Baptiste is Great- Can We Change Mercy Now?

Maybe I missed this in your original post, but can I ask how this would be beneficial or what the point would be?

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I feel like alot of people underestimate or under use her damage boosting ability.
She can add alot to teamfight power getting peoples’s ult up faster when timed right.
If i see everyone’s ult is around half or 1/2 I use valk midfight trying to damage boost up all the ultimate gains as much as I can.

You think turning Mercy into a high utility offhealer, isn’t relevant in a triple-offhealer meta?

I like things to be… Neat.

I actually like where the game is moving towards in terms of abilities and such.
So it makes small things stand out to me.
Torbs ult being so niche, symms …kit lmao. Mercy is small but part of a small roster. So her place as a main healer, makes it uneven for a potential new healer. And I find her place out of sync with other healers for her current kit: no aim, high mobility, and utility. Other main healers don’t have this. So I just want her…shifted in line.

I’m sorry but I have to disagree with the notion that other healers lack the “no aim” factor you seem to have an issue with.

Lucio just has to be near you to heal you, and Brig’s health pack and Zen’s orb are designed in such a way that you really only have to be looking in the general direction of your allies to heal them. And really, in my time playing Mercy, if you have 3 allies in front of you, choosing which target to heal is as easy/difficult with Mercy as it is with Zen and Brig when you have a choice in front of you clumped up.

Ana is aim intensive, but even then, in my experience (and I have actually experimented with it) her scoped shot is a lot easier to land on allies than it is for other “snipers” (not healers) to land shots on their enemies.

I know you have Baptiste in the title but I haven’t seen anything about him from what I have read/skimmed in the following posts. I’ve read most of your responses. In any case, at this point in time, I think the support category is as balanced or “in line” as it has ever been, even with the inclusion of Baptiste being added to the roster.

I think my thoughts on any meta is outside the subject of this thread. If you’d like my thoughts on goats, I have other topics where I detail them out more clearly for those threads in particular:
Or here

But for this thread,goats is not a issue. Nor do I see what matters to you when you feel a 2 healer limit is the solution.

I think deliberately ignoring how this concept would fit into the meta is, strange, to say the least.

I’m still confused.

How would this help anything though?

What would making her an “off healer” do for Mercy and for those who play her? Why would this be a good change? Making things “neat” for your sake seems silly, especially since I don’t see how nerfing her healing output makes her “neater”. She is designed as she is to be played the way she is, as a high mobility entry level healer that has utility but low damage and doesn’t need much skill to pick up.

Changing her for the sake of changing her seems pointless especially since she is fine how she is.

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Well I think healing inherently has to be easier than dmg because it’s inherently less rewarding.
Dmg takes priority in the game. It’s a fact. And rewarding healing equally would be monsterous.

But I think that there’s a big difference between aiming on tracer as ana, baptiste or timing for Moira, than the aoe of brig or Lucio and the lock of zen and mercy.mercy falls more to zen and Lucio imo. Not ana.

If you think mercy having a 1 sec GA and instant or a Rez where she can still heal while casting makes her a good pick for goats utility nerds, feel free to view how I disagree in my linked threads that establish my views much more clearly.

I agree with that. Healing does need to be inherently easier than damage because it is inherently less rewarding but equally as important. Arguably more important, if you ask me.

And I do agree that Mercy falls in line with the other healers (Zen, Lucio, Brig) than Ana, but if anything, I feel that makes Ana the outlier more than anything else.

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Instantly bringing a 600hp hero back alive, and making the least-death’s healer die even less, isn’t relevant in a composition that focuses on staying alive?
Much less damage boosting non-dps heroes to have dps tier damage?

Are we going to act like the sky isn’t blue, and water isn’t wet?

I think that my views are in another thread.

I think presence is what’s important. Healing isn’t what makes presence. It’s a tool for sustain. Like… A subcategory of sustain that is important.

Well, had ana stayed the sole aim intensive healer, yeah. But baptiste makes me think otherwise.

While Moira is more forgiving than ana, she still has a aim cone that unlike mercy, is dependent on her point of view. Mercy, has Los forgiveness and even distance, as the beam will bend a bit around a corner etc.

Ana, imo, is what brought the “main healer” I aspect to the game after she was buffed . At launch, she was just another healer. But by emphasizing her role, and requiring mercy to be buffed after, ana established this concept of “main” healer.

So when you compare to Lucio , zen or brig, utility is the consistency of their kit. Healing is just as easily accessed. Compared to the cost of healing for baptiste, Moira or ana, and their utility, emphasis on Moira who has no utility as the cost of her near ult level of healing at any given moment.

So since ana was launched, and the healers following her, we have a pattern. Mercy however, came before ana.

Mercy was just a healer. No main anything. With only three healers, choices of healer meant no subcategories. By buffing her to 60, we established the “main healer” role. But it made a contrast evident when mass Rez was changed. Mercy, a main healer, had a defensive ult. And many who played with our as her had that “safety” expectation. Mercy forgives, she’s gentle, you can make mistakes and she can cover for you. Valkyrie doesnt do that.

This isn’t my opinion on valk, it’s just me pointing out how there was already an oddity with mercy’s kit once she was buffed.

So for me, when I look at this, it makes me say, well… That’s because the answer wasn’t to buff her healing. It was to make her in line with her launch counterparts: utility.
Like I said, sustain is what I think healing provides and mercy, has the strongest sustain potential for any solo hero.
This wouldn’t change at 45, and with her ability to Rez/ not let heroes die. But it would mitigate where her utility emphasis would be. That is, currently, she gets more ult charge for pistol, and none for Rez. Rez , her utility, be equally as rewarding as zen can earn for his dmg done?

I don’t think this changes much about her. 40 or 45 is still a strong DPS pocket. But I think it makes her a bit more fluid in her own kit - like having room for a more forgiving Rez via instant or just not having to drop healing to do it,
But also the game, where sustain via burst healing is harshly mitigated with aim, range, and resources.

Please see my full reply, but in short:

The only “reason” I really see in your OP is you pointing out she requires no aim and asking “why” mercy is what she is.

overall consistency in Game design.

I’m not asking why mercy is what she is. I’m asking why mercy is where and how she is

There’s nothing inconsistent about it.

She has strengths and weaknesses- despite her aim requirements.

Her healing requires no aim- sure. But outside of valk she’s purely a single target healer, with no burst potential.

The healers who require aim can all out heal mercy in smaller time frames.

Is English a secondary language, or are you quite young by any chance?

I feel it’s important for you you to understand- MANY people often have a very difficult time understanding what it is you’re trying to say.

Mercy is fine. The issue is you have to play her sometimes even at high level play. There should be an alternative who accomplishes a similar role for people who are good and enjoy a competitive environment

…I kinda already went though this earlier in the thread…
It’s not about her strengths or weaknesses as an individual hero. It’s the overall game and her spot in it.

I don’t care that she heals with no aim. That’s a good thing imo.
Just not as a primary healer.