Basic decency regarding Mercy

I’m curious as to why you think this is true. Following her January 29th nerf, there was never any time when Mercy’s win rate numbers were significantly above average. The support meta was in a better spot than it is now during season 9.

The vast majority of evidence points to an unbalanced, undeperforming character right now. I can point it out to you, but I see that others have and you ignore it. I’m wondering what kind of non silly evidence would convince you, and I’m also slightly envious of your ability to live in a world where one can decide reality by fiat.


Only one side is driving the conversation. Most people want a break from the Mercy discussions, that’s the other side. You’re mistaking echo chambers for a community focused on Mercy’s balance.

Daily statistics do exist on Overbuff. You click on the character’s portrait, go to the win rate/pick rate graph on the side, and click on more. That should lead you to a page with graphs. Hovering over dates on those graphs gives you the information you need.

Oh. Yay, then my point still stands except it is better now. :heart:

Hige basically was saying that this week she had a 50% winrate in GM so she’s balanced. If you’re wondering.

She is fine. (20 chars)

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The thing is, this has been said multiple times. Yet, when developers do respond, it’s not the answer they want - and it continues on.

This happened multiple times with the idea that Mercy should be reverted, and when the developers said they wouldn’t…well, we still have people asking for it, and people pissed off at them for not believing she needs a rework.

They can’t win. :man_shrugging:


If most people wanted a break from Mercy discussions, they wouldn’t be all over the front page. The same if only one side was interested in them. The anti Mercy side doesn’t want Mercy discussions because they want they don’t want the issue to be raised. They are vested in Mercy not being buffed. It’s important to them.

Saying only one side is driving this is like saying that the abortion debate or the gun control debate is one sided. One side has an interest in maintaining the status quo, and the other in changing it, but they’re both invested in the debate.


Not according to statistics…

This is ridiculous. The average win rate in GM is 54.4%. A win rate of 50% is incredibly bad. It means you’re dropping SR and rank. None of her competitors are in a similar situation. She’s a throw pick there.


I told him that as well. Lol. Our discussion just ended with me apparently being biased so I’m wrong.

Here’s his last reply to me in the other thread:

A) Cherry picking an anti mercy post and using it as proof that all players are toxic and hate mercy is like eating a rotten apple and then using it as evidence that apples are gross.
B) Do you remember when lucio got his wallride revert? Most Lucio mains see that as the worst thing that ever happened to him. Do you see Lucio mains complaining STILL? No. And we still hate it, but you don’t see us flooding the forums and making megathreads about how the devs hate lucio. Lucio’s just kept it to the point and realized that once it hit live there was likely nothing that they could do by spamming the forums.


‘we believe mercy is currently in a good spot and have no intention of doing anything to her any time soon but we are monitoring your feedback’

Yeah… somehow i don’t think that would ‘quiet’ a lot of threads.


Remember last time they said they are happy with her state and wont do a revert? Like that did something, lol.

Actually, it did - mercy spammers pulled the statement apart to fuel their agenda.

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It’s not an isolated incident, it just happened to be the post that I had at hand without searching. But I am not accusing the majority of people to be toxic or hateful towards Mercy players, only a handful but that is bad enough. I have had a few “go kill yourself” and threats for being a Mercy one-trick, and I have had more insults than I can remember. There are plenty of people who absolutely hate Mercy players, so I think picking a single example here illustrated something that is a common enough occurrence to be a problem.

report them? if they said it in voice chat your team likely heard it as well and can report them as well. That’s not exactly a light offense. And if they put it in chat take a screencap and send it in. I find it highly unlikely someone told you to commit toaster bath, and risk permabanning their account just because you play a hero who is slightly off meta.

I’d compare it more to parents telling their kids that they don’t want to sing 9999 bottles of beer for the nth time than politics. Both sides think they’re resisting the status quo.

It wasn’t as elaborate as that… I don’t remember the exact wordings but typically it was the standard “Why didn’t you rez me? You should go kill yourself. Worst Mercy ever”, or something along those lines. I did report and so did my team, but I have not heard of any actions (that said, it may have been before they promised to mail out about actions taken). I have received a total of 3 of those go kill yourself messages throughout my 200 hours of playing Mercy.

Uhhh what? Mercy isn’t more viable than Moira in high level play??? Moira is used everywhere in team compositions that are Tank heavy. Same with ana since she is very good at keeping tanks alive especially with her nano boost buff. The only viable thing Mercy can do is keep a Pharah or boost a Hanzo/Widow and even right now those heroes aren’t seeing that much playtime.

Mercy isn’t even supposed to BE a pocket healer. Her whole job is to be saving her team. Which she can’t even do since it’s VERY hard as a main healer to do so with 50HP/S when Damage is coming from 2 tanks 2 DPS 1 Off Support and (Potentially) the main support. Which people don’t understand. “Well Mercy is the best consistent healer” “Well sure she can consistently heal but if it isn’t effective to keep someone alive it’s useless.”

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Moira has more or less been entirely phased out by Ana. Having no utility is really bad on a role which relies on its busted levels of utility. But she is played a lot in lower ranks where people don’t capitalize on the power level of ana as much.

Says who?

That is the price of having player advantage on a 30 second cooldown.

Funnily enough, Mercy is actually better the higher up you go. Big heals matter a lot less when people avoid dmg and position correctly. That is why Moira falls off a ton and Mercy gets pretty good. In an ‘ideal’ team comp, moira would never see any play, she just happens to excel when people are disorganized.

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Moira is still used a lot in higher ranks as well? GOATS is a solid comp that requires a Moira.

Says literally any high tier Mercy player. Myself included. She is supposed to juggle between players but her healing output is so poor you can’t even do that effectively.

You don’t have a player advantage no idea where that comes from. A second life but it isn’t a man advantage.

Funnily enough average winrates for all heroes in GM is 52% or higher. Mercy is sitting at a 50% winrate so she’s actually underperforming in high tiers. The easy to use support that’s supposed to pump out consistent healing is sitting at a 44% win rate tied with Ana in lowest tiers, which mind you is supposed to be the mechanically demanding support. So Mercy being tied with the most mechanically demanding support in low tiers does not = balanced.