šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

I would do the tighter spread, HS, and transform IC as well as the tank mode on E as long as his sentry mode is on a cooldown and can only be used for 8 seconds before forcibly switching out of the mode. This allows for edits that make a stronger sentry and a more reliable recon as well as opens opportunity for counter play. It also encourages players to regularly move position as they should.

Faster swap and a shield on cooldown would be enough.

Guys guys!! I got it!!

Give Bastion a mini Roadhog Ultimate while heā€™s in turret form. I swear this would be extra awesome!

If you stand 0-7m away from Bastion there will be a slight knock back if you are being shot by him. It would be similar to getting pushed back with a fire hose. Like Roadhogs Ult

do it! do it! do it!

Do we really need that, would that really save him? I mean dont get me wrong, a neat idea but stillā€¦

Imagine brigg vs pharamercy

thats bastion vs current dps and some tanks in most games.

true about the tanks.

I think a big problem is that projectile heroes, Orisa, Mei, Lucio etc. are not penalized by far off stationary targets. But this same problem shouldnā€™t apply to Pharah, Junk etc.

The Bastion problem is a tough one :frowning: :thinking:

No no no

Not only would that seriously impair his play (it would be a serious net nerf) but that would take away the iconic theme of Bastion. He already struggles to survive during transformation (even with IC, it would be inconsistent, especially during the end of the transform phase especially if he is at low health just before the transformation ends), all that would do is turn him into a much worse Soldier 76 with a giant hit box.

Sentry on cooldown has been mentioned so many times before, and every time it is mentioned a piece of me dies inside.

People who play him properly already do use flank tactics and constant movement but on his own he dies way too easily. Not only that, but most players in the game hate Bastion anyway so they never even bother to heal him, so those who do try cheeky tactics for good positioning donā€™t seem to last long anyway. Thatā€™s why his pick rate and win rate is so low in higher skilled play: I am certain that players at masterā€™s level wouldnā€™t be stupid enough to only use him behind a shield.

No thanks


I tell you what bastion needs he needs to be the one that gets buffed for every time briggitte has a scenario of being abnormally powerful.

I would love to see 35% IC Bastion, release day Brigitte, and newly reworked Mercy on the same team.

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That would be actual hell donā€™t do this

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Revert the cone of fire back to having cone of fire bloom. Give him a barrier with a critical damage point inbetween the barriersā€™ ie where bastions sensors would be on top of his chain gun. For widow to snipe at.

When it comes to the tank put on E damage, I think that the damage should be 40-120 on blast damage and 50-150 as direct hits. This is to ensure Bastion gets a chance to destroy a ballsy Tracer player looking to pulse bomb. Reward the Bastion player for skill shots.

Not sure if that one sounds balanced.

Maybe if the projectile was a non high explosive round that is similar to torbs lobbed projectile, with either slower speed and headshots enabled or non headshots and faster projectile speed.

A thing called sabot round if you want to look that one up.

I would like the turret to be against tanks, high health pool heroes and shields, while tank mode would be good against single small targets (ofc if you can hit them).

Also infinite tank on E would be the only thing that could be worth making the turret be on cooldown (as in ability).

8O more left and we are still in this garbage binā€¦ this has been in the front page 19.919 times. let that sink inā€¦

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Honestly iā€™m just disgusted at the Devs lack of address at this point. Theyā€™ll respond to literally anything else thatā€™s just as old or fresh from the most recent ptr.

Just ONE post of ā€œweā€™re working on itā€ or maybe even less substance than that. They could post gibberish and Iā€™d feel happy that they confirm to at least SEE this trainwreck.

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The Legend says that the last post is Jeff Kaplan himself responding.


Jeff : S I K E



Maybe they know we wonā€™t like what they say? Perhaps the existence of this forum is the lesser of two demons in terms of bad publicity.

Either that, or they donā€™t trust the forums to have anything positive to say about what they are doing, whatever the devs reasons may be.

I do believe this is true to a certain extent. Doesnā€™t matter what they do, the forums will hate it.

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A buff to his self repair could prove beneficial. Increase the resource cost but double itā€™s speed and effectiveness.