💔 Bastion ISN’T being forgotten, he’s being ignored

On a side note I just want to quickly point out after Torb gets his rework Bastion will most likely be the #1 worst hero in the game


That’s what we hope for…

Well, i have always used the other one. o.o


That’s how i first had it described, at least.

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There are two interpretations of meta. There is M.E.T.A., which refers to the best strategy to win a game. The other would refer to stategies in general.


That’s still worse than before.

For the no IC version, this still makes Sentry significantly worse than before the rework.

If you want his spread to go back to what it was, then you’ll need to reduce it by 33% (putting it at 2 degrees). His old spread started at 1 degree, and maxed at 2 degrees. It started it’s bloom almost instantly (from what I can tell from a video, it was after 2 bullets, on the third).

Also, I don’t think you can calculate the area using 3 as the radius. 3 degrees is the angle it makes at the very tip of the cone. To find the area of the circle, you’d need the distance from the target, and then find the area of the base of a cone with an angle of 3 degrees and a height of (distance) meters. I’ve done radius (technically diameter) calculations for various distances here if you’d like to look at those. I didn’t calculate the area, but I did get the diameter.


Bastion 1.0 was much better for me.


Which is that? Because there were a lot of versions. Do you mean before the game came out or after? Because if it’s before that would be barrier Bastion, if it’s after it’d be what we had before ironclad.

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Pretty sure they mean Official Release Bastion. >.>

Could be wrong tho.

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You know what I find funny (or sad)? A lot of things people want fixes for would be fixed by old Bastion :stuck_out_tongue: . Brigitte’s giving everyone infinite health? Bastion could have killed them. PharMercy being cancer? Bastion could have killed them. Some people are complaining about Doomfist right now, I don’t know if they’re right to or not but Bastion could have killed him better, Dive tanks can be too powerful together, Bastion could kill them.

I could go on about combos or heroes some people think need to have a better counter and he would be just that.


Zarya killing everyone in a Grav while you watch?

Shouldn’t have nerfed Bastion.

Hanzo taking whole points by himself?
Should have had a Bastion on that point…


But hey it was a “low rank destroyer”, cant have that :slight_smile:


I can confirm Bastion is not a “low rank destroyer”

Source, my own experience.(while the rest of you deal with “meta” I deal with chaos in It’s purest form, attack Torbjorn having a decent chance of success)


He has a negative winrate in bronze currently and before you had to be more accurate so even players who can’t aim well enough to use his current spread can’t be expected to aim better with old spread.

(I know what you were saying though, even when someone doesn’t mean it I get slightly triggered XD)


Believe it or not, you’d actually get roughly the same result if you were using a cone for the firing of the weapon. Assuming that an enemy is the same distance with the comparison of the two spreads, you’d still get roughly the same accuracy increase (19% if the spread is reduced by 10%).

I simply used radius of a circle since I’m referring to a crosshair while using this. This is because that’s how the weapon firing works when you’re unable to do something like Aim Down Sights to increase weapon accuracy iirc. And if I’m wrong, then by all means, feel free to correct me. ^^
(Circle results in the most convenient working measurement when referring to this. However, using a cone to factor distance would give the same result provided the same distance is factored in such a comparison.)

And if either idea proves not to be enough should they go through with either idea, then they can always revisit it and tighten it further.

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If you’re using the same distance, then yes, that’s correct. I guess that’s a fair assumption, just not how I read the first post originally… I read it more as “It’s a 19% increase from this distance”… I guess the radius of 3 part was throwing me off, as that would imply that it was whatever specific distance is needed to make the radius 3 meters, feet, whatever…

Yeah, you definitely need the radius of the circle, and that’s what shape the crosshair makes (assuming you tell it to I guess), but calling it 3 and 2.7 seemed strange, it looked like you were confusing the angle with the radius.

The only issue with this is that it’s much harder to tell if something is underpowered than it is to tell if it’s overpowered. It’s easier to start on the OP side of things, and balance down than it is to start weak and balance up. As long as there aren’t knee jerk nerfs like last time (and they listen to feedback on the PTR unlike last time), this is probably the better method… If they start weak, they’ll think it’s fine, and it’ll take another month or so (probably a lot longer) for them to revisit it.


Shameless bump… extremely shameless.

Ironclad has to be the most troublesome passive in the game because of how easy it is to pocket him and how even small increments can make him difficult to kill. At 35%, which equaled to the 150 armor he had initially, he was able to survive and outheal certain ultimates. That was later bumped down to 20% which made him killable but his Tank mode suffered from the lack of protection. Even then, this passive is still an issue because he has reduced damage taken, not increased amount of health. The amount of health a healer like Mercy can restore back stays the same in and out of tank and sentry configurations, which makes him very efficient to heal.
Removing this would make Bastion more fragile, but it would also justify bringing his old sentry spread and headshots back. If you really want Bastion to have DR, put it in an ability that’s non-combative like during Repair. Make the current Tank or the suggested Overclock Ult from the Tank on E rework bring back the 150 armor he had previously, as that’s sufficient protection for Bastion to power through and more health a Healer needs to work through so pocketing him isn’t as efficient.

I don’t think ironclad will ever go away, maybe activated when healing only but never truly gone.

The only thing that has truly left this game is Symmetra’s ability to provide shields, everything else has stayed in some way.

That’s how I’m looking at it too… I don’t think they’ll just toss it. That’s why I normally like to suggest binding it to repair. It stays in the game so they don’t feel like they wasted resources on it, but it’s not as powerful as it is now. Who knows though, maybe the Symm rework is the start of a few total reworks, where they remove troublesome abilities all together, and replace them with something else entirely (or just remove them without adding more abilities). Not saying that shield gen was troublesome, but some other abilities are, like Ironclad and Reaper’s teleport.