In-depth "Tank on E" rework for Bastion Read that one… That’s what I’m working from, not the OP’s Tank on E.
Sentry becomes almost identical to what it was before the rework. Better accuracy, headshots (1.5x just like you suggested yourself), remove Ironclad. He will actually be able to hit his targets, and he will be able to headshot again. Your suggestion has him at a 1.5 degree angle (50% of 3 degrees), whereas mine puts him at 1.25 degrees for 0.3 seconds, and then 2 degrees 0.3 seconds after that. This is almost what he had before, but not quite. He used to start at 1 degree, and bloom to 2 almost instantly.
Most of the rework is putting power back into Sentry mode. Sentry mode gets put back almost exactly where it was, but with the new healing (and Ironclad only while healing). I’m not diluting it just to add Tank to E.
Whether Blizzard does or not is another story, but look at their history thus far. Mercy: Rez on E, new ultimate
Symmetra: Teleporter on E, Photon Barrier moved to ultimate
Torb (speculation based on interviews): Molten core on E, new ultimate
If they’re planning on reworking Bastion at all (and I doubt they would just buff him, they’re reworking basically all of the f-tier heroes), there’s a pretty good chance they’re going to go with Tank on E on their own. If we can get ahead of that, and make good suggestions, we might be able to get a good rework out of it.
Yes, I would love just a Sentry revert. Remove Ironclad, give Sentry it’s power back, leave repair, leave Recon. But by the looks of things, that’s not where they’re headed.
So rocket jump, and shoot over the barrier…?
Pharah does 120 damage, and these move faster… If anything, Pharah would be a mini Tank on E (that can fly)
That part is kinda dumb, I don’t like that.
He’s not transforming into random stuff, he’s transforming into stuff he already has… If the situation calls for a lot of sustained damage, use Sentry. If the situation calls for lots of extreme burst damage, use Tank. I still don’t know of a good use for Recon during his ult, I guess running away faster…?
Not just ZDamned, quite a few others seem to think that there’s no possible way to balance Bastion. They think that there’s no possible middleground for him. Not just with Tank on E, but with straight Sentry buffs or reverts.
Bastion's real damage output (kinda) Here’s a thread going over his effective Sentry mode DPS at various ranges. He falls off fast with his current Sentry mode, whereas Recon is pinpoint accurate for a few bullets. If you manage your spread, Recon can be very useful at taking out distant targets.