A BTC video on Bastion's current state, and ideas to rework him

Bastion just needs his Sentry mode reverted. No Ironclad, bring back the old gun with only 200 bullets but a tight bullet spread and headshots.

The bunker meta is double sniper or torb because Bastion doesn’t have range. He needs more effective range and the ability to reliably and quickly kill squishies, not just tanks.

Without Ironclad he will be easier to deal with, but with the old Sentry gun he will be more effective in all scenarios when used well. It’s not a hard concept. They simply changed too much with Bastion’s rework and need to step back and try again.

Old Sentry + Old Tank + New Recon & Repair would be the best Bastion we’ve ever seen. I’ve been asking for it since the rework went live.

He would be such an interesting character to rework, considering he doesn’t have an E or a lot of depth I would love to see Tank Mode become a baseline ability so that he could choose between a more stationary hitscan or mobile projectile play style.

Even small buffs like letting him repair himself while reloading could help.

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I saw the video

My opinion was this

Ill be ok with option 1 as long as the sentry mode time is a bit bigger like 8s-10s

But option 2 is the biggest N O P E

But again, im against reworks in general, so yeah, he yet has an empty ability slot so reworks dont seem necesary for me

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I honestly don’t think rework are health for OW, I mean look at Mercy and Sym, there are still a large amount of players complain about their rework.

I said this a while back and stick to my opinion:

Bastion has 3 modes (2 and his ult) which all perform dps where one of them is less functional comparatively .

Recon mode gives him low mobility but terrible dps with medium range that cases spread and recoil. It is mostly used to reposition for turret mode. The ult provides mobility and high burst damage.

They need to make the modes distinctive.

Recon has a huge hit box, practically tank sized. It is a worse version of Soldier 76 with a larger hit box and no burst damage.

Make Redon his “mini-tank” mode where he is a tank-dps hybrid.

Increase the dps of his primary, with reduced range by increasing the spread. Have his E act as a heal that can be used while in combat, and when at full HP, creates a shield in front of him for a maximum of 300 hp. He can’t reactivate the heal if his shield is up and is being damaged. This shield only works in Recon mode.

His ult has less effective HP than his original version prior to the change to Iron Clad. Increase Iron Clad during his ult to 25% give him 25 more armor.

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I will put this here…

With respect to BTC, if they haven’t noticed Bastion’s poor pick rate despite that being the case throughout the entire game, then maybe they should kindly understand the character more before making videos such as this…



Bastion, IMO, is pretty much the only hero that would greatly benefit from his ult becoming a normal ability (with adjustments), and getting a fresh new ult.

Eg, Config Tank bullets not having a manual recharge (works like Doomfist ammo), getting a damage nerf to be a normal explosive (120 damage, like Pharah), and giving him a critspot somewhere in the tank.

Maybe his ult is some kind of “overclock” where his sentry gets the beta shield, his tank gets reverted to current values (and no critbox), and his recon gets ironclad, infinite ammo and perfect accuracy.

Just throwing ideas. Didn’t watched the video.

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He’s the last bastion of hope for all the niche picks before him. The devs already smashed torb and sym and old hanzo if ya wanna count him also

We are just removing all the obscure picks from existence

So I watched the vid. I did like they idea of opening up Bastion’s kit for buffs.

But then I realized that was all he was doing. He never actually got to the part where he made Bastion better… all he did was nerf the heck out of Sentry Mode to “allow for buffs”. Its like he gave up on the rework halfway through. Even the tank mode option felt a unfinished.

“I like all characters” well it sure looks like he doesn’t like Bastion. Like at all.

Anyone else felt that way?


Why is anyone even watching that guy?

Bastion needs to be able to move in sentry mode (even if very slow), not just as an ability. He shouldn’t be countered just by corner peeking.

That aside, with bunker comp right now, bastion is anything but useless atm.

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Maybe a middle ground, tighter spread but no HS.

His spread used to be 1.2 degrees but within 9 bullets (135 damage) had bloomed to 2 degrees. Now his spread shrinks to 2 degrees but it just takes soooo long. 2 whole seconds. That’s an eternity in overwatch when Hanzo can dump 405 damage within 1.2 of a second.

Recon’s mode damage is… weird.

I mean in terms of archetypal FPS weapons it’s really standard, but conceptually of how it would fit in the game it’s hard to understand.

It’s at such a low rate yet the capacity means it can just chug on and on and on.

4.4 seconds of continual firing, I can’t see why. This results in higher sustained DPS than other heroes (i.e. McCree has to reload) but if you’ve got that much time to shoot… why don’t you go into sentry mode? It’s just so redundant for recon to be balanced for sustained damage along with sentry mode.

The only damage that’s relevant in recon mode is the damage you can deal within about 2 seconds. As you say, total lack of burst damage. Any longer than that and you’re dead as you have a tank sized hitbox with half as much health as a tank should have.

If you could survive much more than 2 seconds… why not hop into sentry mode?

It doesn’t matter that you’re taking the hit of a 1.0sec transformation time, you then can make up for the damage in sentry mode.

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I would just buff recon mode to give it a purpose beyond moving from set up point to set up point b.

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I somewhat agree with this, Hanzo’s rework benefited him but the other reworks Blizzard did to niche heroes (especially Symmetra) arguably made them feel worse to play.

I’d like for Bastion to be reworked but at the same time I don’t want to risk Blizzard ruining him further.
I want Blizzard to try and fix him the way he is currently before thinking about a rework. Reworks should be the very last option if all else fails.


Bastion’s ult is just not that great as it is.

Assuming all the little annoyances are left like:

  • the long 1.5 sec transformation time in/out that leaves you unable to move or look, a de-facto stun
  • The extreme recoil kick on each shot that doesn’t act like any other hero’s recoil and is a necessity to animation cancel with self-repair
  • How incredibly loud it is in activation, operation, and firing
  • The incredibly cluttered HUD

Then what have you got? The weapon’s damage rate is really low, it’s only 200DPS, other than how it can burst damage to OHK 200HP heroes it’s got nothing. Take away that and maybe also no ironclad nor bonus armour and you’ve got a ready made E-ability. It should be on a long cooldown but just a slight damage nerf so it can’t OHK squishies will make it right on par with Torb’s overload.

I’d really like something fun, something unusual that’s not just “deal more damage of the same type” or “take less damage”.

Something like spraying oil and ball bearings over an area so that enemies who walks into that area struggles to stop their momentum and they just keep on sliding. Should make a push… interesting.

Or a smoke screen:

But enemy outlines would always be visible through the smoke to eliminate the troll potential. If two smokes were used together then each smoke would block seeing the outlines of the other team. It would be a “screen” the smoke grenades shot forward would detonate radially and make quite a thin screen of totally obscuring smoke. Like shoot a series of grenades rapid fire like how dva shoots mini-rockets, the explode after travelling a set distance.

Or the ult is something that only works in sentry mode and will put Bastion into sentry mode if Q is pressed and grants a special utility to sentry mode like the Minigun can shoot projectiles out of the air like DVA’s defence matrix.

Or the minigun gains massive spread and work like Reaper’s death blossom, dealing a fixed DPS to any hitbox within a 20 degree cone in front of bastion. Show loads of bullets flying but in game code terms there’s no individual bullets, it’s a cone affecting each hitbox within LOS to take 200DPS for 3 seconds then bastion is out of ammo. So a max of 600DPS to any single target.

This would drain a mag at 100 shots per second, 6000RPM, as fast as a minigun can fire and drain the 300 round “clip” in, of course, 3 seconds. It would be a channelled ability so cancelled with a stun.

“I don’t personally agree with what someone else is saying in an online video game Foru, so what he is saying is “pOiSoN””

Talking about BS here…

Lol I believe that he had some of the most reasonable claims I’ve ever seen in this game’s online community. He is one of the only supporters of Bastion buffs who also takes Bastion’s very powerful state in lower/mid ranks (AKA the 85% of the player base) into consideration and also understands that Bastion’s current design is so fundamentally flawed and busted, that only after he is reworked can he receive any significant buffs…

Umm nope, he’s just trying to find a solution that will not make Bastion outright broken for the 85% of the player base.

Many other people on the other hand, well let’s just say that they don’t give a **** as long as their favorite hero is gaining easy wins…

Umm what?

Hanzo as you said certainly became from a troll pick to a META pick for months due to the DragonGrav META.

Torbjorn, again from an outright troll and situational pick became a very effective one universally.

Symmetra, well, while she was and certainly is underpowered, the new kit itself is objectively much better. It’s less situational and frustrating and more skillful to use.

I certainly agree and respect that some people have pretty much lost the play styles that they’ve loved playing for years, but really, if you weight the damage out of the reworks, you’ll understand how overall beneficial and healthy they’ve been for the game.

His mythbusting/ability interaction videos are quality.

The rest… eh… not so much.

Used to be good. But now he’s not much different from the others, clickbaity titles, fake news, and just spits as many ideas as possible - that he rips directly off of the forums from other people without credit - that way he can claim “see I told you blizz was going to do this, and it was my idea, and they’re welcome for it, and i found out about the leak first”

As a Bastion player, I despise the idea.


because it strips old mechanics we loved from niche heroes
Barely anyone loves bastion mechanic so much they want to leave it
Bastion is not niche. He is trash. Like literally.

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