šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I get it, sorry it took me so long.

so your point was that damage reduction for Bastion should be gotten rid of and he should be buffed in another area?

or your saying that damage reduction isnā€™t all itā€™s cracked up to be, and in reality Bastion needs attention elsewhere?


We needa get this post to 20,000 responses!


I can think of a lot of cool abilities that would give Bastion the help he needs. But none of them make sense and would not be put into the game lol.

I say give Bastion Exoboots while heā€™s in turret form.

but he canā€™t move left or right after he jumps, he just pops 30 feet in the air and back down to the same spot. itā€™s for added mobility

If they dropped the damage resistance for more health then he would function normally.

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but the damage reduction makes sense, lore wise (scientifically)

what if he got 500 total health when he goes into turret?

you know what would help me out.

if I didnā€™t have to manually heal, If Iā€™m not shooting and donā€™t have full health, I want the button to press itself, maybe if I was allowed to move my health bar closer to the center of the screen, I wouldnā€™t want the button to press itself, but sheesh!

personally, I think Bastion is fine, but Iā€™m all about buffing my most played hero :slight_smile:

500 would be a bit much, 375 is around what he gets right now. However, everyoneā€™s health pools currently are all divisible by 50, so they could do 350 or 400 instead.

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Even the numbers prove iā€™ve been here too longā€¦

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the 20K post will be mine, starts camping the thread again.


We are surprisingly close to 20k.

Whatā€™s the plan after that again?

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Iā€™ve been thinking the successor should just be called ā€œThe Bastion (Mega)Threadā€ as itā€™s what so many refer to this thread and remove the brackets when the thread gets big enough.

And the Original Post be far more inclusive and not tie down to any particular idea of what should be done with bastion.

I think the best starting point is a summary of Bastionā€™s history, busting common myths and be clear about the omnicā€™s state in the game. The persistently low pickrate, the known bugs, and also facts about his development like where the name e54 came from and its history at Blizzard.

So we just stick to the facts, figures and history for the OP and first replies are people putting in their perspective on Bastion. Because what can seem like a great idea now may not be that great as time goes on, but the Original Post is what everyone sees first when they click on ā€œthe Bastion Megathreadā€.

Thatā€™s the great place to put facts you donā€™t want people to ignore like Bastionā€™s persistently low pickrate, how spread reduces pickrate, how Damage reduction is different, how much weaker bastion has become (since armour nerfs). Build a foundation of facts and have the theory build on that.

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Posting here just to get to 20k faster.

Im doing my part.


What are we even doing.
We say all weā€™ve got to say.
But no dev or anything.
Whatā€™s next then ?

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Weā€™ve been having this problem since the start of the year. Every idea we could think of has been discussed to death, been resurrected and then run into the ground again.

I suppose if 222 does come soon itā€™ll be interesting to see how it effects Bastion. Even if that doesnā€™t change his pickrate directly the rebalancing that will need to come with it may.

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WE are Bastion mains, win lose or draw we always stay in the fight, we help each other and look forward.


Iā€™ve been thinking about it, and yes, put head shots back in.

Mei used to have falloff and Widow didnā€™t unscoped. Mercyā€™s DB used to work on impact not on exit.

They are making the game correct according to the laws of physics. Good on them. Why is Bastion being forgotten. Give him back his headshots!

This is a game heavenstobetsy! Games demand consistency, not bandaids!

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Make our bullets act like bullets again.

Especially when someone willingly steps in front of an immobile machine gun the size of a small car.

I do not like the ā€œplaystyleā€ of someone trying to get close to Bastion though.

I play Bastion at 1800sr and it makes me cry when I loose a duel to a Doomfist, but thatā€™s not why I have this opinion.

Itā€™s a very unique and stupid (imho) aspect of the game. Iā€™m moving my turret around as fast as I can, while Doomfist or Reaper play hopscotch on my head. Itā€™s cool and itā€™s neat, but itā€™s just not ā€œOverwatchieā€ enough for me.

I donā€™t know how else to describe it. But I like Bastion turret. So I donā€™t know :frowning:

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Well i more so mean when a Roadhog shoves his face into you and expects to not even be hurt.

When a Tracer pokes you and literally doesnā€™t have any consequencesā€¦
When people donā€™t respect your space at all.

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yeah I think Bastion has some tank qualities. like suppressive fire. And youā€™re right, a 5m radius around Bastion should be a ā€œdeath zone.ā€ Maybe youā€™re right about head shots. Itā€™s really the only way Bastion can fend for himself.

But I think with headshots, he will loose his medium to long range capabilities. Assuming they nerf overall damage to compensate for headshots being in play.

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