There are a lot of issues being debated by the Overwatch community, but very few seem to raise nearly as much discussion, controversy, and acrimony as Mercy’s current state. It’s clearly on the mind of a great many people.
At this point I feel like it’s basic decency for Blizzard to say something specific about the character, to explain their position and to provide some guidance for the debate.
They could say that they are happy with Mercy’s current state. That they’ve been looking at the stats, and that this is the place they intended her to be at. They could say that they see some cause for concern, but that they’re waiting to collect more information. They could say that they plan on coming back to her in the future, but that she’s not currently being worked on. They could say that the Mercy change went further than they intended, and that they’re thinking about ideas for a change.
There are a lot of things that they could say, but for the sake of their own community they should say at least one of them.
That would be validating “we make the loudest noise so we’re the most important.”
No. It would be validating the idea that an issue that raises an incredible amount of discussion on both sides, that is clearly very important on both sides to a large segment of Overwatch players, is worthy of comment by the people who make Overwatch.
It’s only important on one side. It only gets discussed so much because it gets brought up so much. It’s not much of a discussion anyway.
Indeed. Issues that gain a lot of traction deserve to be addressed, not really sure what is wrong about that. Reaper is garbage and I am just waiting for more people to start talking about it as if we are not vocal, why does it merit addressing? I want mouse and keyboard fixed; however, the majority of PC players do not care about cheating unless it is post-game stats. Apparently it is not a wide-spread problem.
Mercy is. 
They seem to avoid the Mercy issue as much as possible I dont think they will say anything about her. Maybe at some point just randomly changing her again when we dont expect it anymore.
Mercy was addressed–not by name but she was–in the developer update.
It was Torb’s update; idk why anyone expected any hero but Torb to get anything.
Blizzard needs more transparency as a baseline, especially if they intend to continue using “community feedback” as a balance point.
But yea giving a position, even a really vague one, would probably at least quiet the forum firestorm she is now.
I don’t believe they have any obligation to, but the possibility of not seeing 30 variants of Mercy’s state being un/justified would be grand.
I think if they said something it would quiet a lot of the daily threads popping up about her. I think people just want any kind of a response and want to know their voices are at least being heard. I think by saying “we hear you and she’s in the discuss even if she isn’t a priority of ours”, or something along those lines would calm the masses. Just you know… Any form of acknowledgement.
the only thing that merits addressing is a huge balance issue, which mercy was when overpowered but not anymore so she doesn’t need any type of acknowledgement just because some peeps are having tantrums on the forums
Reaper will be addressed without anyone making a year long posts about it, he has been addressed in the past as well so I really don’t see what you’re trying to get at
To be fair, it was a two-sided issue until they nerfed her, in my opinion, with the wrong nerf. Beyond that, if they buffed her again, it would magically become important to the other side. The crux is that if the developers actually just address it, truly address it, not have their shills point to month old statements about a different Mercy or say, “clearly they feel this way, because we have no information to support our claim” people WOULD stop discussing it. That is reason enough for them to take a few minutes out of their day to address something that has been an issue for about a year.
I mean, theyve had a thread that has a discussion going on for almost a year, with almost 2k posts, threads from high ranked Mercy players like Titanium and Eeveea giving feedback for the past month, outcry of how boring and ineffective she is as a main healer and ever since her recent nerf, her winrates gone down below 50%
I’d say they deserve at least one because ever since that last nerf, it HAS affected Mercy. I mean just recently Jeff commented on a post about how the devs dont care about tanks, and gave some feedback that theyre working on something with Hog but apparently a hot topic like Mercy is avoided.
I think they’re avoiding it because its a ticking time bomb, and anything specific said would make outcry worse. But honestly, a “Hey, we see Mercy is doing bad, we’re doing something rn and some internal tweaks”, wouldnt hurt.
Any response right now would be good.
If Mercy being overpowered is a “huge balance issue,” the inverse has to be true for consistency. Either she was never a huge issue, or this, right now, is a huge issue. And with the Mercy community more or less all discussing it nonstop, I would say, yes… This is probably an issue on par with discussing Lucioball two years late, at the very least.
As for Reaper being addressed… it has already been around a year for him as well. He is not getting any better. Roadhog ran into problems not nearly as recently and he is already a focus. They have been reworking characters left and right and buffed or nerfed virtually everyone but Reaper outside of bug fixes. What are you on, fam?
They have been talking about the torb rework for months and phara rework for a few weeks, they obviously arent going to just tag along every non-meta hero into one ptr patch. You gotta let things settle a bit before you go around changing every hero in the game.
Phara being stronger makes mercy stronger, and mercy is already a heck of a lot more viable than Moira in high level play. ana may need a slight number nerf to the ult, but just because you don’t find the hero fun to play, doesnt mean she is underpowered.
I find mercy a lot more enjoyable than she was with 5 man rez. Valk is super powerful and she has insane mobility for a support. Other people just want to hold leftclick and maintain a 55% winrate for fun. Fun is subjective, Mercy is objectively fine.
They literally told us Pharah was going to be changed before the update and mentioned McCree, Soldier, and Orisa by name as well and now we learn Roadhog was intended to be addressed. Yes… Torbjorn was the reworked character; however, he came with an entire patch, just as virtually everyone before him and I am sure it will stay that way. Whoever is reworked next is going to launch on the PTR with a balance update.
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What I’m saying is that they didn’t get into specifics. They just threw some names out and said “check the patch notes”. They put all of the supports’ balance under an umbrella for similar expediency–Mercy included.
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mercy was a huge issue balance wise but not anymore because she is balanced, there’s nothing to discuss about a balanced hero, mercy mains need to deal with their boredom somehow else
Reaper was indeed buffed, they added speed to wraith form and bullet reload with both death blossom and wraith activation, he was also affected by the global pellet spread that happened literally on the last patch, what is it that you want?
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To be fair, did they go into the specifics about literally anything but Torbjorn in that update. They glossed over the color blind options just alluding to their existence, social features, events not having substantial changes, etc. Relatively speaking, they did not even go that in depth with Torbjorn’s rework because they had the post to do that for them. It was just an update with multiple topics. It is not that unreasonable to expect that they would address hot button issues, which they sort of did.
She’s not balanced though. That’s the problem and the main reason why Mercy mains are complaining. You ignoring the evidence doesn’t mean we’re wrong and you’re right. Hell, you’ve yet to provide evidence to even support your asserting that she’s balanced.
I mean just because you repeat that over and over again doesn’t mean you’re right either, the evidence is there, she is balanced, I have nothing to discuss with you
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