šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

For a long time, Mercy wasnā€™t meta even with Mass Rez, because the meta favored Ana, Lucio, and three tanks.

After the triple-tank meta was broken, Mercy finally became meta to the point that no other healer could compete. Thatā€™s when Mercy needed a nerf.

Tracerā€™s Pulse Bomb was nerfed because people had gotten too good at using it to delete tanks.

Characters can remain unchanged for a long time until the shifting meta forces Blizzard to consider changes which werenā€™t previously a high priority.

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I mean, youā€™re not wrongā€¦ they do seem to value pro opinions much higher than normal playersā€¦

That said, Seagull has stated that Bastion could use a couple buffs.

They donā€™t have a ā€œpro-only discordā€ per say, they were invited to and joined a discord that is run by prosā€¦

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I donā€™t know how to link threads, but I think this is a roundabout way to do it. Please read the whole thing.

Yes, but theyā€™re not listening in this instance, this is the important oneā€¦ :Kappa:



I donā€™t think making Bastion slide off the payload is necessary. What really is necessary is reworking or reverting Mercy. Tempo rez is the most broken mechanic of the game, and without that type of cancer in this game Pirate Ship will be far more counterable. Kill Bastion once, game over.

Bastionā€™s sentry mode is very weak, so iā€™m not sure incentivizing him to change configurations is good. His sentry is the only mode he can really get value out of, Recon is only for re-positioning to a better Sentry location. And i think Bastion needs to get a Symmetra 3.0 treatment. He has fundamental design flaws that need to be addressed and the balance team is to incompetent to notice or do anything about it for 2 years.

Bastionā€™s whole existence makes me doubt Overwatch and the devs, and i barely play Bastion. They just wonā€™t address his problems at all, and leaves him in the gutter as a no-skill widely detested practically useless cheese hero since the gameā€™s inception.

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50% Ironclad seems like a somewhat bad idea to meā€¦ it seems like people will just sit on an objective and spam shift for an infinite 50% damage resist and get healed by like an Ana or something from a distanceā€¦

I asked what kolorblind thought on stream about putting tank on ā€œEā€ and it seems like she is very against changing/reworking him, I didnā€™t clip it unfortunately I should of done


Thatā€™s just their opinion unfortunately, not everyone is going to agree with changes regardless of who it is. Yes they are pretty much one of the best Bastion players but doesnā€™t mean Bastion isnā€™t having trouble. Torbjorn is planning on getting a rework but hey didnā€™t that Defran guy have a torb only account and get gm easily? Must be a fine hero then right? No its because the player is really good.


If itā€™s in a VOD, you can go back and clip itā€¦ I donā€™t really agree though. If most people (pros specifically) donā€™t want to fight against a slightly buffed Bastion in his current state, then heā€™s just going to get gutted again. It happened with 35% Ironclad (though that one was pretty OP), it happened with Mercy, it happened with Sombraā€¦ A rework is his best bet at being accepted and not instantly gutted. Keep his fundamentals (Sentry is stationary with high damage, Recon is mobile with better range, Tank is very mobile and burst damage), but rework his kit slightly. I definitely donā€™t want a hard limit on his modes, I think that would kill him, but just Tank on E would be a good rework imoā€¦


Iā€™ll see if I can clip it, It happened about an hour ago so i have to search for a bit so i can clip

edit - Okay so now Iā€™ve heard her talk about it twice it seems like she doesnā€™t want anymore changes and doesnā€™t want Bastion to be meta/must pick, I donā€™t really agree much with that.
part 1 - https://clips.twitch.tv/ShakingFreezingNuggetsPJSalt
part 2 - explains why she doesnā€™t want him to change - https://clips.twitch.tv/RoughRefinedButterCclamChamp

Personally, I donā€™t 100% agree with what she says, I want Bastion to be more viable but he doesnā€™t have to be meta or a must pick.

I also kind of see the mobility argument if you put tank on E, If tank mode was a 8 second cooldown he will have a little too much mobility by rocket jumping


I Understand your apprehensive Nature towards our vocal approachā€¦

But, I have always believed that Any effort, No matter the amount, is never wasted when itā€™s put towards a good cause.

Even if that cause has no foreseeable end.

We fight to regain our Honor, and towards justice for our name. weā€™d be glad to have you at our side.

Blizzard faces a harrowing fork in their roadā€¦

To make changes favoring the common player, or to selectively hear only the ā€œBestā€ Of the communityā€¦ Which in of itself, is to be questioned based on prior experiences.


Doesnā€™t seem to understand the buffs weā€™re asking for. We donā€™t want literally everything all in one buff, we want some stuff in a smaller buff. No one is asking for 150 tank armor AND Ironclad to be increased, itā€™s one or the otherā€¦

I donā€™t want to make accusations, but it sounds to me kinda like a ā€œI donā€™t want Bastion to be better because Iā€™m decent at this Bastion, and I want to remain at the topā€.

Yes, it would give him mobility any time he wanted it, but I fail to see how thatā€™s a bad thing. If youā€™re using it to dive into the enemy, youā€™re just going to instantly die anyway. Having mobility in such a mobile game isnā€™t a bad thing. Tank on E just gives him better sneak attacks, a better escape option if things go bad, and a good burst damage option. Itā€™s not like it would turn him into Doomfistā€¦

I have 2 potential ideas, if I can throw in my two cents; one for each route (IC and no IC). Feel free to give me thoughts on it. Please note that I am in full agreement though that Bastion needs help, and you guys do have my support as well!

With IC


  • Headshot hitbox reduced by 10%


  • Stays the same


  • Spread reduced by 10% (increases accuracy by 19%)*
  • Spread stays at max
  • IC Passive here stays at 20%
  • Headshots enabled again


  • IC Passive increased to 35%
  • Transformation Time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1.2 seconds



  • Removed


  • Movement speed increased from 5.5 meters/second to 6 meters/second


  • Stays the same


  • Max Spread reduced by 20% (increases accuracy by 36%)*
  • Spread starts minimal and increases as you fire (think pre-rework Bastion if you need a reference for this)
  • Headshots enabled again


  • Gives +150 Armor

*For those unaware of how the accuracy increase is measured, note that weapon spread is in the form of a circle. Take Sombraā€™s weapon accuracy change from February 27th as an example. The spread of it was reduced from 3 to 2.7; well, to calculate the area of this, you need to do the area of a circle (pi * r * r). When the radius is 3, the area is 9 pi; when the radius is 2.7, the area is 7.29 pi. Dividing 7.29 by 9 gives a result of 0.81, meaning that the result is an accuracy increase of 19%. (Itā€™s worth to note that when you divide those two areas, the pi in each area cancels out.)


Thats the crux of a character. If a character is viable, he or she is META.

To Explain, A ā€œMetaā€ Or otherwise the Most Effective Tactic Available, A Situation Based entirely and ONLY Around the hero, (Or ANY Hero) Would be.

But, Viability is another case all together.

Genji is viable but hes not meta.

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Really? I thought it referred the ā€œmeta-gameā€, using the Greek word for ā€œafter, beyondā€.

ā€œA prefix added to the name of a subject and designating another subject that analyzes the original one but at a more abstract, higher level.ā€

The ā€œmeta-gameā€ is the body of unwritten rules and guidelines formed by the experience of those who have mastered the game. The body of tactics and strategies they developed within the official rules.

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A couple of observations:
First, it would be quite strange for recon to have the same speed that Tracer and Genji have, it would a good change to Sombra, but for Bastion it would feel out of place.

Second, if Bastion had 35% ironclad during his ultimate, the cast time of 1.5 seconds should stay.

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On a side note I just want to quickly point out after Torb gets his rework Bastion will most likely be the #1 worst hero in the game


Thatā€™s what we hope forā€¦