šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

yup. btc bastion rework video is pretty bad

BTC? What rework video are you talking about?

(the discord thing?)

no, blame the controler

yt channel that is kinda bad

BTC itā€™s blame the controller. Bruh.

Euughhh, already itā€™s making too many sorta right but sorta wrong generalisations.

Half way in heā€™s already into the ā€œiā€™ll reward you for walking instead of driving by shooting a hole in your carā€™s radiatorā€ approach to ā€œreworkingā€ bastion. Right into talking about arbitrary limits on the duration of sentry mode.


BTC clearly hasnā€™t played much bastion, Sentry mode is NOT compatible with a cooldown or a resource meter.

Especially arbitrary limitations like the resource meter has to be full to even enter sentry mode.

ā€œNo changes to tank modeā€

WHAT?!? BTC claims to know Bastion and despite such radical changes, no changes to tank mode?!?

And of course, Sentry as an ultimate.

Iā€™m absolutely livid that this BS is getting to poison the public discourse so much.


I need to put this on a billboardā€¦


This is one thing I never want to see.

Needs more durability.

I honestly donā€™t know why people suggest this, it would be so bad.


Iā€™ve had a sort of Bastion mini-rework that Iā€™ve been formulating for a long while. Iā€™m no bastion main but I play him a lot in QP (not in comp cause I dont like being flamed)

Basically my ideas include:

  • Hopping into Sentry mode now carries momentum and slides Bastion about 1.5 meters after landing
  • Sentry transformation is now 20% faster
  • IRONCLAD is now attached to Self Repair, itā€™s a 15% resistance and works in both Sentry AND Recon mode (this gives the resource meter a purpose, cause frankly itā€™s a pointless limitation right now)
  • Reconfigure now has a 2 second cooldown
  • E is now a front facing barrier with 100hp and an 8 second cooldown (only works in Sentry) ((Lasts 3 seconds or until destroyed)) (((Could be called ā€œfaulty barrierā€ in reference to him being an outdated machine)))
  • Sentry spread doesnā€™t reverse bloom anymore
  • Bastionā€™s general body size is reduced by about 5%

Basically I want Sentry to be more mobile but retain itā€™s committal nature, and also I want him to not be basically a tank with squishy HP

Is Mei hiding somewhere behind him off screen?

If anything iā€™d be all for reverting the speed on the transformations as long as Sentry is able to defend itself better.

Iron-Crap should be removed all together.


Just why?

Pfftā€¦ thatā€™d last half a second under fire, the cooldown is meaningless anyways.


This would at least be reasonable.

The hp should definitely be changed but IRON_CRAP should be utterly removed from existence.


No, it just makes him more mobile. is that such a bad thing?

Why? I get itā€™s a problematic ability in itā€™s current state, but why should the literal least mobile hero in the game not have a defensive passive?

To accomodate for the buffs I hypothetically gave him, and so heā€™s more manageable at lower ranks

Itā€™s intentionally minor, to accomodate the loss of IRONCLAD from Sentry mode. 100hp is actually more than what Ironclad blocks (60 = 20% of 300) and it doesnā€™t promote pocket healing since itā€™s a barrier

Because with him being more mobile, he doesnā€™t need it. (theoretically anyway. I could be wrong but then again I canā€™t test any of this, itā€™s all hypothetical)

This is extremely opinionated, and while I respect a bigger Bastion fan than myself speaking with some level of authority on what is and isnā€™t good for him, what I donā€™t appreciate is how much your responses make me sound like a moron for simply having ideas. Cool it, man geez, I want him to be viable too, why be fight-y among people who agree with you?

Iā€™m a GM Bastion main, and I think your rework is not a really good things, here let me explain.

This is really interesting, because with a change like this youā€™ll be able to make more creative flank and ambush.

For me one second into sentry is fine. Reducing the time will be really frustrated for Tracer/Genji players.

Maybe just buff the healing from 75/s to 90/s then ? It would be better than some bonus ironclad.

Iā€™m really not into this, Bastion have already a 1.5 seconds cooldows from Recon to Sentry and Sentry to Recon. Making it a 3.5 seconds will lead to less flexibility, a thing that Bastion need.

100HP is really mediocre with a 3 seconds delay. I mean, 100HP is like one arrow of Hanzo.
What you gonna do with this. Plus it only work in Sentry so if you want to quickly get out of Sentry while being flanked by a storm arrow you canā€™t even survive.
I see no point in adding this to Bastion.

So it will be like the pre-rework nerfed version ? A big spread of 3.00 or the smallest side of 2.00 ?

Iā€™m okay with this, it will feel fair.

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Why would Bastion, the car sized machine gun, slide across flat ground?

Because it doesnā€™t do anything, except for make pocketed healing more effective when used alongside him.
Which isnā€™t what he needs.

Restricting Sentry in any way, is the wrong thing to do.

Yes, itā€™s a barrier that delays your death by one more second.

If he had a barrier, which iā€™m not against it would need at least 600 hp to even be useful against any direct fire.

A non-moving target takes extreme amounts of focus and burst fire.

Oh yes he does need it.
Without the ability to hit targets in close range, he gets picked off easier than a junkrat trapped Mercy.

Firstly, not a manā€¦

Secondly, iā€™m not fighting, iā€™m asking for reasons behind your proposed changes, as i do disagree with them.

Okay, see this was a lot nicer to read, you gave actual responses instead of saying ā€œX is crapā€ and ā€œWHY WHY WHYā€

And idk, Iā€™m not strongly advocating for any of these changes. this was just a set of ideas I felt could do him some good

Me neither, I just say words. there was no assumption or implication here, my b.

youā€™re answers also make a lot of sense, just wanna make it clear I didnā€™t skip right over you ^^;

I just want to let you know if nothing else matters I really appreciate you coming into this with a bit of originality and levity. Itā€™s so refreshing seeing someone wanting to try something that isnā€™t just de-facto nerfs.

I do think itā€™s a little silly but unlike BTC the heart is in the right place and that counts so much more.

Ohh, IDK about this tho.

Itā€™s not going to make a difference in fights with close range heroes but heroes with just a bit of decent range and a bit of coverā€¦ 3 degrees means itā€™s impossible for Bastion to fight back.

Before March 2017, Bastionā€™s spread used to start at only ~1.2 degrees before blooming to 2 degrees. Now it takes two whole seconds of firing to shrink to 2 degrees, yet in that time Hanzo can easily destroy Bastion with 125 damage arrow and only 4 storm arrows, which is 1.2 seconds.

Iā€™ve tested it, with current spreadā€™s slowly shrinking inverse bloom Bastion canā€™t kill a hanzo sized target standing still in the open within that time, unless the Hanzo is stupidly close.

itā€™s great to see some recognition of what a huge target bastion is, but this is probably totally infeasible to implement in terms of game code.


THANK YOU Holy jeff kaplan batman!

Iā€™ve been saying this to people every single time the Hanzo/Bastion interaction is brought up but i never had a good way to describe it and didnā€™t wanna do the math every time i got asked.


I was on this other thread and i was suddenly overcome with ideas as alternative to Bastionā€™s current ult (to allow tank on E or something), something that wasnā€™t just ā€œdo more damage is the same but just do moreā€ or ā€œtake less damage and/or heal moreā€ as I donā€™t want to contribute to the general power creep, I mentioned the slippery floor idea but that may interfere too much with Torbā€™s ult that also spreads out over the floor. Hereā€™s my sudden brainstorm session:


Press Q and little mortar grenades ā€œpopā€ up from bastionā€™s shoulders like how DVAā€™s micro missiles shoot out and after flying 10-15m in front of bastion the smoke grenades detonate spreading smoke radially at right angles to the line of flight. A series of these automatically fire after Q is pressed, if they hit a wall or enemy they stop and make a more spherical blob of smoke.

The smoke obscures all sight but importantly all red outlines continue to be visible through the smoke as if the smoke wasnā€™t there. There is already ā€œsmokeā€ in overwatch (a little smoke will linger after Soldierā€™s helix rocket hits) and by default it doesnā€™t obscure red outlines and the healthbar+name will appear over their head if you hit them.

The special property of this smoke is the enemy on the other side looking through an enemy Bastionā€™s smoke will not be able to see the red outlines of your team. The outline shows where the enemies are and if theyā€™re blocked by walls or something as the red-outline never throws through level geometry.

This is going to be less effective if used by bunker comp as if they see where your bunker is then you raise a smoke screen, they know where you were and likely still are so aim into where you were. Hitmarkers would confirm if youā€™re hitting. This is far more useful for attacking bunker comp before running out into a position to use the smoke they canā€™t tell where youā€™d set up behind a smoke screen.

Damage over Time Minigun mode

Reaper is very similar to bastion, they can both deal over 400damage in a second but they both have difficulty getting the damage out. Reaperā€™s ult has him deal ā€œdamage over timeā€ to anyone within 8m of him. Itā€™s a simple line of sight and range check, and you take 170DPS the entire time youā€™re within that distance and line of sight.

Basically, Bastionā€™s minigun spread shoots up to 20 degrees wide and is emptying the mag at 100 shots per second, 6000RPM, this is going to sound like a Minigun, the fire rate will become a low pitched roar. But itā€™s not going to be firing 100 hitscans per second, itā€™s going to be abstracted so any enemy hitbox within line-of-sight takes a flat 200DPS. So it doesnā€™t matter it youā€™re a giant tank hitbox or a tiny little tracer, itā€™s 200DPS.

This would be a channelled ability so would be cancelled by a stun, could not be stopped once it is started and cannot self-repair in the middle of it. And if Q is pressed when not in sentry mode then sentry mode is activated and the channelled ultimate then begins once in sentry mode.

I think the preferable balance would be activating it instantly resets ammo to 300 damage to lock Bastion into 3 seconds so he has that downside and when itā€™s over bastion will have no ammo left in sentry mode so the ult does the opposite of reloading his gun, no matter what itā€™ll leave it empty. Unless the channelled ult is cancelled early by a stun.

The idea with this is Bastion wouldnā€™t use this against tanks or shields, this would be when bastion is having to deal with a great number of individually weak targets like clearing out a point swarming with enemies a bit like a hanzo dragon ult.

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That seems like an overall nerf. A few nice buffs but the tradeoff is just way to much.

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bastion is the least picked hero in the entire game, thats because heā€™s balanced.

I canā€™t tell if this is sarcasm or not.

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