Basically Bogus Bastion Bias šŸ˜¢

That might fly

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Itā€™s really funny you would mention that, becauseā€¦ honestly iā€™m wanting to ask you if you ever ever lose to that Bastion?

Iā€™m guessing no.

i donā€™t think bastion is unhealthy, i think the view of him is.
heā€™s as much of a dps as any other to me.

but i think the biggest flaw of bastion is that his recon form feels a lot weaker than it should be because of how big he is.

like i really donā€™t think bastions sentry form should be his defacto best form entirely and his recon form only be there for him to be able to move.

i feel like he should be able to choose depending on the situation whatā€™s better.


If I play DPS, which is unicorn status for me, I just pick Sombra to counter Bastion. Unless the Bastion has both support and at least a single tank playing to keep the Bastion alive, its game over for the Bastion player.

This ^^

Exactly how it feels to me, too. Recon needs something :thinking:

The second Recon gets a buff, people start to complain that Bastion is on the way to being a better Soldier 76.

In light of all of these replies, i would like to present my latest list of changes that i think would make the hero playable again, not as any form of self advertisement, noā€¦ but as a bump to get the ball rolling again for feedback (Here) About the heroā€¦ and to consider that he just needs to be strong again.

So please give me your thoughts, and read carefully. ^,^

This is a BIG thing for meā€¦ every configuration should have a use.

And iā€™ll even add, to my ā€œOverclockedā€ Description, perhaps he should have a speed boost in Recon/Tank?

As for thisā€¦ even most Tanks directly counter him nowadaysā€¦

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Yeah, probably about 40% of the time, give or take.

Anytime Bastion has more people coordinating with him then I can get to coordinate with me to take him down heā€™s likely to win. Sombra is really good at shutting an isolated Bastion down, but one with a Mercy pocket, behind a shield, and especially with a DPS/off tank hanging nearby is impossible to touch.

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This should be impossible to touch, alone.

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I like your changesā€¦ but I really want something for Recon, too :wink:

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Yes, as i stated it also needs changes, along with the major ones.
Perhaps simply higher base speed, along with Tank.

And thank you for the positive feedback! Iā€™m glad you like them.

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Iā€™d much more prefer some kind of enemy pingā€¦

I mean, why limit wall-hacks to Sombra, Widow, & Hanzo.

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It is a meme, sorry i honestly thought of it myself. A bit like Mercys Valkyrie, but with bit less control and heavier firepower.

I would love to see the ability to make Ganymede fly onto an enemy, staying with them and pinging their location to the teamā€¦ along with all the other changes. But i fear people would call his kit bloated.


I absolutely agree, Iā€™m not complaining about being unable to get a kill in the midst of 3-4 enemies.

My biggest complaint is pretty much not about Bastion himself, and more a product of Bunker as a whole: It takes more cohesion and coordination to break up Bunker then it does to run the comp yourself.

Iā€™m just glad most Bunker characters arenā€™t fun or appealing to the majority of mid tier players, cause if we cared about SR above all else thatā€™s all that would get run.

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Thereā€™s nowhere left for Bastion to fall these daysā€¦


If you want these or any other changes to bastion he needs CD on his turret and tank configuration. 12 seconds on sentry and 15 on tank was my original suggestion. Started when he exits each mode. 12 seconds on sentry means he has 6 seconds of down time if heā€™s in tank mode for 6 seconds, more likely 4 if heā€™s in it for 8.

Bastion needs CD to be relevant because he canā€™t have access to his power spikes at all times or heā€™s broken

I disagree.

Having to be constantly vigilant is a very hard job, especially requiring good coms to even work in a proper bunker.

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i mean letā€™s look at his sentry form, he gets a large magazine, he gets a damage mitigation passive and his head hitbox is now instead on his back and also his overall hitbox shrinks aswell as his dps goes up really high.

these are all positives that doesnā€™t need to be there, if we could take some of them out we could probably balance his recon form to be better and give us the option of choosing between
sentry form, high glass cannon damage dealer.
recon form, balanced dps character that isnā€™t necessarily weaker, just allocates his resources to another form more evenly instead of full offense.

how they would do this iā€™m not sure.
but a thing they could stand to lose when it comes to bastions sentry form is his ironclad passive in favor of making recon better.

He currently does not have CDs and is the opposite of broken.