Even if they made it balanced, imagine trying to heal with it while using GA like she does? It would be nauseating to try and have to look down at them and heal them while preforming a super jump every time.
Yes. Including role design imo
Mei has lower aim needs…non main DPS role
Same with mercy.
Mobility, constant utility, no aim healing
…rings off healer not main imo
Cool…that’s not really my focus here…
I didn’t say remove it. Nor do I see how it would be inherently bad for her to aim. It’s just not what in focusing here
I’m not saying to make her aim.
Everything is worded so… weirdly.
I kind of get what you are saying, but it feels like the “why” is missing. You say she feels like an off healer/has abilities you define as “off healer” but that isn’t enough of a WHY of why she should be changed. She works as is.
And again changing her because you feel she is ill defined or not “neat” is silly and not enough of a reason.
I think overall game design consistency is a strong reason
Much stronger than “unfun to play against” or “feels bad”
If everyone else follows a rule, why make one exception?
See also: mass Rez changes, every rework.
Moving to a new direction of the game means updating things appropriately. I think that’s a solid reason to make a change
I absolutely see the need and appeal of a main healer who’s strength is consistency.
I do not. I think that a main healer , has a great deal of influence as healing is a vital mode of sustain. As such, it needs to be treated as a resource and limited for the structure of the game
Especially again, when every other main healer has this caveat, save one, it is especially odd.
Why have one exception to the rule and keep forcing this exception rather than make it coherent to start?
That’s literally not true at all. I do absolutely fine in tank heavy comps with Mercy, she literally thrives because you can farm Valk in 0.2 seconds and spam it as often as a cooldown ability, which allows you to output a max of 4500 healing over the course of 15 seconds (normally she can only heal 750 in that time period). Yes, she’s way better in DPS comps, but she can main heal tank comps perfectly fine.
Um…no. That’s false. Mercy excels in 2-2-2 comps, she’s literally the best main healer in the current bunker meta, with a Zen or Baptiste off healing. She is the best main healer hands down in aggressive dive comps (with Winston Dva or Hammond as the 2 tanks) and her second healer there is often a Zen or Lucio, and she can also main heal Rein Zarya comps effectively too, especially with a Lucio as her secondary healer.
She can if you’re good at her. I beam juggle, prioritize, and it also helps that I never die. I also use damage boost to bolster my team’s ult economy and secure kills, thus reducing the amount of damage I even need to heal in the first place. I main healer with Mercy almost every game and always get gold healing, a card for 35-45% of team damage healer, and my tanks are always the first to compliment me. I can sustain my tanks and enable my DPS, all while peeling for my off support, because I’m good at the hero and know how to milk maximum value from her.
Saying she struggles in a 2-2-2 comp is the most aggravating statement that I see on here and makes me seriously question the Mercy player’s own skill. Mercy isn’t bad, but a lot of Mercy players don’t play her very well and thus they struggle, but then they like to blame it on her being “bad” or “Weak” or “not a main healer” when in reality the biggest issue they are having is their own poor gameplay. And that’s the tea
There is no “exception”
Most aim required has the most immediate healing potential, least aim required has the least immediate healing potential.
Seems pretty consistent with your arbitrary rule.
But if you want to force a “why”
Amongst the “main” healers she has the slowest, single target healing potential. But to make her viable that healing is very consistent compared to theirs. No aim, no resource. But will absolutely never be able to heal as fast as the others potential either. Good trade off.
Seems good to me
Changing what works in practice in order to satisfy some abstract theory sounds like a bad idea. Leave well enough alone.
I thinkmoira has a aim requirement more than mercy a la Los and she has resource and mobility restrictions unlike mercy
But her softer requirements make her a great “pure low aim healer” that mercy supposedly fills.
Plus it makes them more align with their design- mercy a strong solo target low aim off healer. Moira a strong multi target low aim main healer.
By this reasoning, mercy should have never been changed since launch. No changes tbh. I don’t think launch overwatch would benefit any current players.
No? I’m all for making changes to a character if they’re over/under played. While I’m not on board with it, I can also understand asking for “fun” changes, because someone might dig the aesthetic of a hero without enjoying using them. But making changes to a character that’s not in a bad spot, simply because their gameplay doesn’t fit into The Greater Theory of Overwatch™, is something I can’t get my head around.
She does.
What is “it”?
This reasoning in no way shape or form implies that mercy never should have received any changes from how she was at the start.
That’s literally part of why mass Rez and every rework since has been done tho…
That in order to make her a “main healer” with ana , they buffed her healing. But then she had an odd man out in her ult
Instead of changing the ult concept, they should have stuck with her role concept andgave her a less niche defensive ult to start. Keeping no aim, constant utility supports with defensive ults on one side, and aim, push ults in another
She’s supposed to. People need to get over it tbh; Moira can work around it, she just needs utility.
Or just her heal orbs?
She doesn’t have utility…
I’m not completely sure what you’re saying.
Defense Matrix has always eaten all non-deployable projectiles. Moira’s healing orb is a non-deployable projectile. DM is the only consistent counter to it. Which, like, regardless of how strong Moira is, healing orb is very strong and needs some counterplay.
…what non dmging projectile existed before?
Orisa shield also isn’t eaten, nor immortality field…
It’s healing… Zen orb has no counterplay. Mercy stream… and Moira is supposed to be the other mercy…
Moreover, Moira really isn’t my focus. She could be removed and the subject of the thread still stands
Halt, potentially Ana darts, Concussion Mine, Dynamite, Graviton Surge, Pulse Bomb, Blizzard (latter 5 while in flight).
Requires LoS, limited to one target, and has very limited HPS
Requires LOS and close range, very limited HPS, Mercy literally can’t do anything else but GA.
Moira is supposed to be Moira.
Mercy is a viable main healer
again… not the subject of this thread.
To me Mercy is the middle ground between main healer and off healer. Like, everything that Mercy has is the combination of main and off healer.
She can heal as strong as Ana and Moira by numbers. She can provide utility like Zen and her mobility can be compared with Lucio’s. Not to mention her pistol can dish out a decent damage.
Mercy is still an entry level support. She can do everything a main healer and an off healer can do. Nothing on her kit as powerful as they are except rez, but the fact that she can do almost everything by herself makes her very powerful.
She can solo heal actually, even better since Valkyrie allows her to heal multiple allies. If she gets the nerfs you suggest then what’s a compensating buff for Mercy?