I’m giving it till the end of Stage 1 of OWL,,,

Hear me out. I by no stretch of the means am an OWL fan nor esports fan (never watch a full contenders game, be it VOD or stream). I was intrigued last year when OWL did start, as I was a Dallas fan. After stage 1 I completely stopped watching OWL. I ducked in from time to time, but never ever was able to finish 1 map.

So this by no means is in regards to OWL, that is simply the deadline I’m setting. Instead of continually dragging out points into paragraphs, here is a list:

Most recent balance changes are only geared towards OWL.

  • Reaper is getting his passive buffed when literally every aspect of his kit has been buffed except shadowstep, litterally the only thing holding him back.
  • heros who got caught up in the crossfire, like Torb Bastion and Orisa, all because “armor too strong.”
  • Brig is literally dead without goats because she is thee worst hero design in any game I’ve played (keep in mind I always hated Brig, but always wanted her balanced, not gutted nor removed.)
  • More beating around the bush with Dva nerfs. Literally just revert her 3DM which is what caused all of the problems in the first place.

That’s JUST this patch.

This is what I’ve tolerated before this patch:

  • 22 months of Bastion being god awful and he’s already being set back by the armor nerfs (it does help him vs Tanks, but now more heros can tear into him more).
  • Pharah being powercreeped by hitscans and her more recent “buffs” absolutely killed her in GM meanwhile she’s even more spammy in lower ranks. Back to another 2 years before she gets looked at again.
  • they absolutely killed Junk, and the question is will they realize it?
  • Sombra is a joke of a hero because she is so OP that Blizzard litterally keeps her nerfed or else she would be meta. Thus her kit is in-cohesive and bloated, like her SMG doing Bastion-levels of recon Damage but no ability to kill on her own. But “nice job” buffing her hack speed that no one asked for.
  • Sym is a completely new hero.
  • Ashe is another broken tool that people can use to climb to GM (litterally has a 57% winrate in GM, which is Brig-levels of broken)
  • Hanzo E never adjusted.
  • McCree and Reaper have their problems overlooked not properly balanced because they pull pointless crap like buffing life steal when all Reaper needs is a more streamlined shadowstep, or how McCree didn’t need a FTH buff.
  • Ana buffed when she didn’t need any buffs, because literally dive shat on her to kingdom come.
  • Bastion still not even a low priority.

It doesn’t stop there: dev communication.

  • Jeff denounces these forums again and again when they do nothing to show they actually want to interact with us.
  • lore is non-existent for years but hey no progress on OW, Talon, that doomaflotchy organization that Sombad works for, but hey Soldier gey and Ana has more passion for helping Cairo than she does for Pharah.
  • streams are always the priority form of communication.
  • does Chu still work for Blizzard?
  • more baseless hero’s being teased and the price tag says “free” but there is zero reason to believe they will be added to the actual game (god please just give Sombra ARG back, not “here is X person, cOuLd ThEy bE nExT??1???111??”

I’m sick of it. 3 years in and this game is just boiling down to all the useless fat and grease that gets discarded after cooking bacon. I always said that this game had potential, but literally this game and community has given me every reason to not believe it.

I have no reason to stay anymore, nor buy anything related to the OW game (like lootboxes).

It’s 2019 Blizzard. Set some new resolutions and follow through with those resolutions with actual actions. Give me a reason to stay and support you all.

I’m tired of waiting for a shooting star to come when it can’t even make my basic wishes come true.


Dormammu I’ve come to bargain about stage one owl.