šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Just ignore those posts :wink:

Also please donā€™t mention to blizzard that there was some, aggressive debating going on here.


Hoi. Iā€™m back.
Just read through some of the post Iā€¦ made earlier.
Yeah, thatā€™s embarrassing. Iā€™m deeply sorry.

Just took my drugs though. Should be stable now.
Reminds me I need to put an alarm on my phone for that stuff.

So. Can someone fill me up ? Iā€™m not remembering half of whatā€™s been said :confused:

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Oh man, i cant keep up with all those postsā€¦

Keep it up :smiley:

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Came back to see 300 new repliesā€¦ For some reason i was under the impression that something useful had happenedā€¦ or maybe a Dev post was being discussedā€¦

But, like with all things related to Bastion, I have been let down again. :smile:

Now i can only hope this thread doesnā€™t get locked/reported, And that useful conversation can be had in the futureā€¦

To Anyone just now taking a look at this thread:

If you happen to disagree with something in the OP, (Which even I Havenā€™t gotten to re-read every last detail of it and itā€™s attached posts and links yet) Just remember, No one is asking you to agree with Every last idea.

This is the culmination of almost every single valid idea the Bastion mains/players on this forum can come up withā€¦

If you disagree with one of them, Please, by all means, Discuss it.
But, for the love of Jeffā€¦


except itā€™s also more likely to not kill any of them.


Iā€™m aware of that, but it does soften up multiple targets for his teammates, on whom Bastion is currently so dependent.

My point is, if Blizzard wants to keep the current spread, they might consider ways in which to capitalize on it rather than let the AoE go completely to waste like it currently does.

This is part of why iā€™m pushing for the ā€œRevertā€ Because it doesnā€™t even fit the lore anymoreā€¦

Bastion isnā€™t about ā€œSoftening Up Targetsā€
Bastion is about Blowing them away if they come to close, and pressuring them if they arenā€™t.

If you walk into a Bastion, in Sentry mode, You need to die.
No matter the hero you are playing, unless you have a very specific plan involving one or more ultimate abilities, A Good Bastion should kill you 99% Of the time.

Thatā€™s area denial, and thatā€™s what a Bastion was meant for.
But now people literally have to deny the area for you, so that you can help tickle them to death like an outcast Tracer who didnā€™t make the cut.

Guys, I found the best buff Bastion could ever hope for!


After the escalation yesterdayā€¦ this thread looks pretty alive :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m still here.

Itā€™s WAY Too late at night for me to be, but i am.

Then go to bed. Its 1 PM for me. I can watch over it while you sleep.

You are very lucky.

Lets just say iā€™m likeā€¦ Four or so hours ahead of you. O-o

Update: It Might Not be night anymore.
I Can neither confirm, nor deny.

5 PM is not night xD

Itā€™s not 5 Am Anymore.

OH You said PMā€¦ Thatā€™s where my math was off.

I Curse thou name.

Why are you awake at this time? I know that Bastion is important but jesus try to sleep :angel:

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Yea yeaā€¦ There was research to be done.
(And math to be attemptedā€¦)

That, and probably insomnia. :+1:

Donā€™t worry, One of the best cures to insomnia in a gamer is :coffee:

Ive usually been one of the most voacal on making Bastion Fun again, but im raising the white flag. I just do not see Blizzard working on Bastion at any time. If any reworks happens so be it i will check out the changes and place my 10 cents in,.

I donā€™t even know what to debate anymore.
Are we trying to make him less F-tier like he was pre rework ? Or are we trying to make him viable ?
Less F-tier, weel just the sentry revert and weā€™re done.
Viable, thoā€¦ I have no idea that can contest tank on E :confused:

I donā€™t need Bastion to be meta. I just need playing Bastion to feel less like a futile struggle where my enemies have to make a mistake that I must succeed in capitalizing on in order for me to ever win an exchange.

I want the laser pointer to promote teamwork the same way that Lucioā€™s circles do.

I want Damage Reduction or Bonus Armor as soon as I begin transforming out of Recon Mode and as long as Iā€™m not fully returned to Recon Mode. I want more Damage Reduction or the old Armor bonus for Tank Mode.

I would greatly prefer a nerfed Beta Shield for Sentry Mode than the ā€œprotects from all directions Ironcladā€, but I understand the concerns about ā€œshield stackingā€.

I would like Bastion to have some kind of mobility ability in Recon Mode to help him reach high-ground positions behind his team for fire-support. If it shouldnā€™t be used for escaping enemies, then have it be interrupted by enemy fire the way that Self-Repair used to be.

I want some kind of reduction in Sentry Gun spread, so that I can be better rewarded for good aim and can more easily support my team from behind them like Bastion was meant to do.

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I hate to be that guy but this thread is a waste of time and effort.
Blizzard has proven itself time and time again that they ignore the average playerā€™s feedback and only listens to pro players, particularly those in OWL.

This started way back during before Mercyā€™s rework, people were already complaining about Mass Resurrection being broken and overpowered. While true, they only started taking action when pro players chimed in.

People were complaining that Tracer and Genji needed nerfs but they remained untouched -aside from Genjiā€™s bug fixes - because pro players donā€™t have any big opinions about them (excluding Tracerā€™s recent nerf - which by the way, doesnā€™t exactly address the real issue with her).

Fast forward to Sombra, her buff was literally in the right direction, but pro-players went on a riot (metaphorically) and she was nerfed almost immediately without it even going to the PTR for testing.

This argument is further strengthened when Blizzard admitted they have a ā€œPro Onlyā€ discord channel.

Though thatā€™s not to say that you shouldnā€™t voice your opinions, itā€™s just thatā€¦ how many mega threads have been ignored already?