Lower Healer Dmg- Forcing Synergy Pt I

starting from my other topic, I want to Emphasize Healers on utility and less on direct fight potential. Allow supports to live longer, but have less dps threat. Forcing them to support not just their tanks, but their DPS. And emphasize the utility that dps can most take advantage of.

Example Suggested Changes-


60 Dmg shot

Grenade dmg 10

Grenade AOE increased to 6 meters from 4

Grenade heals burst 75, but heals over time for 120 total

Duration increased to 5 seconds

Sleep dart lowered to 10 sec cooldown

The idea is that Ana is no longer a DPS provider. She can still two-tap punch tracer, but not much else will be Ana’s threat. What she will be, is a utility powerhouse, with a more available shutdown threat, and an ever-present debuff threat. She can’t really take the mantle herself, but if you work with her, her sustain and utility can make your team unstoppable.


Projectile- reverted to original launch speed

Wall Ride- last changes for ease of wall riding reverted

Speed- AOE has 2 levels of speed. 20% and 40%. 2 rings are given for his immediate area, and those outside in the further ring are given the 20% speed

Individual wall speed- 30% speed

Boop- AOE widened 15%

The idea is to turn Lucio away from being a brawler and re-emphasize his utility of Speed. Often, Lucio can get away with being a Reddit monster because his AOE handles so much and his mobility autonomy allows him to be anywhere without much concern. By lowering his brawl potential, and making him more difficult to get value from, lucio has to be much closer to and aware of his teammates if he wants them to have any benefit from his AOE.

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They already are, to the point where the game breaks every time we tilt things further in that direction.


I don’t see how or when this was done.

Every time a support was broken and/or meta defining, it was through utility. Moira sucks because she lacks utility. Old Lucio was a mustpick for ages precisely because he was balanced to favor utility over damage. We also have plenty of evidence that increasing Ana’s heals is a bad idea, as is 60 damage due to the inability to self defend, which includes full nade damage.

The game has had this before and it was a disaster. There’s very little room in the game for any less than 6 characters directly contributing to the firefight, and what little there is is occupied by Mercy.


Old Lucio was for an old balancing goal of the game. He also didn’t have the brawling mobility of current. This is an in between

It’s a rebalance. She gets less burst also. By 25%
And yeah… She can’t defend herself with dmg. It has to be utility. That’s the point. Ana NEEDS her do player to handle it.
She can sleep more, but she can’t brawl after

It has not. Every hero has been balanced differently and individuallly focused. This is structuring the game differently as a whole

Mercy has proven that it doesn’t work well for the game, and such utility does not justify picking her when Zen is already the better choice in literally any situation where you can get away with it. If you want utility to justify the character sleepdart needs to be like on 3 seconds, and the game overall would still suffer.

I’mma assume that you mean another player, and in high tier play this is already true. Any less and the game breaks hard the moment one player falls and the game is already extremely prone to snowballs already.

The entire game has had an increase in brawling and mobility, or really just massive powercreep overall. Any less is going to send him to the dumpster.

I disagree. I think Mercy’s problems are a design issue for the new direction of the game. Not her base kit being simple. Moreover, her issues aren’t with surviving. It’s fairly clear.

Why? Sleep is very strong and she has a larger utility in her kit with names aoe and time duration

And I’ma assume you didn’t read that this was a continuation of a WHOLE restructuring of the game including dps. Ana is at higher risk for dps. But dps in this scenario are also more fragile. Tracer can’t kill Ana so easily in this situation…thus Part ONE

Again… Considering all hero brawl would be lowered thus my linked topic and that this is part ONE, not really. And you can’t have both. Is he op with utility or his brawl is life? I’m merely moving him to middle ground

Simplicity has nothing do with it, nor does surviving. It’s that balancing for utility at the cost of damage is difficult to balance, easy to break, and niche at best.

Increased radius and time duration wouldn’t make a difference.

I did, and honestly couldn’t get myself to read through a network of dead threads.

Funny how you left out Zenyatta who can single-handedly outdps more than half the cast.

It was examples… I could go though the whole roster I guess at home.

Then don’t bother replying at all. It’s more than one thought. And this was equally dead.

Please do. If you are going to talk about support heroes that should not do damage to the extent that they do, how are you going to miss the most powerful dps in the support roster?

Give him a different ultimate and a cooldown on harmony and hes a dps.

this single handedly killed her in season 4.

and this would put the nail in the coffin. Especially the heal over time considering thats her only form of self sustain, which is also tied to her only means to have comparable healing numbers per game as other main healers and her best offensive tool


Well, tbh, I think Zen is fairly balanced. I don’t agree with his recent change but that’s more of a revert wholesale. That is, you wanna lower his individual damage. I think I would also add spread back to his charge shot to make him less of a sniper.
Zens distance dmg is his best asset but he should work a bit more versus random shots finding heads and bursting down unintentionally.

They also didn’t buff her

I increased her healing for herself by 20%…
And gave it a larger aoe so she has a better shot of being able to buff herself and debuff the enemy.
It’s much less “either or” plus a longer duration of the effects and a shorter dart cooldown…

I don’t disagree. All I am saying is that then your problem is not with supports having too much damage, its with supports that arent Zenyatta having too much damage.

Personally, I don’t think he’s much of a support beyond his ultimate.

The only real support in my eyes is Mercy but they will probably never add a pure support like because it would be really boring.

the 100 burst heal alone doesn’t save her half the time. And you want to remove some of that burst and give her a heal over time, which only makes it much easier to burst her down.

is that what you call that? still one of the longest cooldowns in the game.

You effectively killed her survival with these changes. with no mobility to speak of, her means of survival is fighting off her flankers. Without being able to fight them off, she needs to be babysat. Nobody wants to babysit their support as we saw in season 4.


Healers already have fairly terrible damage with the exception of Zenyatta who is more a DPS/support hybrid since his Harmony Orb is… nice but not great.

Zenyatta: 150 DPS
Baptiste: 115 DPS
Mercy: 100 DPS but has mechanics that prevent her from dealing damage.
Ana: 87.5 DPS with no possibility to headshot.
Lucio: 80 DPS
Brigitte: 58 DPS
Moira: 50 DPS

For reference, Tracer… who’s damage doesn’t get even near topping the raw DPS numbers for DPS because her fire pattern is very bursty… has an average DPS of 120. That’s higher than literally every support but Zenyatta.

There’s some really really low numbers in there. Also most of them don’t have other abilities that make them scarier like most DPS do… and the few that do (other than Zen again) are sub 100 DPS.

What exactly are you attempting to accomplish with this?


It’s not just where dmg is, but how.
Balancing isn’t flat numbers. For example,
A Nerf to 40 hps for mercy could warrant a 52 dmg boost. It’s the same balance. But not in how it would be applied and where.
In fact, if you consider output, the only pure support is Moira. With no utilty, and the lowest dmg in the game, moira’s base is the most “pure” for supports.

How when where have to be considered in the design. Thus, why I’m “restructuring” where power is held.

This is part one. Part two is how dps need to work harder to burst down.

… It’s a pretty significant cooldown reduction for harsh cc

Well, I think that was a mistake. This should be a team based game. Ideally, Ana works with her team and they work with her.

Forcing them to rely on dps players and tanks to do murder things and hold space