šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

we will need to wait the changes to see how it actualy is, im just scared that bastion as awalys getting a slight buff getts a huge nerf behindeā€¦

and only thinking about changing it a year later, not actualy change it

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just checking in, post patch.
My toughts on the buff is that itā€™s in reality a very minor buff to those situations (that are ā€˜fairlyā€™ rare) where bastion fights a hero at longer ranges for an extended period (phara).

Why not just admit that adding that insane spread was a mistake. Or do whatever it was they did with dva (increase bullets and reduce damage?).

Aiming spot on tracer at medium range should do a PREDICTABLE amount of damage, not just ā€œoh there, finally it actually did damageā€.
Iā€™d rather have very low spread from the start and slightly lower damage or something.

This just feels like another terrible compromise.


This is why he needs headshots back.

If the widow hadnā€™t somehow missed the second to last shotā€¦ (On a stationary target) i would have died to that engagement.

And no, there is no ā€œjust stand up and use reconā€ Any widow worth her weight in tears would headshot you instantly with that transformation time.

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Not only that, but fixed spread, or something that does not take so damn long to achieve.
Like, the way itā€™s done now is to waste a lot of bullets in ā€œpreparationā€ for a long range engagementā€¦ this is such a dumb mechanic.

While some might say that is an un intended consequence, itā€™s still a dumb effect.

I call it the ā€œwaste a ton of ammo on getting a somewhat decent spread because bastion is supposed to be f tier and that is his only nicheā€ tactic.

maybe just remove that all together, and give him reduced spread and headshots on E for a certain amount of time?

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Limiting it to a time frame only serves the same purpose of limiting his effectiveness.


He needs that, justā€¦ permanently.
Like he used to have.

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My cool leaving post.

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An interesting idea to work with is a rev mechanic similar to the Heavy (TF2). Where Bastion can warm up the Turret by spinning the gun up (this would have the spread be reduced at the start at the cost of producing a loud noise that the enemy team could hear).

Iā€™m back, I was also banned for a while for talking about orange ball or something.

I just wanted to ask this, why did they decide to nerf armor and f**k over multiple heroes? Am I the only one who sees how negatively this will affect Bastion?


Welcome back.

No clue, and no you arenā€™t.

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It buffs him more than nerf him since most dps arenā€™t really affected until they do headshot damage anyway.

This is probably more of a buff than a need to Bastion in particular, rather a larger buff to his damage to tanks than a Nerf to his ironclad armor. This will hurt Brigitte and armor tanks more than anything. I still donā€™t think this will hurt GOATs enough for it to not be dominant but itā€™s a start.

Iā€™d break out the popcorn if i were youā€¦ Zaydar has you in their Radar.

(Also i kinda disagree, but itā€™s more fun to watch them explain things. Welcome to the thread btw, have a nice stay.)

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What about Tracer? One of the few heroes who can consistently contest Bastion at close range and also one of his counters?


These heroes will be able to burst him down quicker than ever before.

Okay and lets say that its not in fact that much of a nerf, what makes you think itā€™s ā€œmore of a buffā€? So when he is fighting a D.Va he can take down her armor like 0.5 seconds sooner (which is completely insignificant to her) or when he is fighting a Reinhardt or Orisa in the open with no shields where he has the advantage against them anyway?

So my question, in what way does it actually buff Bastion in any significant way where he didnā€™t already have the upper hand before? In a way that makes it so the fact he is going to get bursted down even sooner than before by Tracer, Sombra D.Va and Reaper, more of a buff than a nerf for him?

If there was a counter against Bastion, be it one or more heroes, who RELY on armor to fight Bastion, then you could make the argument that itā€™s more of a buff than a nerf for him. In this scenario, heroes who have armor donā€™t rely on it to fight against Bastion, since they have shields or when they donā€™t they seek cover anyway, where Bastion on the other hand in many situations relies on armor to stay alive.


Brigitte always had the downside in a Bastion 1v1 anyway, she never used it or relied on it to survive Bastion, but Bastion on the other hand very often relies on his armor to combat his biggest counters at close range like Reaper, D.Va, Tracer and Sombra as I mentioned above (not saying all of these heroes are his counters).

So Bastion and other fairly squishy heroes who are susceptible to Tracer, Reaper, Sombra and D.Va ganking them which I canā€™t think of any other than Bastion and possibly Torbjorn ā€“ get screwed over waaaay harder than some tank with 5000 health and 200 armor.

And nerfing armor to combat GOATs is like nerfing Roadhog to combat Tank meta, it doesnā€™t solve the problem at all and just breaks a hero.

The only logical reason I can see why they did this was to buff Reaper since he struggled against armor so much, but this just screws over heroes like Torbjorn and Bastion, so I donā€™t like this approach.

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I just realized that after the removal of Torbā€™s armor pack ability, Iā€™m not actually sure how much he uses armor anymore.

Cuz OWL is on the horizon.

His armor he gains during overload.

Let me give my take on things:

I was against the nerf to armor until I watched Jayneā€™s video:

At 3:23 it shows Bastion has a 10 to 20% increase in DPS (assuming itā€™s to heros with armor.

IIRC some time ago I calculated his DPS to be somewhere around 300. A 10-20% increase in damage means his realistic DPS would be raised to 330-360 DPS.

Now keep in mind, this is just against tanks and heros with armor. This could be huge, as now a Bastion can hold more ground vs a Rein, since a Rein will win a charge from 13m or closer, at least in a vacuum.

This is why I want to give this patch time.

2 more damage per storm arrow does not cripple Bastion. Hanzo already annihilates Bastion, we know that. However yes, Sombra, Reaper, and a select few other heros will do more damage, but honestly what chance does a Bastion have against Sombra anyways. Bastion will rarely win, only if the Sombra is bad and doesnā€™t initiate with her translocator set.

This is why I made my leaving post. If things do not improve in the next 6-ish weeks, then Iā€™m out. That marks 2 years of just Bastion being in a god awful state. Then tack on the fact that my other 2 mains, Pharah and junk, have had there skill ceilings nerfed dramatically and thus I rarely have good games at the skill level Iā€™ve always been at: which was Diamond, since S3 (when I started comp).

After I leave, I might just lurk, but there would be no reason for me to stay. I donā€™t enjoy playing other heros when an Ashe, Hanzo, or Widow get to roll you, or in the off chance none of those are played, itā€™s due to a Rein holding W with ana pocketing him and out Genji is too incompetent to kill her. Thus itā€™s nothing but a roll.

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im only three ferrets away from being depressed on Bastions fate in QP, there will be good games but damn not only am i a walking target i will have even less viability than before the last changeā€¦

i honestly need to work some ideas with the remote hope i can change my play style to be effective and work on another hero as a go to with my other three. (Ashe)


Rein was never that much of a problem anyway for Bastion, and as you said this is only significant in a vacuum, in an actual game a single Ana grenade will save the Rein for long enough to charge the Bastion.

Out of all the tanks if you ask me, Reinhardt is one of the least intimidating to Bastion when it comes to actually getting killed by Reinhardt as Bastion. So as I said, that specific damage buff that Bastion will get in specific scenarios where he already had the upper hand is barely significant.

I never mentioned the snipers, since it wonā€™t make any difference against them anyway. And itā€™s not just Sombra, itā€™s these other heroes I mentioned as well. Bastion will be taking Iā€™m guessing 5-30% more damage depending on what heroes the enemy team plays, that he would not be getting before this patch.

I am completely with you on that, I was content with the game and enjoyed it because it seemed so fine to me because Bastion was functional, now this. I am not willing to force myself to enjoy the game when the developers keep f**king over the one reason why I play this game ā€“ Bastion.

You can say that youā€™re not supposed to one trick in Overwatch but I couldnā€™t care less about that debate right now, all I need to know is that the development team has not improved as I initially thought it did.

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But I guess the thought that Bastion is one of the last heroes who are in need of a rework because every other similar crap tier hero got reworked gives me hope, so I hope that if he does get a rework, it doesnā€™t water him down and or make him even harder to balance.