one but i do find kittens adorableā€¦ :3


Then I can give you honorary position of kawaii fox in my group .


You are always welcome to join us on our journey.

my deepest apologies, sister.

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Ah yes, the Brotherhood of Steel Bastion

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Oh the brotherhood of steel, our companions throughout a lot of our journies.