šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

The only way they ever need to manage his over all damage, is an ammo reduction.

He needs to still hit hard when he does hit.
But having the ammo capacity he does now you can spam forā€¦ a while.

And YES.


Once you give up your mobility, youā€™re sacrificing the ability to run or move, for damageā€¦ Which should realistically mean ā€œDonā€™t come near me!! Iā€™m more dangerous!!ā€

But right now youā€™re more dangerous, in the open about 30 metes away due to Bastionā€™s spread (Starting out) As a dinner plate.

Bastion should be the ā€œDonā€™t get near meā€ Hero, when not in Recon.

You should fight the Bastion from afar, from behind cover, or by making the space he occupies bad for him to be in.

WHICH is what the game is already doing more of.

You have things like Asheā€™s dynamite and Torbā€™s ult.
Things that never existed even back when Bastion was stronger.

To effectively fight a Bastion you should make the Bastion want to move.
You shouldnā€™t have the upper hand when the Bastion enters Sentry mode.
You should have the upper hand when you force him out of it.


maybe this is not the type of hero that Overwatch can have, think about how small the control points areā€¦

everything else you say is true, but I donā€™t think Overwatch wants to be a game about hard counters like you say about Torb and Ashe.

If so though, they need to make a respawn button, so when you come out and see a Bastion you can hit a button and return to respawn and swap heroes. This is a lot more complicated and outside the scope of this thread.

But I think youā€™re right, Bastion is balanced 8 months in the past :thinking:

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About the control points in particularā€¦

You can fight in all SORTS of ways in this game.
I think people are way too used to GOATS and such.

The idea is, if you have already somehow set up a Bastion on the control point, that team HAS an advantage, simply because your own didnā€™t prevent this from happening.

How would i address this?

Attack from multiple points, or multiple areasā€¦ control points and payloads already allow for this.
Focus the Bastion with Tanks, AND Flanks.
Bastion has to focus someone, and it has to only be one hero whoā€™s attacking him at a time.

Basically it boils down to reading the battle and making use of opportune moments, like a Widow would, and also teamwork ALWAYS counters teamwork.

If they have a shield and a Bastion, (And or a healer) Thatā€™s 2-3 heroes working in unison.
If you have 2-3 heroes working in proper unison on your own side, it will have an effect.
Such asā€¦ Have a Tank face him, Dynamite over him, then focus him from behind.

Youā€™ve more than likely burned the healer, or forced them back. The Tank (And shield) Are on fire, and the Bastion is focusing his backside to protect himself. (And heā€™s on fireā€¦ and probably having to heal himself to stop it from getting rid of his own armor) Leaving his Tank less defended and his Tankā€™s front completely exposed to a direct assault.

And lets talk about something.
I just described a whole battle involving 3 heroes on either side, and the Bastion would already be dead in most cases if itā€™s done properly.

There are 6.

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I want to know what his winrate is. Overall and in each rank. I donā€™t care about his pick rate.

and Iā€™d like it broken down for each map

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So pulse bomb is being buffed to 350.

Sentry still technically survives it, but with very little health.

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I am a Mercy one-trick.

Maybe itā€™s that I am a Bronzie, but when Bastion hits Configuration: Tank, I drop everything I am doing and pocket him. While his damage output is enormous, heā€™s still very fragile and I usually find that for him to survive to the end of his own ult, Mercy has to help him.


Recon wonā€™t survive the 350HBP bomb.
Cause sometime the -3 armor can save Bastion from it.

When the bomb stick it does 5 damage, when it explose it does 300 damage.
If you heal correctly, you can outheal the 5 damage and then survive the 300 with -3 HP.

Now you just die. I hope they buff Bastion a little.


Geoff goodman should burn in hell for this idiotic bug

The scenario you describe doesnā€™t paint Bastion in good light, but I am saying this as someone in the anti-Bastion camp, so I am admittedly a little biased.

In regards to your scenario, yes. Bastion can be overwhelmed by multiple characters jumping on him at the same time in a big rush, and if thatā€™s done correctly, he falls like paper. (Personally, I go with Zenyatta and discord him, my team focuses him, and he falls fast). I donā€™t disagree with that. The issue I have is, thatā€™s whatā€™s required. In my opinion, if a characterā€™s weakness is ā€œeveryone dogpiling on them at the same timeā€, then theyā€™re a poorly designed character. Not necessarily OP, just poorly designed.

Wait what bug?

Whats with that Ligma?

Is hero 31 a meme already?

Edit: I just realised i wrote ligma instead of sigmaā€¦ There goes that joke. ok good oneā€¦ nice.

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You missed the only point i was makingā€¦

That is how Bastion is easily countered when TEAM WORK is involved.
Pocket any dps and you need a strategy to counter it.
Bastion alone would still have all sorts of counters

wew looks like a ton of heroes got nerfs/buffs this update

Didnā€™t see Bastion tho so itā€™s time to storm Jeffs house

In all honesty this update (On first glance) Seems to nerf Bastion all together.

They still donā€™t seem to understand that Bastion himself is a victim of circumstance.

Have a good team?
You seem like a god.

Have a bad team who wouldnā€™t handle themselves anyways?
Youā€™re not a ā€œHefty targetā€ Youā€™re wet cardboard.

  1. Sweet gif.
  2. Not sure it applies, because I believe I understand your point. However, I may not have expressed it clearly (was in a rush).

The point being, Bastion falls to teamwork. I agree. Thatā€™s his counter. My stance is just, fundamentally, if a characterā€™s counter is ā€œteamworkā€, then that character has a flawed design (I said the same thing for some characters in LoL, back when I played it).

Still missing the point.

The hero is rather easy to counter on his own.

In my analogy i was pointing out that he doesnā€™t become some kind of fortress when pocketed like others may think, and that when paired with teamwork on his own side, teamwork counters it well.

Youā€™re still going at this like heā€™s somehow always pocketed no matter what, and calling countering the hero at all, needing teamwork. which is just not true.

been on the ptr today and 2-2-2 will be the last straw for me, been a good few years but the end is and has become close and personal. All ability for players to adapt on the fly is stripped out of the game the meta will be a version of bunker comp.

I dont do boring.

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Wait this is such a silly take. Turret doesnā€™t need mobility because he does ABSURD damage

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Yea, Bastion falls pretty easily when heā€™s by himself. I think we can all agree that is the huge issue with his design.

With him being pocketed and bunkered though, itā€™s less an issue of him being OP and him being the captain of the anti-fun brigade. Playing around him by developing this master plan of flanks and ganks and mega-focusing him is just not fun at all, and instead of playing Overwatch, we all have to play ā€œget the Bastionā€.

Itā€™s frustrating, and part of what makes it that way, in my opinion, is how easy Bastion has it in that scenario. Yea, heā€™s not OP, but he reaps so much reward for doing as little as possible. All he has to do is sit there while his team babies him. My joke is ā€œHow to play Bastion: 1) drop in sentry mode. 2) tape down your left click. 3) Go make a sandwich.ā€

Again, Bastionā€™s not impossible to deal with like this, but a team building around him is the only way heā€™s viable, so thatā€™s why I always reference that. By himself, heā€™s a throw pick. Iā€™d like to see him be viable on his own. As he is now, heā€™s either a throw pick, or a huge part of some annoying cheese comp.

Omnics are soulless pieces of metal ā€¦ would you pity a toaster if it didnā€™t work correctly :thinking: But seriously ā€¦. Bastion is very strong in low elos and useless in high ones ā€¦. he needs a total rework i think.

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