Baptiste is Great- Can We Change Mercy Now?


She is already an off healer unless you run quad dps, Ana takes primary healer slot when in 222 and bap takes that slot in bunker. So congrats wish granted

3 healer or 5 healer comps still do not use mercy, how would limiting healers affect her when no multi healer comp uses her

So are we gonna ask the mercy community what they want or are we once again gonna destroy a character and just put out a new one that looks the same like we’ve done with all non hanzo reworks

Reasons in the OP
Aim, her utility, etc. Although supportive suggested bewitching her kit and moiras which I can get behind

Seems harsh. I would want value changed to be defensive and healing to grant less ult charge then. Minor tweaks

I don’t see how it’s relevant nor how tweaks changed her core base play.
Solo beam. GA. Reads very mercy. And as officially an off support, she can have a burst defensive ult. Isn’t that a large complaint of valk?
Mercys core kit is healing and best for DPS over tanks. But easier utility helps tanks more than dps- zen orb makes tank dmg lethal, DPS are already fast but speed boost helps move tanks etc.
Utility for things like Rez emphasizes tanks more. Giving her space for utility helps her for what players want doesn’t it?
Say replace dmg boost or Rez with a little mercy bubble/halo. Where you don’t cleanse but the hero is immune to dmg and gets a small speed boost. Wouldnt that help mitigate her power to help keep a fight going Vs having to reset it with Rez? Or how dropping healing gives her space for a instant Rez? Still 30 secs, but now she doesn’t have to stop healing for it?

I think tweaks in her base kit, could do. But a small rework to help her do her design isn’t totally out of place

Overall it just sounds like you enjoy moira more than mercy, moving a healer status to off healer won’t really fix any of the healers’ current issues.

We don’t have off and main healer tags in the characters’ select menu or F1 menu, so what makes a healer a main one or an off one? The community.

Frankly most of your ideas don’t make much sense: not eat moira’s healing orbs? To what purpose? Making inconsistent just so you can play moira with an even lower skill floor and ceiling?

Removing mercy’s no aim heal ability just so moira can be called the main healer? To what end? Annoying the entire mercy community? If you want a healer with aim requirements there’s always ana or you can invent a new main healer, you don’t need to be removing other people’s roles from it.

Yes, moira is crap at higher ranks which means she needs something done to improve her features without causing havoc on the lower ranks, that doesn’t mean you should further butcher characters which already were nerfed and rebalanced a long time ago.

My preference is irrelevant. I personally prefer old sombra gun. But I know the new one is better for the game.

I’m not “fixing” anything of the healers themselves. Just aligning things neater imo.

No aim and consistent utility? - off healer
I think it would be nice

The Devs use the term tho…

…it’s defense matrix. She doesn’t eat zen orbs flying out or repair pack. For that, I’m asking for consistency.
It doesn’t hurt her team so it isn’t defense.

What? I never said that

I said nothing bad about Moira at all. Her place in higher ranks is irrelevant

Because the obvious goal would be either to give Mercy a strong defensive Ult, or more healing.

She’s a main healer IF you have a DPS heavy team, because that’s really the only heroes she works well with now. If you have a tank heavy team she might as well be useless, because she can’t heal them fast enough, you need a different main healer to keep them alive.

Even with a 2-2-2 comp, mercy focuses the DPS and then you’ll need another main healer to keep the tanks alive like Ana or Moira. Mercy just can’t out heal the damage being done.

But I do disagree with OP’s entire post though.

Multi healer comps work because of aoe heal staking. Her design is fundamentally against this because she can only aoe during ult. Her single target beam being good will only hurt comps that rely on aoe heal stacks. All one has to do is look at ps4 meta where aoe healers couldn’t beat her and healer stacking, goats and tank metas never happened

Except they kinda don’t. Given that Lucio is on speedboost over 60% of the time.

It works because of a combination of speed boost, healer assassination prevention, and overall healing.

This doesn’t answer the question.

And since when was Moira irrelevant? Are we making things up now?

My focus is on mercy. I brought up Moira to mitigate the conversation away from ‘entry healer’ comments.
That’s it. She could stay the exact same. It wouldn’t matter to mercy

Again, your solution is a healer limit. This wouldn’t effect that solution you have. Additionally, Winston isn’t really used in goats, why would mercy’s niche suddenly fill a slot so importantly by lowering her healing and giving a 1 sec GA? That’s not how goats functions .

This is outside the scope of the thread and better suited for another if goats debate is what you want

Brig + Lucio isn’t enough overall healing for Tank comps, pretty simple undeniable concept.

Not in the scope , of this thread. So my response is irrelevant

Maybe I missed this in your original post, but can I ask how this would be beneficial or what the point would be?

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I feel like alot of people underestimate or under use her damage boosting ability.
She can add alot to teamfight power getting peoples’s ult up faster when timed right.
If i see everyone’s ult is around half or 1/2 I use valk midfight trying to damage boost up all the ultimate gains as much as I can.

You think turning Mercy into a high utility offhealer, isn’t relevant in a triple-offhealer meta?

I like things to be… Neat.

I actually like where the game is moving towards in terms of abilities and such.
So it makes small things stand out to me.
Torbs ult being so niche, symms …kit lmao. Mercy is small but part of a small roster. So her place as a main healer, makes it uneven for a potential new healer. And I find her place out of sync with other healers for her current kit: no aim, high mobility, and utility. Other main healers don’t have this. So I just want her…shifted in line.