Blizzard and the community

Community: “Zenyatta is too weak”
Blizzard: buffs Zen’s health to 200 along with other buffs

Community: “We need another healer”
Blizzard: adds Ana

Community: “Widowmaker’s 150 body shot is to strong”
Blizzard: nerfs widow’s bodyshot damage

Community: “Why can’t we buy event skins with coins?”
Blizzard: makes event skins available to buy during their respective events

Community: “Hero stacking shouldn’t be in quickplay or compeditive”
Blizzard: removes hero stacking from quickplay and competitive

Community: “Symmetra is really weak”
Blizzard: adds shield generator and gives her other buffs

Community: “Why isn’t there a capture the flag gamemode?”
Blizzard: adds CTF as an event brawl then as an arcade mode

Community: “we need a new main tank”
Blizzard: adds Orisa

Community: “Bastion needs more survivability”
Blizzard: buffs Bastion

Community: “NERF BASTION”
Blizzard: nerfs Bastion

Community: “We need more PVE”
Blizzard: adds new uprising event

Community: “Ana is too powerful”
Blizzard: nerfs Ana

Community: “We need more elimination maps”
Blizzard: adds three new elimination maps

Community: “Loot boxes drop too many duplicates”
Blizzard: severely reduces the number of duplicates in Loot Boxes

Community: “Reaper is weak”
Blizzard: gives Reaper life steal

Community: “Roadhog’s one shot is unfair”
Blizzard: nerfs Roadhog’s damage

Community: “Give us Doomfist already”
Blizzard: adds Doomfist

Community: “Roadhog isn’t tanky enough”
Blizzard: makes Roadhog tanky

Community: “Orisa needs buffs”
Blizzard: buffs Orisa

Community: “Why doesn’t this game have deathmatch?”
Blizzard: adds deathmatch

Community: “Junkrat is weak and has a bad ultimate”
Blizzard: gives Junkrat a second mine and buffs his ultimate

Community: “ shouldn’t be a defense matrix bot”
Blizzard: nerfs defense matrix, adds missiles to compensate

Community: “Rez is disheartening”
Blizzard: reworks Mercy

Community: “Nerf Mercy”
Blizzard: nerfs Mercy seveal times in a row until she is balanced

Community: “Overwatch won’t succeed as an esport because the spectator tool is bad”
Blizzard: heavily upgrades the spectator system

Community: “We need more healers”
Blizzard: adds Moira

Community: “Doomfist is really buggy”
Blizzard: reworks the movement system to fix many of Doomfist’s bugs

Community: “CTF isn’t a balanced mode”
Blizzard: changes the rules for CTF and adds a new map for the mode

Community: “buff Sombra”
Blizzard: buffs Sombra

Community: “Reaper should be able to cancel wraith form”
Blizzard: makes wraith form cancelable

Community: “Nerf Sombra’s hack”
Blizzard: nerfs hack

Community: Tracer is too powerful
Blizzard: nerfs Tracer

Community: “Genji’s deflect hitbox is way to big”
Blizzard: nerfs deflect hitbox

Community: “Dive is way to strong”
Blizzard: adds Brigette

Community: “We’re tired of having events that aren’t very different than they were the year before”
Blizzard: adds Retribution as an event

Community: “Ana is weak”
Blizzard: buffs Ana, promises more buffs in the future

Community: “Scatter arrow is awful”
Blizzard: reworks Hanzo and removes scatter

Community: “Brigette is too strong”
Blizzard: nerfs Brigette

Community: “Doomfist needs buffs to his passive and Ult.”
Blizzard: buffs Doomfist’s passive and Ult.

Community: “Symmetra needs a rework”
Blizzard: rework Symmetra

Community: “Horizon is unbalanced”
Blizzard: rework Horizon

Community: “Nerf Hanzo”
Blizzard: nerfs Hanzo

Community: “Fix Reinhardt’s bugs”
Blizzard: begins recodeing Rein to fix his bugs

Community: “Torb needs a rework”
Blizzard: says Torb rework is coming

Community: “Add private profiles please”
Blizzard: adds private profiles

Community: “Add a system where I can join a balanced team”
Blizzard: creates the LFG system

Community: “Add a system which promotes positivity”
Blizzard: adds endorsements

Community: “Blizzard never listens to the community”
Blizzard:(on the inside) you’ve got to be kidding


So other than your lips seeming to be on the ring. Good post.

But you are missing the point. They do fix things but not the things that actually need fixing


I know their decisions aren’t perfect. It just annoys me when people say “Blizzard ignores play feedback” when this is clearly not the case.


I think the issue is the changes they make generally are not the changes players want made.

Look at Symmetera for example - the biggest issue with her was her survability instead they gave her more utility.

Which means it literally will do nothing to her pick rate, in fact it may even lower her pick rate even more as she lost her auto target LMB.

Or look at Doomfist

When he originally came out he was amazingly fun with his mobility and being able to move across the map with ease. People wanted a nerf to doomfist agressiveness. They could have added a skill based CD - instead they took a shotgun to both his knees.

People wanted Sombra’s hack to be consistent to fix

Almost no one was complaining about Zenyatta’s volley and all of a sudden it ends up having a delay.

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My God this is so on point… for every person that says “Blizzard doesn’t listen” is either:

  • not been here long enough
  • or is purely ignorant as heck.

Blizzard listens to us so much… it pretty much makes my tearful how much the workers from the Overwatch team give to us over the last two years and how we treat them in return.

I agree, sometimes they don’t listen, sometimes they listen a bit to well, but to state that they completely ignore our feedback is down right stupid.

Things are not that simple OP, Blizz isn’t a fairy godmother that grants wishes accurately. They’re more like a genie where they grant your wishes BUT with a TWIST.

…also let me try something:

Community: “Revert Mercy”
Blizzard: “Nah”

If they based 100% of their balance decisions on community feedback alone, we’d be in even worse shape seeing as they’d be taking advice from a pool of people who just don’t want their main countered at all.


Don’t take this as disagreement, but to be fair, a few of these weren’t really asked for and/or the asking had nothing to do with the change… most of them were, but I don’t recall anyone asking specifically for those Doomfist changes (then again, I don’t really pay much attention to him)… and some of these were going to happen anyway, like Brigitte and Retribution.

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I very much agree. I think people also forget that the developers are players, too. It’s not like they never leave the conference room and just ignore everybody. They know what the game needs, too. Sometimes, it’s just hard to make that happen in a way that doesn’t break other things. This game is really hard to balance, moreso with every hero added. Even so, it’s improved immeasurably since release. Yay, Overwatch!

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It’s also worth noting that the community is almost always wrong when it comes to balance changes. The devs have acted on a pretty large percentage of reasonable suggestions. Reverting Mercy is not reasonable by any means.

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Part of the problem is it sometimes takes Blizzard so long to respond.

Like, people were complaining about deflect for over a year before that got adjusted.


Those were the good old days…

Can we rework 76 and Reaper?

Why? I mean I get changing shadow step, why why Soldier?

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Blizzard DO Listen…

But i’m beginning to believe they might have trouble hearing properly… :laughing:

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